2024-03-06 14:50:45 +01:00

52 lines
1.4 KiB

FullCalendar Core v6.1.9
Docs & License:
(c) 2023 Adam Shaw
(function (index_js) {
'use strict';
var locale = {
code: 'gl',
week: {
dow: 1,
doy: 4, // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.
buttonText: {
prev: 'Ant',
next: 'Seg',
today: 'Hoxe',
year: 'Ano',
month: 'Mes',
week: 'Semana',
day: 'Día',
list: 'Axenda',
buttonHints: {
prev: '$0 antes',
next: '$0 seguinte',
today(buttonText) {
return (buttonText === 'Día') ? 'Hoxe' :
((buttonText === 'Semana') ? 'Esta' : 'Este') + ' ' + buttonText.toLocaleLowerCase();
viewHint(buttonText) {
return 'Vista ' + (buttonText === 'Semana' ? 'da' : 'do') + ' ' + buttonText.toLocaleLowerCase();
weekText: 'Sm',
weekTextLong: 'Semana',
allDayText: 'Todo o día',
moreLinkText: 'máis',
moreLinkHint(eventCnt) {
return `Amosar ${eventCnt} eventos máis`;
noEventsText: 'Non hai eventos para amosar',
navLinkHint: 'Ir ao $0',
closeHint: 'Pechar',
timeHint: 'A hora',
eventHint: 'Evento',