DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_route_member ON osm_route_member; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_superroute_member ON osm_superroute_member; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_highway_linestring ON osm_highway_linestring; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_flag_transportation_name ON transportation_name.network_changes; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_refresh_network ON transportation_name.updates_network; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_name_network ON osm_transportation_name_network; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_name_shipway ON osm_shipway_linestring; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_name_aerialway ON osm_aerialway_linestring; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_store_transportation_name_linestring ON osm_transportation_name_linestring; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_flag_name ON transportation_name.name_changes; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_flag_shipway ON transportation_name.shipway_changes; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_flag_aerialway ON transportation_name.aerialway_changes; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_refresh_name ON transportation_name.updates_name; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_refresh_shipway ON transportation_name.updates_shipway; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS trigger_refresh_aerialway ON transportation_name.updates_aerialway; -- Instead of using relations to find out the road names we -- stitch together the touching ways with the same name -- to allow for nice label rendering -- Because this works well for roads that do not have relations as well -- Indexes for filling and updating osm_transportation_name_linestring table CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_shipway_linestring_update_partial_idx ON osm_shipway_linestring (osm_id) WHERE name <> ''; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_aerialway_linestring_update_partial_idx ON osm_aerialway_linestring (osm_id) WHERE name <> ''; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_network_update_partial_idx ON osm_transportation_name_network (osm_id) WHERE coalesce(tags->'name', '') <> '' OR coalesce(ref, '') <> ''; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_network_osm_id_idx ON osm_transportation_name_network (osm_id); -- Analyze tables with indexes created on them ANALYZE osm_aerialway_linestring, osm_shipway_linestring, osm_transportation_name_network; -- etldoc: osm_transportation_name_network -> osm_transportation_name_linestring -- etldoc: osm_shipway_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring -- etldoc: osm_aerialway_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring( id SERIAL, source integer, geometry geometry('LineString'), source_ids bigint[], tags hstore, ref text, highway varchar, subclass text, brunnel text, sac_scale varchar, "level" integer, layer integer, indoor boolean, network route_network_type, route_1 hstore, route_2 hstore, route_3 hstore, route_4 hstore, route_5 hstore, route_6 hstore, z_order integer, route_rank integer ); ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS source_ids bigint[]; -- Create OneToMany-Relation-Table storing relations of a Merged-LineString in table -- osm_transportation_name_linestring to Source-LineStrings from tables osm_transportation_name_network, -- osm_shipway_linestring and osm_aerialway_linestring CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids( source int, id int, source_id bigint, PRIMARY KEY (source, id, source_id) ); -- Ensure tables are emtpy if they haven't been created TRUNCATE osm_transportation_name_linestring; TRUNCATE osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids; INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, source_ids, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, "level", layer, indoor, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6,z_order, route_rank) SELECT source, geometry, source_ids, tags || get_basic_names(tags, geometry) AS tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, "level", layer, indoor, network_type AS network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, z_order, route_rank FROM ( -- Merge LineStrings from osm_transportation_name_network by grouping them and creating intersecting -- clusters of each group via ST_ClusterDBSCAN SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry, -- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the -- geometries to merge. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Union.html -- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a -- MultiLineString if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be -- found. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_LineMerge.html -- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual -- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Dump.html array_agg(osm_id) AS source_ids, 0 AS source, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, level, layer, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, min(z_order) AS z_order, min(route_rank) AS route_rank FROM ( SELECT *, -- Get intersecting clusters by setting minimum distance to 0 and minimum intersecting points -- to 1. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_ClusterDBSCAN.html ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geometry, 0, 1) OVER ( PARTITION BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, layer, sac_scale, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ) AS cluster, -- ST_ClusterDBSCAN returns an increasing integer as the cluster-ids within each partition -- starting at 0. This leads to clusters having the same ID across multiple partitions -- therefore we generate a Cluster-Group-ID by utilizing the DENSE_RANK function sorted over the -- partition columns. DENSE_RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, layer, sac_scale, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ) as cluster_group FROM osm_transportation_name_network WHERE coalesce(tags->'name', '') <> '' OR coalesce(ref, '') <> '' ) q GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, layer, sac_scale, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 UNION ALL -- Merge LineStrings from osm_shipway_linestring by grouping them and creating intersecting -- clusters of each group via ST_ClusterDBSCAN SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry, -- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the -- geometries to merge. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Union.html -- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a -- MultiLineString if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be -- found. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_LineMerge.html -- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual -- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Dump.html array_agg(osm_id) AS source_ids, 1 AS source, transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ) AS tags, NULL AS ref, 'shipway' AS highway, shipway AS subclass, NULL AS brunnel, NULL AS sac_scale, NULL::int AS level, layer, NULL AS indoor, NULL AS network_type, NULL::hstore AS route_1, NULL::hstore AS route_2, NULL::hstore AS route_3, NULL::hstore AS route_4, NULL::hstore AS route_5, NULL::hstore AS route_6, min(z_order) AS z_order, NULL::int AS route_rank FROM ( SELECT *, -- Get intersecting clusters by setting minimum distance to 0 and minimum intersecting points -- to 1. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_ClusterDBSCAN.html ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geometry, 0, 1) OVER ( PARTITION BY transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ), shipway, layer ) AS cluster, -- ST_ClusterDBSCAN returns an increasing integer as the cluster-ids within each partition -- starting at 0. This leads to clusters having the same ID across multiple partitions -- therefore we generate a Cluster-Group-ID by utilizing the DENSE_RANK function sorted over the -- partition columns. DENSE_RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ), shipway, layer ) as cluster_group FROM osm_shipway_linestring WHERE name <> '' ) q GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ), shipway, layer UNION ALL -- Merge LineStrings from osm_aerialway_linestring by grouping them and creating intersecting -- clusters of each group via ST_ClusterDBSCAN SELECT (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry, -- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the -- geometries to merge. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Union.html -- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a -- MultiLineString if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be -- found. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_LineMerge.html -- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual -- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Dump.html array_agg(osm_id) AS source_ids, 2 AS source, transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ) AS tags, NULL AS ref, 'aerialway' AS highway, aerialway AS subclass, NULL AS brunnel, NULL AS sac_scale, NULL::int AS level, layer, NULL AS indoor, NULL AS network_type, NULL::hstore AS route_1, NULL::hstore AS route_2, NULL::hstore AS route_3, NULL::hstore AS route_4, NULL::hstore AS route_5, NULL::hstore AS route_6, min(z_order) AS z_order, NULL::int AS route_rank FROM ( SELECT *, -- Get intersecting clusters by setting minimum distance to 0 and minimum intersecting points -- to 1. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_ClusterDBSCAN.html ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geometry, 0, 1) OVER ( PARTITION BY transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ), aerialway, layer ) AS cluster, -- ST_ClusterDBSCAN returns an increasing integer as the cluster-ids within each partition -- starting at 0. This leads to clusters having the same ID across multiple partitions -- therefore we generate a Cluster-Group-ID by utilizing the DENSE_RANK function sorted over the -- partition columns. DENSE_RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ), aerialway, layer ) as cluster_group FROM osm_aerialway_linestring WHERE name <> '' ) q GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ), aerialway, layer ) AS highway_union; -- Geometry Index CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_geometry_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring USING gist (geometry); -- Create table for simplified LineStrings CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 ( id integer, geometry geometry, tags hstore, ref text, highway varchar, subclass text, brunnel text, network route_network_type, route_1 hstore, route_2 hstore, route_3 hstore, route_4 hstore, route_5 hstore, route_6 hstore, z_order integer ); -- Create osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 as a copy of osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 (LIKE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1); -- Create osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 as a copy of osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 (LIKE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2); -- Create osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 as a copy of osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 (LIKE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3); -- Create Primary-Keys for osm_transportation_name_linestring and -- osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1/gen2/gen3/gen4 tables DO $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_name = 'osm_transportation_name_linestring' AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' ) THEN ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); END IF; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_name = 'osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1' AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' ) THEN ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); END IF; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_name = 'osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2' AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' ) THEN ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); END IF; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_name = 'osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3' AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' ) THEN ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); END IF; IF NOT EXISTS ( SELECT constraint_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE table_name = 'osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4' AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' ) THEN ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 ADD PRIMARY KEY (id); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Indexes which can be utilized during full-update for queries originating from -- update_transportation_name_linestring_gen() function CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_update_partial_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring (id) WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass IN ('motorway', 'trunk')) AND ST_Length(geometry) > 8000; -- Temporary index for filling source tables CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring (source); -- Analyze populated table with indexes ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring; -- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources. This required because -- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a MultiLineString if -- more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be found. -- Execute after indexes have been created on osm_transportation_merge_linestring_gen_z11 to improve performance INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids(source, id, source_id) SELECT m.source, m.id, source_id FROM ( SELECT id, source, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring WHERE osm_transportation_name_linestring.source = 0 ) m JOIN osm_transportation_name_network s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id) WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry) ON CONFLICT (source, id, source_id) DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids(source, id, source_id) SELECT m.source, m.id, source_id FROM ( SELECT id, source, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring WHERE osm_transportation_name_linestring.source = 1 ) m JOIN osm_shipway_linestring s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id) WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry) ON CONFLICT (source, id, source_id) DO NOTHING; INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids(source, id, source_id) SELECT m.source, m.id, source_id FROM ( SELECT id, source, unnest(source_ids) AS source_id, geometry FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring WHERE osm_transportation_name_linestring.source = 2 ) m JOIN osm_aerialway_linestring s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id) WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry) ON CONFLICT (source, id, source_id) DO NOTHING; -- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID column ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS source_ids; -- Drop temporary index DROP INDEX IF EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_idx; CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.name_changes_gen ( is_old boolean, id int, PRIMARY KEY (is_old, id) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_transportation_name_linestring_gen (full_update bool) RETURNS VOID AS $$ DECLARE t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := clock_timestamp(); BEGIN RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name merged'; -- Analyze tracking and source tables before performing update ANALYZE transportation_name.name_changes_gen; ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring; -- Remove entries which have been deleted from source table DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 USING transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE full_update IS TRUE OR ( transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS TRUE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1.id ); -- etldoc: osm_transportation_name_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 (id, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6) SELECT MIN(id) as id, ST_Simplify(ST_LineMerge(ST_Collect(geometry)), 50) AS geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM ( SELECT id, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, visible_text(geometry, brunnel, 9) AS brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring ) osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1_pre_merge WHERE ( full_update IS TRUE OR EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS FALSE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1_pre_merge.id ) ) AND ( (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass IN ('motorway', 'trunk')) ) GROUP BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET geometry = excluded.geometry, tags = excluded.tags, ref = excluded.ref, highway = excluded.highway, subclass = excluded.subclass, brunnel = excluded.brunnel, network = excluded.network, route_1 = excluded.route_1, route_2 = excluded.route_2, route_3 = excluded.route_3, route_4 = excluded.route_4, route_5 = excluded.route_5, route_6 = excluded.route_6; -- Analyze source table ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1; -- Remove entries which have been deleted from source table DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 USING transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE full_update IS TRUE OR ( transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS TRUE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2.id ); -- etldoc: osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 (id, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6) SELECT MIN(id) as id, ST_Simplify(ST_LineMerge(ST_Collect(geometry)), 120) AS geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM ( SELECT id, (ST_Dump(geometry)).geom AS geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, visible_text(geometry, brunnel, 8) AS brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 ) osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2_pre_merge WHERE ( full_update IS TRUE OR EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS FALSE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2_pre_merge.id ) ) AND ( (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass IN ('motorway', 'trunk')) ) GROUP BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET geometry = excluded.geometry, tags = excluded.tags, ref = excluded.ref, highway = excluded.highway, subclass = excluded.subclass, brunnel = excluded.brunnel, network = excluded.network, route_1 = excluded.route_1, route_2 = excluded.route_2, route_3 = excluded.route_3, route_4 = excluded.route_4, route_5 = excluded.route_5, route_6 = excluded.route_6; -- Analyze source table ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2; -- Remove entries which have been deleted from source table DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 USING transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE full_update IS TRUE OR ( transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS TRUE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3.id ); -- etldoc: osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 (id, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6) SELECT MIN(id) as id, ST_Simplify(ST_LineMerge(ST_Collect(geometry)), 200) AS geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM ( SELECT id, (ST_Dump(geometry)).geom AS geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, visible_text(geometry, brunnel, 7) AS brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 ) osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3_pre_merge WHERE ( full_update IS TRUE OR EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS FALSE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3_pre_merge.id ) ) AND ( (highway = 'motorway' OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass = 'motorway') ) GROUP BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET geometry = excluded.geometry, tags = excluded.tags, ref = excluded.ref, highway = excluded.highway, subclass = excluded.subclass, brunnel = excluded.brunnel, network = excluded.network, route_1 = excluded.route_1, route_2 = excluded.route_2, route_3 = excluded.route_3, route_4 = excluded.route_4, route_5 = excluded.route_5, route_6 = excluded.route_6; -- Analyze source table ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3; -- Remove entries which have been deleted from source table DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 USING transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE full_update IS TRUE OR ( transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS TRUE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4.id ); -- etldoc: osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 (id, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6) SELECT MIN(id) as id, ST_Simplify(ST_LineMerge(ST_Collect(geometry)), 500) AS geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM ( SELECT id, (ST_Dump(geometry)).geom AS geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, visible_text(geometry, brunnel, 6) AS brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 ) osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4_pre_merge WHERE ( full_update IS TRUE OR EXISTS ( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.name_changes_gen WHERE transportation_name.name_changes_gen.is_old IS FALSE AND transportation_name.name_changes_gen.id = osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4_pre_merge.id ) ) AND ( ST_Length(geometry) > 20000 AND (highway = 'motorway' OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass = 'motorway') ) GROUP BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ON CONFLICT (id) DO UPDATE SET geometry = excluded.geometry, tags = excluded.tags, ref = excluded.ref, highway = excluded.highway, subclass = excluded.subclass, brunnel = excluded.brunnel, network = excluded.network, route_1 = excluded.route_1, route_2 = excluded.route_2, route_3 = excluded.route_3, route_4 = excluded.route_4, route_5 = excluded.route_5, route_6 = excluded.route_6; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.name_changes_gen; RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name merged done in %', age(clock_timestamp(), t); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Ensure tables are emtpy if they haven't been created TRUNCATE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1; TRUNCATE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2; TRUNCATE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3; TRUNCATE osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4; SELECT update_transportation_name_linestring_gen(TRUE); -- Indexes for queries originating from update_transportation_name_linestring_gen() function CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1_update_partial_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 (id) WHERE (highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk') OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass IN ('motorway', 'trunk')) AND ST_Length(geometry) > 14000; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2_update_partial_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 (id) WHERE (highway = 'motorway' OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass = 'motorway') AND ST_Length(geometry) > 20000; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3_update_partial_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 (id) WHERE (highway = 'motorway' OR highway = 'construction' AND subclass = 'motorway') AND ST_Length(geometry) > 20000; -- Geometry Indexes CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1_geometry_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 USING gist (geometry); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2_geometry_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 USING gist (geometry); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3_geometry_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 USING gist (geometry); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4_geometry_idx ON osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 USING gist (geometry); -- Handle updates -- Trigger to update "osm_transportation_name_network" from "osm_route_member" and "osm_highway_linestring" CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.network_changes ( is_old bool, osm_id bigint, PRIMARY KEY (is_old, osm_id) ); -- Store IDs of changed elements from osm_route_member table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.route_member_store() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF tg_op = 'DELETE' OR (tg_op = 'UPDATE' AND (old.member IS DISTINCT FROM new.member)) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.network_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (TRUE, old.member) ON CONFLICT(is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; IF (tg_op IN ('UPDATE', 'INSERT')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.network_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (FALSE, new.member) ON CONFLICT(is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Store IDs of changed elements from osm_highway_linestring table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.highway_linestring_store() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF tg_op = 'DELETE' OR (tg_op = 'UPDATE' AND (old.osm_id IS DISTINCT FROM new.osm_id)) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.network_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (TRUE, old.osm_id) ON CONFLICT(is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; IF (tg_op IN ('UPDATE', 'INSERT')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.network_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (FALSE, new.osm_id) ON CONFLICT(is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.updates_network ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, t text, UNIQUE (t) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.flag_network() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO transportation_name.updates_network(t) VALUES ('y') ON CONFLICT(t) DO NOTHING; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.refresh_network() RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := clock_timestamp(); BEGIN RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name_network'; -- Update Way-Relations and analyze table afterwards PERFORM update_osm_route_member(FALSE); ANALYZE transportation_route_member_coalesced; -- REFRESH osm_transportation_name_network DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_network USING transportation_name.network_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS TRUE AND osm_transportation_name_network.osm_id = c.osm_id; UPDATE osm_highway_linestring SET network = NULL FROM transportation_name.network_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS TRUE AND osm_highway_linestring.osm_id = c.osm_id; UPDATE osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11 SET network = NULL FROM transportation_name.network_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS TRUE AND osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11.osm_id = c.osm_id; UPDATE osm_highway_linestring SET network = rm.network_type FROM transportation_name.network_changes c JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm ON (c.osm_id = rm.member AND rm.concurrency_index=1) WHERE c.is_old IS FALSE AND osm_highway_linestring.osm_id=c.osm_id; UPDATE osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11 SET network = rm.network_type FROM transportation_name.network_changes c JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm ON (c.osm_id = rm.member AND rm.concurrency_index=1) WHERE c.is_old IS FALSE AND osm_highway_linestring_gen_z11.osm_id=c.osm_id; INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_network SELECT geometry, osm_id, tags || get_basic_names(tags, geometry) AS tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, sac_scale, layer, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, z_order, route_rank FROM ( SELECT hl.geometry, hl.osm_id, transportation_name_tags(hl.geometry, hl.tags, hl.name, hl.name_en, hl.name_de) AS tags, rm1.network_type, CASE WHEN rm1.network_type IS NOT NULL AND rm1.ref::text <> '' THEN rm1.ref::text ELSE NULLIF(hl.ref, '') END AS ref, hl.highway, NULLIF(hl.construction, '') AS subclass, brunnel(hl.is_bridge, hl.is_tunnel, hl.is_ford) AS brunnel, sac_scale, CASE WHEN highway IN ('footway', 'steps') THEN layer END AS layer, CASE WHEN highway IN ('footway', 'steps') THEN level END AS level, CASE WHEN highway IN ('footway', 'steps') THEN indoor END AS indoor, create_route_hstore(rm1.network, rm1.ref, rm1.name, rm1.colour, rm1.ref_colour) AS route_1, create_route_hstore(rm2.network, rm2.ref, rm2.name, rm2.colour, rm2.ref_colour) AS route_2, create_route_hstore(rm3.network, rm3.ref, rm3.name, rm3.colour, rm3.ref_colour) AS route_3, create_route_hstore(rm4.network, rm4.ref, rm4.name, rm4.colour, rm4.ref_colour) AS route_4, create_route_hstore(rm5.network, rm5.ref, rm5.name, rm5.colour, rm5.ref_colour) AS route_5, create_route_hstore(rm6.network, rm6.ref, rm6.name, rm6.colour, rm6.ref_colour) AS route_6, hl.z_order, LEAST(rm1.rank, rm2.rank, rm3.rank, rm4.rank, rm5.rank, rm6.rank) AS route_rank FROM osm_highway_linestring hl JOIN transportation_name.network_changes AS c ON c.is_old IS FALSE AND hl.osm_id = c.osm_id LEFT OUTER JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm1 ON rm1.member = hl.osm_id AND rm1.concurrency_index=1 LEFT OUTER JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm2 ON rm2.member = hl.osm_id AND rm2.concurrency_index=2 LEFT OUTER JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm3 ON rm3.member = hl.osm_id AND rm3.concurrency_index=3 LEFT OUTER JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm4 ON rm4.member = hl.osm_id AND rm4.concurrency_index=4 LEFT OUTER JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm5 ON rm5.member = hl.osm_id AND rm5.concurrency_index=5 LEFT OUTER JOIN transportation_route_member_coalesced rm6 ON rm6.member = hl.osm_id AND rm6.concurrency_index=6 WHERE (hl.name <> '' OR hl.ref <> '' OR rm1.ref <> '' OR rm1.network <> '') AND hl.highway <> '' ) AS t ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.network_changes; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.updates_network; RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name network done in %', age(clock_timestamp(), t); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_store_transportation_route_member AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_route_member FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.route_member_store(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_store_transportation_highway_linestring AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_highway_linestring FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.highway_linestring_store(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_flag_transportation_name AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.network_changes FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.flag_network(); CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_refresh_network AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.updates_network INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.refresh_network(); -- Handle updates on -- osm_transportation_name_network -> osm_transportation_name_linestring -- osm_shipway_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring -- osm_aerialway_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring -- osm_transportation_name_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen1 -- osm_transportation_name_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen2 -- osm_transportation_name_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen3 -- osm_transportation_name_linestring -> osm_transportation_name_linestring_gen4 CREATE OR REPLACE AGGREGATE array_cat_agg(anycompatiblearray) ( SFUNC=array_cat, STYPE=anycompatiblearray, INITCOND = '{}' ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.name_changes ( is_old boolean, osm_id bigint, PRIMARY KEY (is_old, osm_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.shipway_changes ( is_old boolean, osm_id bigint, PRIMARY KEY (is_old, osm_id) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.aerialway_changes ( is_old boolean, osm_id bigint, PRIMARY KEY (is_old, osm_id) ); -- Store IDs of changed elements from osm_transportation_name_network table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.name_network_store() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF (tg_op IN ('DELETE', 'UPDATE')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.name_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (TRUE, old.osm_id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; IF (tg_op IN ('UPDATE', 'INSERT')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.name_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (FALSE, new.osm_id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Store IDs of changed elements from osm_shipway_linestring table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.name_shipway_store() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF (tg_op IN ('DELETE', 'UPDATE')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.shipway_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (TRUE, old.osm_id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; IF (tg_op IN ('UPDATE', 'INSERT')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.shipway_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (FALSE, new.osm_id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Store IDs of changed elements from osm_aerialway_linestring table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.name_aerialway_store() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF (tg_op IN ('DELETE', 'UPDATE')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.aerialway_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (TRUE, old.osm_id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; IF (tg_op IN ('UPDATE', 'INSERT')) THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.aerialway_changes(is_old, osm_id) VALUES (FALSE, new.osm_id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, osm_id) DO NOTHING; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Store IDs of changed elements from osm_transportation_name_linestring table. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.name_linestring_store() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF (tg_op = 'DELETE') THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.name_changes_gen(is_old, id) VALUES (TRUE, old.id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, id) DO NOTHING; END IF; IF (tg_op = 'UPDATE' OR tg_op = 'INSERT') THEN INSERT INTO transportation_name.name_changes_gen(is_old, id) VALUES (FALSE, new.id) ON CONFLICT (is_old, id) DO NOTHING; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.updates_name ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, t text, UNIQUE (t) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.updates_shipway ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, t text, UNIQUE (t) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS transportation_name.updates_aerialway ( id serial PRIMARY KEY, t text, UNIQUE (t) ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.flag_name() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO transportation_name.updates_name(t) VALUES ('y') ON CONFLICT(t) DO NOTHING; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.flag_shipway() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO transportation_name.updates_shipway(t) VALUES ('y') ON CONFLICT(t) DO NOTHING; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.flag_aerialway() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO transportation_name.updates_aerialway(t) VALUES ('y') ON CONFLICT(t) DO NOTHING; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.refresh_name() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ DECLARE t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := clock_timestamp(); BEGIN RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name'; -- REFRESH osm_transportation_name_linestring from osm_transportation_name_network -- Analyze tracking and source tables before performing update ANALYZE transportation_name.name_changes; ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_network; -- Fetch updated and deleted Merged-LineString from relation-table filtering for each Merged-LineString which -- contains an updated Source-LineString. -- Additionally attach a list of Source-LineString-IDs to each Merged-LineString in order to unnest them later. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE affected_merged_linestrings AS SELECT m.id, array_agg(source_id) AS source_ids FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m WHERE m.source = 0 AND EXISTS( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.name_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS TRUE AND c.osm_id = m.source_id ) GROUP BY id; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE affected_merged_linestrings; -- Delete all Merged-LineStrings which contained an updated or deleted Source-LineString DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m USING affected_merged_linestrings WHERE affected_merged_linestrings.id = m.id; DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m USING affected_merged_linestrings WHERE affected_merged_linestrings.id = m.id; -- Analyze the tables affected by the delete-query in order to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring; ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids; -- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS -- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, geometry, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, level, layer, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, z_order, route_rank FROM ( -- Get Source-LineString-IDs of deleted or updated elements SELECT unnest(affected_merged_linestrings.source_ids)::bigint AS source_id FROM affected_merged_linestrings UNION -- Get Source-LineString-IDs of inserted or updated elements SELECT osm_id AS source_id FROM transportation_name.name_changes WHERE is_old IS FALSE ORDER BY source_id ) affected_source_linestrings JOIN osm_transportation_name_network ON ( affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_transportation_name_network.osm_id ) WHERE coalesce(tags->'name', '') <> '' OR coalesce(ref, '') <> ''; -- Drop temporary tables early to save resources DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge; -- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge SELECT NULL::BIGINT AS osm_id, m.id, ARRAY( SELECT s.source_id FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s WHERE s.source = 0 AND m.id = s.id )::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, m.geometry, m.tags, m.ref, m.highway, m.subclass, m.brunnel, m.sac_scale, m.level, m.layer, m.indoor, m.network AS network_type, m.route_1, m.route_2, m.route_3, m.route_4, m.route_5, m.route_6, m.z_order, m.route_rank FROM linestrings_to_merge JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry)) WHERE m.source = 0; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge; -- Delete all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update. -- We can use the linestrings_to_merge table since Source-LineStrings affected by this update and present in the -- table will have their ID-Column set to NULL by the previous query. DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m USING linestrings_to_merge WHERE m.id = linestrings_to_merge.id; DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m USING linestrings_to_merge WHERE m.id = linestrings_to_merge.id; -- Create table containing all LineStrings to and create clusters of intersecting LineStrings partitioned by their -- groups CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge AS SELECT *, -- Get intersecting clusters by setting minimum distance to 0 and minimum intersecting points to 1. -- https://postgis.net/docs/ST_ClusterDBSCAN.html ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geometry, 0, 1) OVER ( PARTITION BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, layer, sac_scale, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ) AS cluster, -- ST_ClusterDBSCAN returns an increasing integer as the cluster-ids within each partition starting at 0. -- This leads to clusters having the same ID across multiple partitions therefore we generate a -- Cluster-Group-ID by utilizing the DENSE_RANK function sorted over the partition columns. DENSE_RANK() OVER ( ORDER BY tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, layer, sac_scale, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 ) as cluster_group FROM linestrings_to_merge; -- Drop temporary tables early to save resources DROP TABLE linestrings_to_merge; -- Create index on cluster columns and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster); ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge; -- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been -- intersected ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[]; ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[]; WITH inserted_linestrings AS ( -- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, "level", layer, indoor, network, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, z_order, route_rank) SELECT 0 AS source, (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry, -- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries -- to merge. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Union.html -- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a MultiLineString -- if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be found. -- https://postgis.net/docs/ST_LineMerge.html -- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual -- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Dump.html coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids, array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] as old_source_ids, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, sac_scale, level, layer, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6, min(z_order) AS z_order, min(route_rank) AS route_rank FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, tags, ref, highway, subclass, brunnel, level, layer, sac_scale, indoor, network_type, route_1, route_2, route_3, route_4, route_5, route_6 RETURNING source, id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry ) -- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources. -- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a -- MultiLineString if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be found. INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids (source, id, source_id) SELECT m.source, m.id, source_id FROM ( SELECT source, id, source_id, geometry FROM inserted_linestrings CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id FROM unnest( array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids) ) AS all_source_ids(source_id) ) source_ids ) m JOIN osm_transportation_name_network s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id) WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry) ON CONFLICT (source, id, source_id) DO NOTHING; -- Cleanup remaining table DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge; -- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids; ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.name_changes; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.updates_name; RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name done in %', age(clock_timestamp(), t); -- Update gen1, gen2, gen3 and gen4 tables PERFORM update_transportation_name_linestring_gen(FALSE); RETURN NULL; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.refresh_shipway_linestring() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ DECLARE t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := clock_timestamp(); BEGIN RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name shiwpway'; -- REFRESH osm_transportation_name_linestring from osm_shipway_linestring -- Analyze tracking and source tables before performing update ANALYZE transportation_name.shipway_changes; ANALYZE osm_shipway_linestring; -- Fetch updated and deleted Merged-LineString from relation-table filtering for each Merged-LineString which -- contains an updated Source-LineString. -- Additionally attach a list of Source-LineString-IDs to each Merged-LineString in order to unnest them later. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE affected_merged_linestrings AS SELECT m.id, array_agg(source_id) AS source_ids FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m WHERE m.source = 1 AND EXISTS( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.shipway_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS TRUE AND c.osm_id = m.source_id ) GROUP BY id; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE affected_merged_linestrings; -- Delete all Merged-LineStrings which contained an updated or deleted Source-LineString DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m USING affected_merged_linestrings WHERE affected_merged_linestrings.id = m.id; DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m USING affected_merged_linestrings WHERE affected_merged_linestrings.id = m.id; -- Analyze the tables affected by the delete-query in order to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring; ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids; -- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS -- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, geometry, transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ) AS tags, shipway AS subclass, layer, z_order FROM ( -- Get Source-LineString-IDs of deleted or updated elements SELECT unnest(affected_merged_linestrings.source_ids)::bigint AS source_id FROM affected_merged_linestrings UNION -- Get Source-LineString-IDs of inserted or updated elements SELECT osm_id AS source_id FROM transportation_name.shipway_changes WHERE is_old IS FALSE ORDER BY source_id ) affected_source_linestrings JOIN osm_shipway_linestring ON ( affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_shipway_linestring.osm_id ) WHERE name <> ''; -- Drop temporary tables early to save resources DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge; -- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge SELECT NULL::BIGINT AS osm_id, m.id, ARRAY( SELECT s.source_id FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s WHERE s.source = 1 AND m.id = s.id )::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, m.geometry, m.tags, m.subclass, m.layer, m.z_order FROM linestrings_to_merge JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry)) WHERE m.source = 1; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge; -- Delete all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update. -- We can use the linestrings_to_merge table since Source-LineStrings affected by this update and present in the -- table will have their ID-Column set to NULL by the previous query. DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m USING linestrings_to_merge WHERE m.id = linestrings_to_merge.id; DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m USING linestrings_to_merge WHERE m.id = linestrings_to_merge.id; -- Create table containing all LineStrings to and create clusters of intersecting LineStrings partitioned by their -- groups CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge AS SELECT *, -- Get intersecting clusters by setting minimum distance to 0 and minimum intersecting points to 1. -- https://postgis.net/docs/ST_ClusterDBSCAN.html ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geometry, 0, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY tags, subclass, layer) AS cluster, -- ST_ClusterDBSCAN returns an increasing integer as the cluster-ids within each partition starting at 0. -- This leads to clusters having the same ID across multiple partitions therefore we generate a -- Cluster-Group-ID by utilizing the DENSE_RANK function sorted over the partition columns. DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY tags, subclass, layer) as cluster_group FROM linestrings_to_merge; -- Drop temporary tables early to save resources DROP TABLE linestrings_to_merge; -- Create index on cluster columns and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster); ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge; -- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been -- intersected ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[]; ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[]; WITH inserted_linestrings AS ( -- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, tags, highway, subclass, z_order) SELECT 1 AS source, (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry, -- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries -- to merge. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Union.html -- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a MultiLineString -- if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be found. -- https://postgis.net/docs/ST_LineMerge.html -- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual -- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Dump.html coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids, array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] as old_source_ids, tags, 'shipway' AS highway, subclass, min(z_order) AS z_order FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, tags, subclass, layer RETURNING source, id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry ) -- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources. -- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a -- MultiLineString if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be found. INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids (source, id, source_id) SELECT m.source, m.id, source_id FROM ( SELECT source, id, source_id, geometry FROM inserted_linestrings CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id FROM unnest( array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids) ) AS all_source_ids(source_id) ) source_ids ) m JOIN osm_shipway_linestring s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id) WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry) ON CONFLICT (source, id, source_id) DO NOTHING; -- Cleanup remaining table DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge; -- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids; ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.shipway_changes; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.updates_shipway; RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name shipway done in %', age(clock_timestamp(), t); -- Update gen1, gen2, gen3 and gen4 tables PERFORM update_transportation_name_linestring_gen(FALSE); RETURN NULL; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_name.refresh_aerialway_linestring() RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$ DECLARE t TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE := clock_timestamp(); BEGIN RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name aerialway'; -- REFRESH osm_transportation_name_linestring from osm_aerialway_linestring -- Analyze tracking and source tables before performing update ANALYZE transportation_name.aerialway_changes; ANALYZE osm_aerialway_linestring; -- Fetch updated and deleted Merged-LineString from relation-table filtering for each Merged-LineString which -- contains an updated Source-LineString. -- Additionally attach a list of Source-LineString-IDs to each Merged-LineString in order to unnest them later. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE affected_merged_linestrings AS SELECT m.id, array_agg(source_id) AS source_ids FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m WHERE m.source = 2 AND EXISTS( SELECT NULL FROM transportation_name.aerialway_changes c WHERE c.is_old IS TRUE AND c.osm_id = m.source_id ) GROUP BY id; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE affected_merged_linestrings; -- Delete all Merged-LineStrings which contained an updated or deleted Source-LineString DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m USING affected_merged_linestrings WHERE affected_merged_linestrings.id = m.id; DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m USING affected_merged_linestrings WHERE affected_merged_linestrings.id = m.id; -- Analyze the tables affected by the delete-query in order to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring; ANALYZE osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids; -- Create a table containing all LineStrings which should be merged CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE linestrings_to_merge AS -- Add all Source-LineStrings affected by this update SELECT osm_id, NULL::INTEGER AS id, NULL::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, geometry, transportation_name_tags( NULL::geometry, tags, name, name_en, name_de ) AS tags, aerialway AS subclass, layer, z_order FROM ( -- Get Source-LineString-IDs of deleted or updated elements SELECT unnest(affected_merged_linestrings.source_ids)::bigint AS source_id FROM affected_merged_linestrings UNION -- Get Source-LineString-IDs of inserted or updated elements SELECT osm_id AS source_id FROM transportation_name.aerialway_changes WHERE is_old IS FALSE ORDER BY source_id ) affected_source_linestrings JOIN osm_aerialway_linestring ON ( affected_source_linestrings.source_id = osm_aerialway_linestring.osm_id ) WHERE name <> ''; -- Drop temporary tables early to save resources DROP TABLE affected_merged_linestrings; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge; -- Add all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update INSERT INTO linestrings_to_merge SELECT NULL::BIGINT AS osm_id, m.id, ARRAY( SELECT s.source_id FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids s WHERE s.source = 2 AND m.id = s.id )::BIGINT[] AS source_ids, m.geometry, m.tags, m.subclass, m.layer, m.z_order FROM linestrings_to_merge JOIN osm_transportation_name_linestring m ON (ST_Intersects(linestrings_to_merge.geometry, m.geometry)) WHERE m.source = 2; -- Analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries ANALYZE linestrings_to_merge; -- Delete all Merged-LineStrings intersecting with Source-LineStrings affected by this update. -- We can use the linestrings_to_merge table since Source-LineStrings affected by this update and present in the -- table will have their ID-Column set to NULL by the previous query. DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring m USING linestrings_to_merge WHERE m.id = linestrings_to_merge.id; DELETE FROM osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids m USING linestrings_to_merge WHERE m.id = linestrings_to_merge.id; -- Create table containing all LineStrings to and create clusters of intersecting LineStrings partitioned by their -- groups CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge AS SELECT *, -- Get intersecting clusters by setting minimum distance to 0 and minimum intersecting points to 1. -- https://postgis.net/docs/ST_ClusterDBSCAN.html ST_ClusterDBSCAN(geometry, 0, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY tags, subclass, layer) AS cluster, -- ST_ClusterDBSCAN returns an increasing integer as the cluster-ids within each partition starting at 0. -- This leads to clusters having the same ID across multiple partitions therefore we generate a -- Cluster-Group-ID by utilizing the DENSE_RANK function sorted over the partition columns. DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY tags, subclass, layer) as cluster_group FROM linestrings_to_merge; -- Drop temporary tables early to save resources DROP TABLE linestrings_to_merge; -- Create index on cluster columns and analyze the created table to speed up subsequent queries CREATE INDEX ON clustered_linestrings_to_merge (cluster_group, cluster); ANALYZE clustered_linestrings_to_merge; -- Create temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns to store relations before they have been -- intersected ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS new_source_ids BIGINT[]; ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS old_source_ids BIGINT[]; WITH inserted_linestrings AS ( -- Merge LineStrings of each cluster and insert them INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring(source, geometry, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, tags, highway, subclass, z_order) SELECT 2 AS source, (ST_Dump(ST_LineMerge(ST_Union(geometry)))).geom AS geometry, -- We use St_Union instead of St_Collect to ensure no overlapping points exist within the geometries -- to merge. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Union.html -- ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a MultiLineString -- if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be found. -- https://postgis.net/docs/ST_LineMerge.html -- In order to not end up with a mixture of LineStrings and MultiLineStrings we dump eventual -- MultiLineStrings via ST_Dump. https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Dump.html coalesce( array_agg(osm_id) FILTER (WHERE osm_id IS NOT NULL), '{}' )::BIGINT[] AS new_source_ids, array_cat_agg(source_ids)::BIGINT[] as old_source_ids, tags, 'aerialway' AS highway, subclass, min(z_order) AS z_order FROM clustered_linestrings_to_merge GROUP BY cluster_group, cluster, tags, subclass, layer RETURNING source, id, new_source_ids, old_source_ids, geometry ) -- Store OSM-IDs of Source-LineStrings by intersecting Merged-LineStrings with their sources. -- This is required because ST_LineMerge only merges across singular intersections and groups its output into a -- MultiLineString if more than two LineStrings form an intersection or no intersection could be found. INSERT INTO osm_transportation_name_linestring_source_ids (source, id, source_id) SELECT m.source, m.id, source_id FROM ( SELECT source, id, source_id, geometry FROM inserted_linestrings CROSS JOIN LATERAL ( SELECT DISTINCT all_source_ids.source_id FROM unnest( array_cat(inserted_linestrings.new_source_ids, inserted_linestrings.old_source_ids) ) AS all_source_ids(source_id) ) source_ids ) m JOIN osm_aerialway_linestring s ON (m.source_id = s.osm_id) WHERE ST_Intersects(s.geometry, m.geometry) ON CONFLICT (source, id, source_id) DO NOTHING; -- Cleanup remaining table DROP TABLE clustered_linestrings_to_merge; -- Drop temporary Merged-LineString to Source-LineStrings-ID columns ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS new_source_ids; ALTER TABLE osm_transportation_name_linestring DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS old_source_ids; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.aerialway_changes; -- noinspection SqlWithoutWhere DELETE FROM transportation_name.updates_aerialway; RAISE LOG 'Refresh transportation_name aerialway done in %', age(clock_timestamp(), t); -- Update gen1, gen2, gen3 and gen4 tables PERFORM update_transportation_name_linestring_gen(FALSE); RETURN NULL; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER trigger_store_transportation_name_network AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_transportation_name_network FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.name_network_store(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_store_transportation_name_shipway AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_shipway_linestring FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.name_shipway_store(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_store_transportation_name_aerialway AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_aerialway_linestring FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.name_aerialway_store(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_store_transportation_name_linestring AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON osm_transportation_name_linestring FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.name_linestring_store(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_flag_name AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.name_changes FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.flag_name(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_flag_shipway AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.shipway_changes FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.flag_shipway(); CREATE TRIGGER trigger_flag_aerialway AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.aerialway_changes FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.flag_aerialway(); CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_refresh_name AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.updates_name INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.refresh_name(); CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_refresh_shipway AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.updates_shipway INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.refresh_shipway_linestring(); CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER trigger_refresh_aerialway AFTER INSERT ON transportation_name.updates_aerialway INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE transportation_name.refresh_aerialway_linestring();