CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION brunnel(is_bridge bool, is_tunnel bool, is_ford bool) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN is_bridge THEN 'bridge' WHEN is_tunnel THEN 'tunnel' WHEN is_ford THEN 'ford' END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- The classes for highways are derived from the classes used in ClearTables -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION highway_class(highway text, public_transport text, construction text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT CASE %%FIELD_MAPPING: class %% END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE PARALLEL SAFE; -- The classes for railways are derived from the classes used in ClearTables -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION railway_class(railway text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN railway IN ('rail', 'narrow_gauge', 'preserved', 'funicular') THEN 'rail' WHEN railway IN ('subway', 'light_rail', 'monorail', 'tram') THEN 'transit' END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- Limit service to only the most important values to ensure -- we always know the values of service CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION service_value(service text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN service IN ('spur', 'yard', 'siding', 'crossover', 'driveway', 'alley', 'parking_aisle') THEN service END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- Limit surface to only the most important values to ensure -- we always know the values of surface CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION surface_value(surface text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN surface IN ('paved', 'asphalt', 'cobblestone', 'concrete', 'concrete:lanes', 'concrete:plates', 'metal', 'paving_stones', 'sett', 'unhewn_cobblestone', 'wood', 'grade1') THEN 'paved' WHEN surface IN ('unpaved', 'compacted', 'dirt', 'earth', 'fine_gravel', 'grass', 'grass_paver', 'gravel', 'gravel_turf', 'ground', 'ice', 'mud', 'pebblestone', 'salt', 'sand', 'snow', 'woodchips') THEN 'unpaved' END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- Determine which transportation features are shown at zoom 12 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_filter_z12(highway text, construction text) RETURNS boolean AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN highway IN ('unclassified', 'residential') THEN TRUE WHEN highway_class(highway, '', construction) IN ( 'motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'raceway', 'motorway_construction', 'trunk_construction', 'primary_construction', 'secondary_construction', 'tertiary_construction', 'raceway_construction', 'busway', 'bus_guideway' ) THEN TRUE --includes ramps ELSE FALSE END $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE; -- Determine which transportation features are shown at zoom 13 -- Assumes that piers have already been excluded CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION transportation_filter_z13(highway text, public_transport text, construction text, service text) RETURNS boolean AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN transportation_filter_z12(highway, construction) THEN TRUE WHEN highway = 'service' OR construction = 'service' THEN service NOT IN ('driveway', 'parking_aisle') WHEN highway_class(highway, public_transport, construction) IN ('minor', 'minor_construction') THEN TRUE ELSE FALSE END $$ LANGUAGE SQL IMMUTABLE STRICT PARALLEL SAFE;