2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
var x0 = ( e , t ) => ( ) => ( t || e ( ( t = { exports : { } } ) . exports , t ) , t . exports ) ; var lT = x0 ( ( dT , dc ) => { function N0 ( e , t ) { for ( var n = 0 ; n < t . length ; n ++ ) { const r = t [ n ] ; if ( typeof r != "string" && ! Array . isArray ( r ) ) { for ( const i in r ) if ( i !== "default" && ! ( i in e ) ) { const o = Object . getOwnPropertyDescriptor ( r , i ) ; o && Object . defineProperty ( e , i , o . get ? o : { enumerable : ! 0 , get : ( ) => r [ i ] } ) } } } return Object . freeze ( Object . defineProperty ( e , Symbol . toStringTag , { value : "Module" } ) ) } ( function ( ) { const t = document . createElement ( "link" ) . relList ; if ( t && t . supports && t . supports ( "modulepreload" ) ) return ; for ( const i of document . querySelectorAll ( 'link[rel="modulepreload"]' ) ) r ( i ) ; new MutationObserver ( i => { for ( const o of i ) if ( o . type === "childList" ) for ( const a of o . addedNodes ) a . tagName === "LINK" && a . rel === "modulepreload" && r ( a ) } ) . observe ( document , { childList : ! 0 , subtree : ! 0 } ) ; function n ( i ) { const o = { } ; return i . integrity && ( o . integrity = i . integrity ) , i . referrerPolicy && ( o . referrerPolicy = i . referrerPolicy ) , i . crossOrigin === "use-credentials" ? o . credentials = "include" : i . crossOrigin === "anonymous" ? o . credentials = "omit" : o . credentials = "same-origin" , o } function r ( i ) { if ( i . ep ) return ; i . ep = ! 0 ; const o = n ( i ) ; fetch ( i . href , o ) } } ) ( ) ; var Ue = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : { } ; function D0 ( e ) { return e && e . _ _esModule && Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( e , "default" ) ? e . default : e } var Th = { exports : { } } , Za = { } , Ch = { exports : { } } , K = { } ; / * *
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* @ license React
* react . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* /var fo=Symbol.for("react.element"),I0=Symbol.for("react.portal"),L0=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),R0=Symbol.for("react.strict_mode"),P0=Symbol.for("react.profiler"),A0=Symbol.for("react.provider"),M0=Symbol.for("react.context"),F0=Symbol.for("react.forward_ref"),j0=Symbol.for("react.suspense"),B0=Symbol.for("react.memo"),z0=Symbol.for("react.lazy"),Vf=Symbol.iterator;function U0(e){return e===null||typeof e!="object"?null:(e=Vf&&e[Vf]||e["@@iterator"],typeof e=="function"?e:null)}var xh={isMounted:function(){return!1},enqueueForceUpdate:function(){},enqueueReplaceState:function(){},enqueueSetState:function(){}},Nh=Object.assign,Dh={};function Jr(e,t,n){this.props=e,this.context=t,this.refs=Dh,this.updater=n||xh}Jr.prototype.isReactComponent={};Jr.prototype.setState=function(e,t){if(typeof e!="object"&&typeof e!="function"&&e!=null)throw Error("setState(...): takes an object of state variables to update or a function which returns an object of state variables.");this.updater.enqueueSetState(this,e,t,"setState")};Jr.prototype.forceUpdate=function(e){this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this,e,"forceUpdate")};function Ih(){}Ih.prototype=Jr.prototype;function pc(e,t,n){this.props=e,this.context=t,this.refs=Dh,this.updater=n||xh}var hc=pc.prototype=new Ih;hc.constructor=pc;Nh(hc,Jr.prototype);hc.isPureReactComponent=!0;var Kf=Array.isArray,Lh=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,vc={current:null},Rh={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};function Ph(e,t,n){var r,i={},o=null,a=null;if(t!=null)for(r in t.ref!==void 0&&(a=t.ref),t.key!==void 0&&(o=""+t.key),t)Lh.call(t,r)&&!Rh.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(i[r]=t[r]);var s=arguments.length-2;if(s===1)i.children=n;else if(1<s){for(var u=Array(s),l=0;l<s;l++)u[l]=arguments[l+2];i.children=u}if(e&&e.defaultProps)for(r in s=e.defaultProps,s)i[r]===void 0&&(i[r]=s[r]);return{$$typeof:fo,type:e,key:o,ref:a,props:i,_owner:vc.current}}function $0(e,t){return{$$typeof:fo,type:e.type,key:t,ref:e.ref,props:e.props,_owner:e._owner}}function yc(e){return typeof e=="object"&&e!==null&&e.$$typeof===fo}function Q0(e){var t={"=":"=0",":":"=2"};return"$"+e.replace(/ [ = : ] / g , function ( n ) { return t [ n ] } ) } var Hf = /\/+/g ; function Gs ( e , t ) { return typeof e == "object" && e !== null && e . key != null ? Q0 ( "" + e . key ) : t . toString ( 36 ) } function Xo ( e , t , n , r , i ) { var o = typeof e ; ( o === "undefined" || o === "boolean" ) && ( e = null ) ; var a = ! 1 ; if ( e === null ) a = ! 0 ; else switch ( o ) { case "string" : case "number" : a = ! 0 ; break ; case "object" : switch ( e . $$typeof ) { case fo : case I0 : a = ! 0 } } if ( a ) return a = e , i = i ( a ) , e = r === "" ? "." + Gs ( a , 0 ) : r , Kf ( i ) ? ( n = "" , e != null && ( n = e . replace ( Hf , "$&/" ) + "/" ) , Xo ( i , t , n , "" , function ( l ) { return l } ) ) : i != null && ( yc ( i ) && ( i = $0 ( i , n + ( ! i . key || a && a . key === i . key ? "" : ( "" + i . key ) . replace ( Hf , "$&/" ) + "/" ) + e ) ) , t . push ( i ) ) , 1 ; if ( a = 0 , r = r === "" ? "." : r + ":" , Kf ( e ) ) for ( var s = 0 ; s < e . length ; s ++ ) { o = e [ s ] ; var u = r + Gs ( o , s ) ; a += Xo ( o , t , n , u , i ) } else if ( u = U0 ( e ) , typeof u == "function" ) for ( e = u . call ( e ) , s = 0 ; ! ( o = e . next ( ) ) . done ; ) o = o . value , u = r + Gs ( o , s ++ ) , a += Xo ( o , t , n , u , i ) ; else if ( o === "object" ) throw t = String ( e ) , Error ( "Objects are not valid as a React child (found: " + ( t === "[object Object]" ? "object with keys {" + Object . keys ( e ) . join ( ", " ) + "}" : t ) + "). If you meant to render a collection of children, use an array instead." ) ; return a } function xo ( e , t , n ) { if ( e == null ) return e ; var r = [ ] , i = 0 ; return Xo ( e , r , "" , "" , function ( o ) { return t . call ( n , o , i ++ ) } ) , r } function V0 ( e ) { if ( e . _status === - 1 ) { var t = e . _result ; t = t ( ) , t . then ( function ( n ) { ( e . _status === 0 || e . _status === - 1 ) && ( e . _status = 1 , e . _result = n ) } , function ( n ) { ( e . _status === 0 || e . _status === - 1 ) && ( e . _status = 2 , e . _result = n ) } ) , e . _status === - 1 && ( e . _status = 0 , e . _result = t ) } if ( e . _status === 1 ) return e . _result . default ; throw e . _result } var We = { current : null } , Jo = { transition : null } , K0 = { ReactCurrentDispatcher : We , ReactCurrentBatchConfig : Jo , ReactCurrentOwner : vc } ; K . Children = { map : xo , forEach : function ( e , t , n ) { xo ( e , function ( ) { t . apply ( this , arguments ) } , n ) } , count : function ( e ) { var t = 0 ; return xo ( e , function ( ) { t ++ } ) , t } , toArray : function ( e ) { return xo ( e , function ( t ) { return t } ) || [ ] } , only : function ( e ) { if ( ! yc ( e ) ) throw Error ( "React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child." ) ; return e } } ; K . Component = Jr ; K . Fragment = L0 ; K . Profiler = P0 ; K . Pure
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* @ license React
* react - jsx - runtime . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* /var H0=M,W0=Symbol.for("react.element"),q0=Symbol.for("react.fragment"),G0=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Y0=H0.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED.ReactCurrentOwner,X0={key:!0,ref:!0,__self:!0,__source:!0};function Mh(e,t,n){var r,i={},o=null,a=null;n!==void 0&&(o=""+n),t.key!==void 0&&(o=""+t.key),t.ref!==void 0&&(a=t.ref);for(r in t)G0.call(t,r)&&!X0.hasOwnProperty(r)&&(i[r]=t[r]);if(e&&e.defaultProps)for(r in t=e.defaultProps,t)i[r]===void 0&&(i[r]=t[r]);return{$$typeof:W0,type:e,key:o,ref:a,props:i,_owner:Y0.current}}Za.Fragment=q0;Za.jsx=Mh;Za.jsxs=Mh;Th.exports=Za;var R=Th.exports,ju={},Fh={exports:{}},ut={},jh={exports:{}},Bh={};/ * *
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* @ license React
* scheduler . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* / ( f u n c t i o n ( e ) { f u n c t i o n t ( D , I ) { v a r F = D . l e n g t h ; D . p u s h ( I ) ; e : f o r ( ; 0 < F ; ) { v a r Q = F - 1 > > > 1 , z = D [ Q ] ; i f ( 0 < i ( z , I ) ) D [ Q ] = I , D [ F ] = z , F = Q ; e l s e b r e a k e } } f u n c t i o n n ( D ) { r e t u r n D . l e n g t h = = = 0 ? n u l l : D [ 0 ] } f u n c t i o n r ( D ) { i f ( D . l e n g t h = = = 0 ) r e t u r n n u l l ; v a r I = D [ 0 ] , F = D . p o p ( ) ; i f ( F ! = = I ) { D [ 0 ] = F ; e : f o r ( v a r Q = 0 , z = D . l e n g t h , H = z > > > 1 ; Q < H ; ) { v a r Z = 2 * ( Q + 1 ) - 1 , L e = D [ Z ] , G e = Z + 1 , C o = D [ G e ] ; i f ( 0 > i ( L e , F ) ) G e < z & & 0 > i ( C o , L e ) ? ( D [ Q ] = C o , D [ G e ] = F , Q = G e ) : ( D [ Q ] = L e , D [ Z ] = F , Q = Z ) ; e l s e i f ( G e < z & & 0 > i ( C o , F ) ) D [ Q ] = C o , D [ G e ] = F , Q = G e ; e l s e b r e a k e } } r e t u r n I } f u n c t i o n i ( D , I ) { v a r F = D . s o r t I n d e x - I . s o r t I n d e x ; r e t u r n F ! = = 0 ? F : D . i d - I . i d } i f ( t y p e o f p e r f o r m a n c e = = " o b j e c t " & & t y p e o f p e r f o r m a n c e . n o w = = " f u n c t i o n " ) { v a r o = p e r f o r m a n c e ; e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n o . n o w ( ) } } e l s e { v a r a = D a t e , s = a . n o w ( ) ; e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n a . n o w ( ) - s } } v a r u = [ ] , l = [ ] , c = 1 , f = n u l l , d = 3 , v = ! 1 , g = ! 1 , m = ! 1 , S = t y p e o f s e t T i m e o u t = = " f u n c t i o n " ? s e t T i m e o u t : n u l l , p = t y p e o f c l e a r T i m e o u t = = " f u n c t i o n " ? c l e a r T i m e o u t : n u l l , h = t y p e o f s e t I m m e d i a t e < " u " ? s e t I m m e d i a t e : n u l l ; t y p e o f n a v i g a t o r < " u " & & n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g ! = = v o i d 0 & & n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g . i s I n p u t P e n d i n g ! = = v o i d 0 & & n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g . i s I n p u t P e n d i n g . b i n d ( n a v i g a t o r . s c h e d u l i n g ) ; f u n c t i o n y ( D ) { f o r ( v a r I = n ( l ) ; I ! = = n u l l ; ) { i f ( I . c a l l b a c k = = = n u l l ) r ( l ) ; e l s e i f ( I . s t a r t T i m e < = D ) r ( l ) , I . s o r t I n d e x = I . e x p i r a t i o n T i m e , t ( u , I ) ; e l s e b r e a k ; I = n ( l ) } } f u n c t i o n E ( D ) { i f ( m = ! 1 , y ( D ) , ! g ) i f ( n ( u ) ! = = n u l l ) g = ! 0 , B ( b ) ; e l s e { v a r I = n ( l ) ; I ! = = n u l l & & r e ( E , I . s t a r t T i m e - D ) } } f u n c t i o n b ( D , I ) { g = ! 1 , m & & ( m = ! 1 , p ( T ) , T = - 1 ) , v = ! 0 ; v a r F = d ; t r y { f o r ( y ( I ) , f = n ( u ) ; f ! = = n u l l & & ( ! ( f . e x p i r a t i o n T i m e > I ) | | D & & ! G ( ) ) ; ) { v a r Q = f . c a l l b a c k ; i f ( t y p e o f Q = = " f u n c t i o n " ) { f . c a l l b a c k = n u l l , d = f . p r i o r i t y L e v e l ; v a r z = Q ( f . e x p i r a t i o n T i m e < = I ) ; I = e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) , t y p e o f z = = " f u n c t i o n " ? f . c a l l b a c k = z : f = = = n ( u ) & & r ( u ) , y ( I ) } e l s e r ( u ) ; f = n ( u ) } i f ( f ! = = n u l l ) v a r H = ! 0 ; e l s e { v a r Z = n ( l ) ; Z ! = = n u l l & & r e ( E , Z . s t a r t T i m e - I ) , H = ! 1 } r e t u r n H } f i n a l l y { f = n u l l , d = F , v = ! 1 } } v a r _ = ! 1 , O = n u l l , T = - 1 , $ = 5 , j = - 1 ; f u n c t i o n G ( ) { r e t u r n ! ( e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) - j < $ ) } f u n c t i o n k e ( ) { i f ( O ! = = n u l l ) { v a r D = e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) ; j = D ; v a r I = ! 0 ; t r y { I = O ( ! 0 , D ) } f i n a l l y { I ? g t ( ) : ( _ = ! 1 , O = n u l l ) } } e l s e _ = ! 1 } v a r g t ; i f ( t y p e o f h = = " f u n c t i o n " ) g t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { h ( k e ) } ; e l s e i f ( t y p e o f M e s s a g e C h a n n e l < " u " ) { v a r N = n e w M e s s a g e C h a n n e l , k = N . p o r t 2 ; N . p o r t 1 . o n m e s s a g e = k e , g t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { k . p o s t M e s s a g e ( n u l l ) } } e l s e g t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { S ( k e , 0 ) } ; f u n c t i o n B ( D ) { O = D , _ | | ( _ = ! 0 , g t ( ) ) } f u n c t i o n r e ( D , I ) { T = S ( f u n c t i o n ( ) { D ( e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) ) } , I ) } e . u n s t a b l e _ I d l e P r i o r i t y = 5 , e . u n s t a b l e _ I m m e d i a t e P r i o r i t y = 1 , e . u n s t a b l e _ L o w P r i o r i t y = 4 , e . u n s t a b l e _ N o r m a l P r i o r i t y = 3 , e . u n s t a b l e _ P r o f i l i n g = n u l l , e . u n s t a b l e _ U s e r B l o c k i n g P r i o r i t y = 2 , e . u n s t a b l e _ c a n c e l C a l l b a c k = f u n c t i o n ( D ) { D . c a l l b a c k = n u l l } , e . u n s t a b l e _ c o n t i n u e E x e c u t i o n = f u n c t i o n ( ) { g | | v | | ( g = ! 0 , B ( b ) ) } , e . u n s t a b l e _ f o r c e F r a m e R a t e = f u n c t i o n ( D ) { 0 > D | | 1 2 5 < D ? c o n s o l e . e r r o r ( " f o r c e F r a m e R a t e t a k e s a p o s i t i v e i n t b e t w e e n 0 a n d 1 2 5 , f o r c i n g f r a m e r a t e s h i g h e r t h a n 1 2 5 f p s i s n o t s u p p o r t e d " ) : $ = 0 < D ? M a t h . f l o o r ( 1 e 3 / D ) : 5 } , e . u n s t a b l e _ g e t C u r r e n t P r i o r i t y L e v e l = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n d } , e . u n s t a b l e _ g e t F i r s t C a l l b a c k N o d e = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n n ( u ) } , e . u n s t a b l e _ n e x t = f u n c t i o n ( D ) { s w i t c h ( d ) { c a s e 1 : c a s e 2 : c a s e 3 : v a r I = 3 ; b r e a k ; d e f a u l t : I = d } v a r F = d ; d = I ; t r y { r e t u r n D ( ) } f i n a l l y { d = F } } , e . u n s t a b l e _ p a u s e E x e c u t i o n = f u n c t i o n ( ) { } , e . u n s t a b l e _ r e q u e s t P a i n t = f u n c t i o n ( ) { } , e . u n s t a b l e _ r u n W i t h P r i o r i t y = f u n c t i o n ( D , I ) { s w i t c h ( D ) { c a s e 1 : c a s e 2 : c a s e 3 : c a s e 4 : c a s e 5 : b r e a k ; d e f a u l t : D = 3 } v a r F = d ; d = D ; t r y { r e t u r n I ( ) } f i n a l l y { d = F } } , e . u n s t a b l e _ s c h e d u l e C a l l b a c k = f u n c t i o n ( D , I , F ) { v a r Q = e . u n s t a b l e _ n o w ( ) ; s w i t c h ( t y p e o f F = = " o b j e c t " & & F ! = = n u l l ? ( F = F . d e l a y , F = t y p e o f F = = " n u m b e r " & & 0 < F ? Q + F : Q ) : F = Q , D ) { c a s e 1 : v a r z = - 1 ; b r e a k ; c a s e 2 : z = 2 5 0 ; b r e a k ; c a s e 5 : z = 1 0 7 3 7 4 1 8 2 3 ; b r e a k ; c a s e 4 : z = 1 e 4 ; b r e a k ; d e f a u l t : z = 5 e 3 } r e t u r n z = F + z , D = { i d : c + + , c a l l b a c k : I , p r i o r i t y L e v e l : D , s t a r t T i m e : F , e x p i r a t i o n T i m e : z , s o r t I n d e x : - 1 } , F > Q ? ( D . s o r t I n d e x = F , t ( l , D ) , n ( u ) = = = n u l l & & D = = = n ( l ) & & ( m ? ( p ( T ) , T = - 1 ) : m = ! 0 , r e ( E , F - Q ) ) ) : ( D . s o r t I n d e x = z , t ( u , D ) , g | | v | | ( g = ! 0 , B ( b ) ) ) , D } , e . u n s t a b l e _ s h o u l d Y i e l d = G , e . u n s t a b l e _ w r a p C a l l b a c k = f u n c t i o n ( D ) { v a r I = d ; r e t u r n f u n c t i o n ( ) { v a r F = d ; d = I ; t r y { r e t u r n D . a p p l y ( t h i s , a r g u m e n t s ) } f i n a l l y { d = F } } } } ) ( B h ) ; j h . e x p o r t s = B h ; v a r J 0 = j h . e x p o r t s ; / * *
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* @ license React
* react - dom . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* /var zh=M,st=J0;function x(e){for(var t="https:/ / reactjs . org / docs / error - decoder . html ? invariant = "+e,n=1;n<arguments.length;n++)t+=" & args [ ] = "+encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]);return" Minified React error # "+e+" ; visit "+t+" for the full message or use the non - minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings . "}var Uh=new Set,Fi={};function er(e,t){Br(e,t),Br(e+" Capture ",t)}function Br(e,t){for(Fi[e]=t,e=0;e<t.length;e++)Uh.add(t[e])}var Wt=!(typeof window>" u "||typeof window.document>" u "||typeof window.document.createElement>" u "),Bu=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,Z0=/^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/,Wf={},qf={};function eg(e){return Bu.call(qf,e)?!0:Bu.call(Wf,e)?!1:Z0.test(e)?qf[e]=!0:(Wf[e]=!0,!1)}function tg(e,t,n,r){if(n!==null&&n.type===0)return!1;switch(typeof t){case" function ":case" symbol ":return!0;case" boolean ":return r?!1:n!==null?!n.acceptsBooleans:(e=e.toLowerCase().slice(0,5),e!==" data - "&&e!==" aria - ");default:return!1}}function ng(e,t,n,r){if(t===null||typeof t>" u "||tg(e,t,n,r))return!0;if(r)return!1;if(n!==null)switch(n.type){case 3:return!t;case 4:return t===!1;case 5:return isNaN(t);case 6:return isNaN(t)||1>t}return!1}function qe(e,t,n,r,i,o,a){this.acceptsBooleans=t===2||t===3||t===4,this.attributeName=r,this.attributeNamespace=i,this.mustUseProperty=n,this.propertyName=e,this.type=t,this.sanitizeURL=o,this.removeEmptyString=a}var Fe={};" children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style ".split(" ").forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,0,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});[[" acceptCharset "," accept - charset "],[" className "," class "],[" htmlFor "," for "],[" httpEquiv "," http - equiv "]].forEach(function(e){var t=e[0];Fe[t]=new qe(t,1,!1,e[1],null,!1,!1)});[" contentEditable "," draggable "," spellCheck "," value "].forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,2,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)});[" autoReverse "," externalResourcesRequired "," focusable "," preserveAlpha "].forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,2,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});" allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture disableRemotePlayback formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope ".split(" ").forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,3,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)});[" checked "," multiple "," muted "," selected "].forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,3,!0,e,null,!1,!1)});[" capture "," download "].forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,4,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});[" cols "," rows "," size "," span "].forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,6,!1,e,null,!1,!1)});[" rowSpan "," start "].forEach(function(e){Fe[e]=new qe(e,5,!1,e.toLowerCase(),null,!1,!1)});var mc=/[\-:]([a-z])/g;function gc(e){return e[1].toUpperCase()}" accent - height alignment - baseline arabic - form baseline - shift cap - height clip - path clip - rule color - interpolation color - interpolation - filters color - profile color - rendering dominant - baseline enable - background fill - opacity fill - rule flood - color flood - opacity font - family font - size font - size - adjust font - stretch font - style font - variant font - weight glyph - name glyph - orientation - horizontal glyph - orientation - vertical horiz - adv - x horiz - origin - x image - rendering letter - spacing lighting - color marker - end marker - mid marker - start overline - position overline - thickness paint - order panose - 1 pointer - events rendering - intent shape - rendering stop - color stop - opacity strikethrough - position strikethrough - thickness stroke - dasharray stroke - dashoffset stroke - linecap stroke - linejoin stroke - miterlimit stroke - opacity stroke - width text - anchor text - decoration text - rendering underline - position underline - thickness unicode - bidi unicode - range units - per - em v - alphabetic v - hanging v - ideographic v - mathematical vector - effect vert - adv - y vert - origin -
` +Ys+e}var Xs=!1;function Js(e,t){if(!e||Xs)return"";Xs=!0;var n=Error.prepareStackTrace;Error.prepareStackTrace=void 0;try{if(t)if(t=function(){throw Error()},Object.defineProperty(t.prototype,"props",{set:function(){throw Error()}}),typeof Reflect=="object"&&Reflect.construct){try{Reflect.construct(t,[])}catch(l){var r=l}Reflect.construct(e,[],t)}else{try{t.call()}catch(l){r=l}e.call(t.prototype)}else{try{throw Error()}catch(l){r=l}e()}}catch(l){if(l&&r&&typeof l.stack=="string"){for(var i=l.stack.split( `
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` ),o=r.stack.split( `
` ),a=i.length-1,s=o.length-1;1<=a&&0<=s&&i[a]!==o[s];)s--;for(;1<=a&&0<=s;a--,s--)if(i[a]!==o[s]){if(a!==1||s!==1)do if(a--,s--,0>s||i[a]!==o[s]){var u= `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
` +i[a].replace(" at new "," at ");return e.displayName&&u.includes("<anonymous>")&&(u=u.replace("<anonymous>",e.displayName)),u}while(1<=a&&0<=s);break}}}finally{Xs=!1,Error.prepareStackTrace=n}return(e=e?e.displayName||e.name:"")?Ei(e):""}function rg(e){switch(e.tag){case 5:return Ei(e.type);case 16:return Ei("Lazy");case 13:return Ei("Suspense");case 19:return Ei("SuspenseList");case 0:case 2:case 15:return e=Js(e.type,!1),e;case 11:return e=Js(e.type.render,!1),e;case 1:return e=Js(e.type,!0),e;default:return""}}function Qu(e){if(e==null)return null;if(typeof e=="function")return e.displayName||e.name||null;if(typeof e=="string")return e;switch(e){case pr:return"Fragment";case dr:return"Portal";case zu:return"Profiler";case Sc:return"StrictMode";case Uu:return"Suspense";case $ u:return"SuspenseList"}if(typeof e=="object")switch(e. $ $ typeof){case Qh:return(e.displayName||"Context")+".Consumer";case $ h:return(e._context.displayName||"Context")+".Provider";case wc:var t=e.render;return e=e.displayName,e||(e=t.displayName||t.name||"",e=e!==""?"ForwardRef("+e+")":"ForwardRef"),e;case _c:return t=e.displayName||null,t!==null?t:Qu(e.type)||"Memo";case on:t=e._payload,e=e._init;try{return Qu(e(t))}catch{}}return null}function ig(e){var t=e.type;switch(e.tag){case 24:return"Cache";case 9:return(t.displayName||"Context")+".Consumer";case 10:return(t._context.displayName||"Context")+".Provider";case 18:return"DehydratedFragment";case 11:return e=t.render,e=e.displayName||e.name||"",t.displayName||(e!==""?"ForwardRef("+e+")":"ForwardRef");case 7:return"Fragment";case 5:return t;case 4:return"Portal";case 3:return"Root";case 6:return"Text";case 16:return Qu(t);case 8:return t===Sc?"StrictMode":"Mode";case 22:return"Offscreen";case 12:return"Profiler";case 21:return"Scope";case 13:return"Suspense";case 19:return"SuspenseList";case 25:return"TracingMarker";case 1:case 0:case 17:case 2:case 14:case 15:if(typeof t=="function")return t.displayName||t.name||null;if(typeof t=="string")return t}return null}function kn(e){switch(typeof e){case"boolean":case"number":case"string":case"undefined":return e;case"object":return e;default:return""}}function Kh(e){var t=e.type;return(e=e.nodeName)&&e.toLowerCase()==="input"&&(t==="checkbox"||t==="radio")}function og(e){var t=Kh(e)?"checked":"value",n=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype,t),r=""+e[t];if(!e.hasOwnProperty(t)&&typeof n<"u"&&typeof n.get=="function"&&typeof n.set=="function"){var i=n.get,o=n.set;return Object.defineProperty(e,t,{configurable:!0,get:function(){return i.call(this)},set:function(a){r=""+a,o.call(this,a)}}),Object.defineProperty(e,t,{enumerable:n.enumerable}),{getValue:function(){return r},setValue:function(a){r=""+a},stopTracking:function(){e._valueTracker=null,delete e[t]}}}}function Do(e){e._valueTracker||(e._valueTracker=og(e))}function Hh(e){if(!e)return!1;var t=e._valueTracker;if(!t)return!0;var n=t.getValue(),r="";return e&&(r=Kh(e)?e.checked?"true":"false":e.value),e=r,e!==n?(t.setValue(e),!0):!1}function Sa(e){if(e=e||(typeof document<"u"?document:void 0),typeof e>"u")return null;try{return e.activeElement||e.body}catch{return e.body}}function Vu(e,t){var n=t.checked;return ve({},t,{defaultChecked:void 0,defaultValue:void 0,value:void 0,checked:n??e._wrapperState.initialChecked})}function Yf(e,t){var n=t.defaultValue==null?"":t.defaultValue,r=t.checked!=null?t.checked:t.defaultChecked;n=kn(t.value!=null?t.value:n),e._wrapperState={initialChecked:r,initialValue:n,controlled:t.type==="checkbox"||t.type==="radio"?t.checked!=null:t.value!=null}}function Wh(e,t){t=t.checked,t!=null&&Ec(e,"checked",t,!1)}function Ku(e,t){Wh(e,t);var n=kn(t.value),r=t.type;if(n!=null)r==="number"?(n===0&&e.value===""||e.value!=n)&&(e.value=""+n):e.value!==""+n&&(e.value=""+n);else if(r==="submit"||r==="reset"){e.removeAttribute("value");return}t.hasOwnProperty("value")?Hu(e,t.type,n):t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")&&Hu(e,t.type,kn(t.defaultValue)),t.checked==null&&t.defaultChecked!=null&&(e.defaultChecked=!!t.defaultChecked)}function Xf(e,t,n){if(t.hasOwnProperty("val
` ).replace(vE,"")}function jo(e,t,n){if(t=Sd(t),Sd(e)!==t&&n)throw Error(x(425))}function xa(){}var al=null,sl=null;function ul(e,t){return e==="textarea"||e==="noscript"||typeof t.children=="string"||typeof t.children=="number"||typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML=="object"&&t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML!==null&&t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html!=null}var ll=typeof setTimeout=="function"?setTimeout:void 0,yE=typeof clearTimeout=="function"?clearTimeout:void 0,wd=typeof Promise=="function"?Promise:void 0,mE=typeof queueMicrotask=="function"?queueMicrotask:typeof wd<"u"?function(e){return wd.resolve(null).then(e).catch(gE)}:ll;function gE(e){setTimeout(function(){throw e})}function fu(e,t){var n=t,r=0;do{var i=n.nextSibling;if(e.removeChild(n),i&&i.nodeType===8)if(n=i.data,n==="/ $ "){if(r===0){e.removeChild(i), $ i(t);return}r--}else n!==" $ "&&n!==" $ ?"&&n!==" $ !"||r++;n=i}while(n); $ i(t)}function mn(e){for(;e!=null;e=e.nextSibling){var t=e.nodeType;if(t===1||t===3)break;if(t===8){if(t=e.data,t===" $ "||t===" $ !"||t===" $ ?")break;if(t==="/ $ ")return null}}return e}function _d(e){e=e.previousSibling;for(var t=0;e;){if(e.nodeType===8){var n=e.data;if(n===" $ "||n===" $ !"||n===" $ ?"){if(t===0)return e;t--}else n==="/ $ "&&t++}e=e.previousSibling}return null}var ei=Math.random().toString(36).slice(2),Rt="__reactFiber $ "+ei,Wi="__reactProps $ "+ei,qt="__reactContainer $ "+ei,cl="__reactEvents $ "+ei,EE="__reactListeners $ "+ei,SE="__reactHandles $ "+ei;function Bn(e){var t=e[Rt];if(t)return t;for(var n=e.parentNode;n;){if(t=n[qt]||n[Rt]){if(n=t.alternate,t.child!==null||n!==null&&n.child!==null)for(e=_d(e);e!==null;){if(n=e[Rt])return n;e=_d(e)}return t}e=n,n=e.parentNode}return null}function vo(e){return e=e[Rt]||e[qt],!e||e.tag!==5&&e.tag!==6&&e.tag!==13&&e.tag!==3?null:e}function mr(e){if(e.tag===5||e.tag===6)return e.stateNode;throw Error(x(33))}function is(e){return e[Wi]||null}var fl=[],gr=-1;function Ln(e){return{current:e}}function ue(e){0>gr||(e.current=fl[gr],fl[gr]=null,gr--)}function oe(e,t){gr++,fl[gr]=e.current,e.current=t}var bn={},Qe=Ln(bn),Je=Ln(!1),Hn=bn;function zr(e,t){var n=e.type.contextTypes;if(!n)return bn;var r=e.stateNode;if(r&&r.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext===t)return r.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext;var i={},o;for(o in n)i[o]=t[o];return r&&(e=e.stateNode,e.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext=t,e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext=i),i}function Ze(e){return e=e.childContextTypes,e!=null}function Na(){ue(Je),ue(Qe)}function Od(e,t,n){if(Qe.current!==bn)throw Error(x(168));oe(Qe,t),oe(Je,n)}function Av(e,t,n){var r=e.stateNode;if(t=t.childContextTypes,typeof r.getChildContext!="function")return n;r=r.getChildContext();for(var i in r)if(!(i in t))throw Error(x(108,ig(e)||"Unknown",i));return ve({},n,r)}function Da(e){return e=(e=e.stateNode)&&e.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext||bn,Hn=Qe.current,oe(Qe,e),oe(Je,Je.current),!0}function kd(e,t,n){var r=e.stateNode;if(!r)throw Error(x(169));n?(e=Av(e,t,Hn),r.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext=e,ue(Je),ue(Qe),oe(Qe,e)):ue(Je),oe(Je,n)}var Ut=null,os=!1,du=!1;function Mv(e){Ut===null?Ut=[e]:Ut.push(e)}function wE(e){os=!0,Mv(e)}function Rn(){if(!du&&Ut!==null){du=!0;var e=0,t=ee;try{var n=Ut;for(ee=1;e<n.length;e++){var r=n[e];do r=r(!0);while(r!==null)}Ut=null,os=!1}catch(i){throw Ut!==null&&(Ut=Ut.slice(e+1)),sv(kc,Rn),i}finally{ee=t,du=!1}}return null}var Er=[],Sr=0,Ia=null,La=0,ft=[],dt=0,Wn=null, $ t=1,Qt="";function An(e,t){Er[Sr++]=La,Er[Sr++]=Ia,Ia=e,La=t}function Fv(e,t,n){ft[dt++]= $ t,ft[dt++]=Qt,ft[dt++]=Wn,Wn=e;var r= $ t;e=Qt;var i=32-bt(r)-1;r&=~(1<<i),n+=1;var o=32-bt(t)+i;if(30<o){var a=i-i%5;o=(r&(1<<a)-1).toString(32),r>>=a,i-=a, $ t=1<<32-bt(t)+i|n<<i|r,Qt=o+e}else $ t=1<<o|n<<i|r,Qt=e}function Rc(e){e.return!==null&&(An(e,1),Fv(e,1,0))}function Pc(e){for(;e===Ia;)Ia=Er[--Sr],Er[Sr]=null,La=Er[--Sr],Er[Sr]=null;for(;e===Wn;)Wn=ft[--dt],ft[dt]=null,Qt=ft[--dt],ft[dt]=null, $ t=ft[--dt],ft[dt]=null}var ot=null,it=null,ce=!1,Ot=null;function jv(e,t){var n=pt(5,null,null,0);n.elementType="DELETED",n.stateNode=t,n.return=e,t=e.deletio
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
Error generating stack : ` +o.message+ `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
` +o.stack}return{value:e,source:t,stack:i,digest:null}}function mu(e,t,n){return{value:e,source:null,stack:n??null,digest:t??null}}function ml(e,t){try{console.error(t.value)}catch(n){setTimeout(function(){throw n})}}var DE=typeof WeakMap=="function"?WeakMap:Map;function dy(e,t,n){n=Vt(-1,n),n.tag=3,n.payload={element:null};var r=t.value;return n.callback=function(){za||(za=!0,Cl=r),ml(e,t)},n}function py(e,t,n){n=Vt(-1,n),n.tag=3;var r=e.type.getDerivedStateFromError;if(typeof r=="function"){var i=t.value;n.payload=function(){return r(i)},n.callback=function(){ml(e,t)}}var o=e.stateNode;return o!==null&&typeof o.componentDidCatch=="function"&&(n.callback=function(){ml(e,t),typeof r!="function"&&(En===null?En=new Set([this]):En.add(this));var a=t.stack;this.componentDidCatch(t.value,{componentStack:a!==null?a:""})}),n}function Pd(e,t,n){var r=e.pingCache;if(r===null){r=e.pingCache=new DE;var i=new Set;r.set(t,i)}else i=r.get(t),i===void 0&&(i=new Set,r.set(t,i));i.has(n)||(i.add(n),e=VE.bind(null,e,t,n),t.then(e,e))}function Ad(e){do{var t;if((t=e.tag===13)&&(t=e.memoizedState,t=t!==null?t.dehydrated!==null:!0),t)return e;e=e.return}while(e!==null);return null}function Md(e,t,n,r,i){return e.mode&1?(e.flags|=65536,e.lanes=i,e):(e===t?e.flags|=65536:(e.flags|=128,n.flags|=131072,n.flags&=-52805,n.tag===1&&(n.alternate===null?n.tag=17:(t=Vt(-1,1),t.tag=2,gn(n,t,1))),n.lanes|=1),e)}var IE=Zt.ReactCurrentOwner,Xe=!1;function Ve(e,t,n,r){t.child=e===null?Kv(t,null,n,r): $ r(t,e.child,n,r)}function Fd(e,t,n,r,i){n=n.render;var o=t.ref;return Ir(t,i),r=Kc(e,t,n,r,o,i),n=Hc(),e!==null&&!Xe?(t.updateQueue=e.updateQueue,t.flags&=-2053,e.lanes&=~i,Yt(e,t,i)):(ce&&n&&Rc(t),t.flags|=1,Ve(e,t,r,i),t.child)}function jd(e,t,n,r,i){if(e===null){var o=n.type;return typeof o=="function"&&!nf(o)&&o.defaultProps===void 0&&n.compare===null&&n.defaultProps===void 0?(t.tag=15,t.type=o,hy(e,t,o,r,i)):(e=ua(n.type,null,r,t,t.mode,i),e.ref=t.ref,e.return=t,t.child=e)}if(o=e.child,!(e.lanes&i)){var a=o.memoizedProps;if(n=n.compare,n=n!==null?n:Vi,n(a,r)&&e.ref===t.ref)return Yt(e,t,i)}return t.flags|=1,e=wn(o,r),e.ref=t.ref,e.return=t,t.child=e}function hy(e,t,n,r,i){if(e!==null){var o=e.memoizedProps;if(Vi(o,r)&&e.ref===t.ref)if(Xe=!1,t.pendingProps=r=o,(e.lanes&i)!==0)e.flags&131072&&(Xe=!0);else return t.lanes=e.lanes,Yt(e,t,i)}return gl(e,t,n,r,i)}function vy(e,t,n){var r=t.pendingProps,i=r.children,o=e!==null?e.memoizedState:null;if(r.mode==="hidden")if(!(t.mode&1))t.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},oe(Or,nt),nt|=n;else{if(!(n&1073741824))return e=o!==null?o.baseLanes|n:n,t.lanes=t.childLanes=1073741824,t.memoizedState={baseLanes:e,cachePool:null,transitions:null},t.updateQueue=null,oe(Or,nt),nt|=e,null;t.memoizedState={baseLanes:0,cachePool:null,transitions:null},r=o!==null?o.baseLanes:n,oe(Or,nt),nt|=r}else o!==null?(r=o.baseLanes|n,t.memoizedState=null):r=n,oe(Or,nt),nt|=r;return Ve(e,t,i,n),t.child}function yy(e,t){var n=t.ref;(e===null&&n!==null||e!==null&&e.ref!==n)&&(t.flags|=512,t.flags|=2097152)}function gl(e,t,n,r,i){var o=Ze(n)?Hn:Qe.current;return o=zr(t,o),Ir(t,i),n=Kc(e,t,n,r,o,i),r=Hc(),e!==null&&!Xe?(t.updateQueue=e.updateQueue,t.flags&=-2053,e.lanes&=~i,Yt(e,t,i)):(ce&&r&&Rc(t),t.flags|=1,Ve(e,t,n,i),t.child)}function Bd(e,t,n,r,i){if(Ze(n)){var o=!0;Da(t)}else o=!1;if(Ir(t,i),t.stateNode===null)oa(e,t),Qv(t,n,r),yl(t,n,r,i),r=!0;else if(e===null){var a=t.stateNode,s=t.memoizedProps;a.props=s;var u=a.context,l=n.contextType;typeof l=="object"&&l!==null?l=vt(l):(l=Ze(n)?Hn:Qe.current,l=zr(t,l));var c=n.getDerivedStateFromProps,f=typeof c=="function"||typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate=="function";f||typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps!="function"&&typeof a.componentWillReceiveProps!="function"||(s!==r||u!==l)&&Dd(t,a,r,l),an=!1;var d=t.memoizedState;a.state=d,Aa(t,r,a,i),u=t.memoizedState,s!==r||d!==u||Je.current||an?(typeof c=="function"&&(vl(t,n,c,r),u=t.memoizedState),(s=an||Nd(t,n,s,r,d,u,l))?(f||typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount!="function"&&typeof a.componentWillMount!="function"||(typeof a.
` ,c=r.split(/ \r \n |[ \n \r ]/g),f=c[i];if(f.length>120){const d=Math.floor(u/80),v=u%80,g=[];for(let m=0;m<f.length;m+=80)g.push(f.slice(m,m+80));return l+ip([[ ` $ { a } | ` ,g[0]],...g.slice(1,d+1).map(m=>["|",m]),["|","^".padStart(v)],["|",g[d+1]]])}return l+ip([[ ` $ { a - 1 } | ` ,c[i-1]],[ ` $ { a } | ` ,f],["|","^".padStart(u)],[ ` $ { a + 1 } | ` ,c[i+1]]])}function ip(e){const t=e.filter(([r,i])=>i!==void 0),n=Math.max(...t.map(([r])=>r.length));return t.map(([r,i])=>r.padStart(n)+(i?" "+i:"")).join( `
` )}function f1(e){const t=e[0];return t==null||"kind"in t||"length"in t?{nodes:t,source:e[1],positions:e[2],path:e[3],originalError:e[4],extensions:e[5]}:t}class cf extends Error{constructor(t,...n){var r,i,o;const{nodes:a,source:s,positions:u,path:l,originalError:c,extensions:f}=f1(n);super(t),this.name="GraphQLError",this.path=l??void 0,this.originalError=c??void 0,this.nodes=op(Array.isArray(a)?a:a?[a]:void 0);const d=op((r=this.nodes)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.map(g=>g.loc).filter(g=>g!=null));this.source=s??(d==null||(i=d[0])===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.source),this.positions=u??(d==null?void 0:d.map(g=>g.start)),this.locations=u&&s?u.map(g=>Pl(s,g)):d==null?void 0:d.map(g=>Pl(g.source,g.start));const v=s1(c==null?void 0:c.extensions)?c==null?void 0:c.extensions:void 0;this.extensions=(o=f??v)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:Object.create(null),Object.defineProperties(this,{message:{writable:!0,enumerable:!0},name:{enumerable:!1},nodes:{enumerable:!1},source:{enumerable:!1},positions:{enumerable:!1},originalError:{enumerable:!1}}),c!=null&&c.stack?Object.defineProperty(this,"stack",{value:c.stack,writable:!0,configurable:!0}):Error.captureStackTrace?Error.captureStackTrace(this,cf):Object.defineProperty(this,"stack",{value:Error().stack,writable:!0,configurable:!0})}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"GraphQLError"}toString(){let t=this.message;if(this.nodes)for(const n of this.nodes)n.loc&&(t+= `
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` +c1(n.loc));else if(this.source&&this.locations)for(const n of this.locations)t+= `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
` +Qy(this.source,n);return t}toJSON(){const t={message:this.message};return this.locations!=null&&(t.locations=this.locations),this.path!=null&&(t.path=this.path),this.extensions!=null&&Object.keys(this.extensions).length>0&&(t.extensions=this.extensions),t}}function op(e){return e===void 0||e.length===0?void 0:e}function Ne(e,t,n){return new cf( ` Syntax Error : $ { n } ` ,{source:e,positions:[t]})}class d1{constructor(t,n,r){this.start=t.start,this.end=n.end,this.startToken=t,this.endToken=n,this.source=r}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"Location"}toJSON(){return{start:this.start,end:this.end}}}class Vy{constructor(t,n,r,i,o,a){this.kind=t,this.start=n,this.end=r,this.line=i,this.column=o,this.value=a,this.prev=null,this.next=null}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"Token"}toJSON(){return{kind:this.kind,value:this.value,line:this.line,column:this.column}}}const Ky={Name:[],Document:["definitions"],OperationDefinition:["name","variableDefinitions","directives","selectionSet"],VariableDefinition:["variable","type","defaultValue","directives"],Variable:["name"],SelectionSet:["selections"],Field:["alias","name","arguments","directives","selectionSet"],Argument:["name","value"],FragmentSpread:["name","directives"],InlineFragment:["typeCondition","directives","selectionSet"],FragmentDefinition:["name","variableDefinitions","typeCondition","directives","selectionSet"],IntValue:[],FloatValue:[],StringValue:[],BooleanValue:[],NullValue:[],EnumValue:[],ListValue:["values"],ObjectValue:["fields"],ObjectField:["name","value"],Directive:["name","arguments"],NamedType:["name"],ListType:["type"],NonNullType:["type"],SchemaDefinition:["description","directives","operationTypes"],OperationTypeDefinition:["type"],ScalarTypeDefinition:["description","name","directives"],ObjectTypeDefinition:["description","name","interfaces","directives","fields"],FieldDefinition:["description","name","arguments","type","directives"],InputValueDefinition:["description","name","type","defaultValue","directives"],InterfaceTypeDefinition:["description","name","interfaces","directives","fields"],UnionTypeDefinition:["description","name","directives","types"],EnumTypeDefinition:["description","name","directives","values"],EnumValueDefinition:["description","name","directives"],InputObjectTypeDefinition:["description","name","directives","fields"],DirectiveDefinition:["description","name","arguments","locations"],SchemaExtension:["directives","operationTypes"],ScalarTypeExtension:["name","directives"],ObjectTypeExtension:["name","interfaces","directives","fields"],InterfaceTypeExtension:["name","interfaces","directives","fields"],UnionTypeExtension:["name","directives","types"],EnumTypeExtension:["name","directives","values"],InputObjectTypeExtension:["name","directives","fields"]},p1=new Set(Object.keys(Ky));function ap(e){const t=e==null?void 0:e.kind;return typeof t=="string"&&p1.has(t)}var kr;(function(e){e.QUERY="query",e.MUTATION="mutation",e.SUBSCRIPTION="subscription"})(kr||(kr={}));var Al;(function(e){e.QUERY="QUERY",e.MUTATION="MUTATION",e.SUBSCRIPTION="SUBSCRIPTION",e.FIELD="FIELD",e.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION="FRAGMENT_DEFINITION",e.FRAGMENT_SPREAD="FRAGMENT_SPREAD",e.INLINE_FRAGMENT="INLINE_FRAGMENT",e.VARIABLE_DEFINITION="VARIABLE_DEFINITION",e.SCHEMA="SCHEMA",e.SCALAR="SCALAR",e.OBJECT="OBJECT",e.FIELD_DEFINITION="FIELD_DEFINITION",e.ARGUMENT_DEFINITION="ARGUMENT_DEFINITION",e.INTERFACE="INTERFACE",e.UNION="UNION",e.ENUM="ENUM",e.ENUM_VALUE="ENUM_VALUE",e.INPUT_OBJECT="INPUT_OBJECT",e.INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION="INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION"})(Al||(Al={}));var P;(function(e){e.NAME="Name",e.DOCUMENT="Document",e.OPERATION_DEFINITION="OperationDefinition",e.VARIABLE_DEFINITION="VariableDefinition",e.SELECTION_SET="SelectionSet",e.FIELD="Field",e.ARGUMENT="Argument",e.FRAGMENT_SPREAD="FragmentSpread",e.INLINE_FRAGMENT="InlineFragment",e.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION="FragmentDefinition",e.VARIABLE="Variable",e.INT="IntValue",e.FLOAT="FloatValue",e.STRING="StringValue",e.BOOLEAN="BooleanValue",e.NULL="NullValue",e.ENUM="EnumValue",e.LIST="ListValue",e.OBJECT="ObjectValue",e.OBJECT_FIE
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` ),f+=n,(c||l)&&(f+= `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
` ),'"""'+f+'"""'}var C;(function(e){e.SOF="<SOF>",e.EOF="<EOF>",e.BANG="!",e.DOLLAR=" $ ",e.AMP="&",e.PAREN_L="(",e.PAREN_R=")",e.SPREAD="...",e.COLON=":",e.EQUALS="=",e.AT="@",e.BRACKET_L="[",e.BRACKET_R="]",e.BRACE_L="{",e.PIPE="|",e.BRACE_R="}",e.NAME="Name",e.INT="Int",e.FLOAT="Float",e.STRING="String",e.BLOCK_STRING="BlockString",e.COMMENT="Comment"})(C||(C={}));class g1{constructor(t){const n=new Vy(C.SOF,0,0,0,0);this.source=t,this.lastToken=n,this.token=n,this.line=1,this.lineStart=0}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"Lexer"}advance(){return this.lastToken=this.token,this.token=this.lookahead()}lookahead(){let t=this.token;if(t.kind!==C.EOF)do if(t.next)t=t.next;else{const n=S1(this,t.end);t.next=n,n.prev=t,t=n}while(t.kind===C.COMMENT);return t}}function E1(e){return e===C.BANG||e===C.DOLLAR||e===C.AMP||e===C.PAREN_L||e===C.PAREN_R||e===C.SPREAD||e===C.COLON||e===C.EQUALS||e===C.AT||e===C.BRACKET_L||e===C.BRACKET_R||e===C.BRACE_L||e===C.PIPE||e===C.BRACE_R}function ti(e){return e>=0&&e<=55295||e>=57344&&e<=1114111}function vs(e,t){return qy(e.charCodeAt(t))&&Gy(e.charCodeAt(t+1))}function qy(e){return e>=55296&&e<=56319}function Gy(e){return e>=56320&&e<=57343}function Xn(e,t){const n=e.source.body.codePointAt(t);if(n===void 0)return C.EOF;if(n>=32&&n<=126){const r=String.fromCodePoint(n);return r==='"'? ` '"' ` : ` "${r}" ` }return"U+"+n.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(4,"0")}function we(e,t,n,r,i){const o=e.line,a=1+n-e.lineStart;return new Vy(t,n,r,o,a,i)}function S1(e,t){const n=e.source.body,r=n.length;let i=t;for(;i<r;){const o=n.charCodeAt(i);switch(o){case 65279:case 9:case 32:case 44:++i;continue;case 10:++i,++e.line,e.lineStart=i;continue;case 13:n.charCodeAt(i+1)===10?i+=2:++i,++e.line,e.lineStart=i;continue;case 35:return w1(e,i);case 33:return we(e,C.BANG,i,i+1);case 36:return we(e,C.DOLLAR,i,i+1);case 38:return we(e,C.AMP,i,i+1);case 40:return we(e,C.PAREN_L,i,i+1);case 41:return we(e,C.PAREN_R,i,i+1);case 46:if(n.charCodeAt(i+1)===46&&n.charCodeAt(i+2)===46)return we(e,C.SPREAD,i,i+3);break;case 58:return we(e,C.COLON,i,i+1);case 61:return we(e,C.EQUALS,i,i+1);case 64:return we(e,C.AT,i,i+1);case 91:return we(e,C.BRACKET_L,i,i+1);case 93:return we(e,C.BRACKET_R,i,i+1);case 123:return we(e,C.BRACE_L,i,i+1);case 124:return we(e,C.PIPE,i,i+1);case 125:return we(e,C.BRACE_R,i,i+1);case 34:return n.charCodeAt(i+1)===34&&n.charCodeAt(i+2)===34?C1(e,i):O1(e,i)}if(eo(o)||o===45)return _1(e,i,o);if(Wy(o))return x1(e,i);throw Ne(e.source,i,o===39? ` Unexpected single quote character ( ' ) , did you mean to use a double quote ( ")?`:ti(o)||vs(n,i)?`Unexpected character: ${Xn(e,i)}.`:`Invalid character: ${Xn(e,i)}.`)}return we(e,C.EOF,r,r)}function w1(e,t){const n=e.source.body,r=n.length;let i=t+1;for(;i<r;){const o=n.charCodeAt(i);if(o===10||o===13)break;if(ti(o))++i;else if(vs(n,i))i+=2;else break}return we(e,C.COMMENT,t,i,n.slice(t+1,i))}function _1(e,t,n){const r=e.source.body;let i=t,o=n,a=!1;if(o===45&&(o=r.charCodeAt(++i)),o===48){if(o=r.charCodeAt(++i),eo(o))throw Ne(e.source,i,`Invalid number, unexpected digit after 0: ${Xn(e,i)}.`)}else i=_u(e,i,o),o=r.charCodeAt(i);if(o===46&&(a=!0,o=r.charCodeAt(++i),i=_u(e,i,o),o=r.charCodeAt(i)),(o===69||o===101)&&(a=!0,o=r.charCodeAt(++i),(o===43||o===45)&&(o=r.charCodeAt(++i)),i=_u(e,i,o),o=r.charCodeAt(i)),o===46||Wy(o))throw Ne(e.source,i,`Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${Xn(e,i)}.`);return we(e,a?C.FLOAT:C.INT,t,i,r.slice(t,i))}function _u(e,t,n){if(!eo(n))throw Ne(e.source,t,`Invalid number, expected digit but got: ${Xn(e,t)}.`);const r=e.source.body;let i=t+1;for(;eo(r.charCodeAt(i));)++i;return i}function O1(e,t){const n=e.source.body,r=n.length;let i=t+1,o=i,a=" ";for(;i<r;){const s=n.charCodeAt(i);if(s===34)return a+=n.slice(o,i),we(e,C.STRING,t,i+1,a);if(s===92){a+=n.slice(o,i);const u=n.charCodeAt(i+1)===117?n.charCodeAt(i+2)===123?k1(e,i):b1(e,i):T1(e,i);a+=u.value,i+=u.size,o=i;continue}if(s===10||s===13)break;if(ti(s))++i;else if(vs(n,i))i+=2;else throw Ne(e.source,i,`Invalid character within String: ${Xn(e,i)}.`)}throw Ne(e.source,i," Unterminated str
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` ,size:2};case 114:return{value:" \r ",size:2};case 116:return{value:" ",size:2}}throw Ne(e.source,t, ` Invalid character escape sequence : "${n.slice(t,t+2)}" . ` )}function C1(e,t){const n=e.source.body,r=n.length;let i=e.lineStart,o=t+3,a=o,s="";const u=[];for(;o<r;){const l=n.charCodeAt(o);if(l===34&&n.charCodeAt(o+1)===34&&n.charCodeAt(o+2)===34){s+=n.slice(a,o),u.push(s);const c=we(e,C.BLOCK_STRING,t,o+3,v1(u).join( `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
` ));return e.line+=u.length-1,e.lineStart=i,c}if(l===92&&n.charCodeAt(o+1)===34&&n.charCodeAt(o+2)===34&&n.charCodeAt(o+3)===34){s+=n.slice(a,o),a=o+1,o+=4;continue}if(l===10||l===13){s+=n.slice(a,o),u.push(s),l===13&&n.charCodeAt(o+1)===10?o+=2:++o,s="",a=o,i=o;continue}if(ti(l))++o;else if(vs(n,o))o+=2;else throw Ne(e.source,o, ` Invalid character within String : $ { Xn ( e , o ) } . ` )}throw Ne(e.source,o,"Unterminated string.")}function x1(e,t){const n=e.source.body,r=n.length;let i=t+1;for(;i<r;){const o=n.charCodeAt(i);if(h1(o))++i;else break}return we(e,C.NAME,t,i,n.slice(t,i))}const N1=10,Yy=2;function ff(e){return ys(e,[])}function ys(e,t){switch(typeof e){case"string":return JSON.stringify(e);case"function":return e.name? ` [ function $ { e . name } ] ` :"[function]";case"object":return D1(e,t);default:return String(e)}}function D1(e,t){if(e===null)return"null";if(t.includes(e))return"[Circular]";const n=[...t,e];if(I1(e)){const r=e.toJSON();if(r!==e)return typeof r=="string"?r:ys(r,n)}else if(Array.isArray(e))return R1(e,n);return L1(e,n)}function I1(e){return typeof e.toJSON=="function"}function L1(e,t){const n=Object.entries(e);return n.length===0?"{}":t.length>Yy?"["+P1(e)+"]":"{ "+n.map(([i,o])=>i+": "+ys(o,t)).join(", ")+" }"}function R1(e,t){if(e.length===0)return"[]";if(t.length>Yy)return"[Array]";const n=Math.min(N1,e.length),r=e.length-n,i=[];for(let o=0;o<n;++o)i.push(ys(e[o],t));return r===1?i.push("... 1 more item"):r>1&&i.push( ` ... $ { r } more items ` ),"["+i.join(", ")+"]"}function P1(e){const t=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).replace(/^ \[ object /,"").replace(/] $ /,"");if(t==="Object"&&typeof e.constructor=="function"){const n=e.constructor.name;if(typeof n=="string"&&n!=="")return n}return t}const A1=globalThis.process?function(t,n){return t instanceof n}:function(t,n){if(t instanceof n)return!0;if(typeof t=="object"&&t!==null){var r;const i=n.prototype[Symbol.toStringTag],o=Symbol.toStringTag in t?t[Symbol.toStringTag]:(r=t.constructor)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.name;if(i===o){const a=ff(t);throw new Error( ` Cannot use $ { i } "${a}" from another module or realm .
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
Ensure that there is only one instance of "graphql" in the node _modules
directory . If different versions of "graphql" are the dependencies of other
relied on modules , use "resolutions" to ensure only one version is installed .
https : //yarnpkg.com/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions
Duplicate "graphql" modules cannot be used at the same time since different
versions may have different capabilities and behavior . The data from one
version used in the function from another could produce confusing and
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
spurious results . ` )}}return!1};class Xy{constructor(t,n="GraphQL request",r={line:1,column:1}){typeof t=="string"||la(!1, ` Body must be a string . Received : $ { ff ( t ) } . ` ),this.body=t,this.name=n,this.locationOffset=r,this.locationOffset.line>0||la(!1,"line in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive."),this.locationOffset.column>0||la(!1,"column in locationOffset is 1-indexed and must be positive.")}get[Symbol.toStringTag](){return"Source"}}function M1(e){return A1(e,Xy)}function F1(e,t){return new j1(e,t).parseDocument()}class j1{constructor(t,n={}){const r=M1(t)?t:new Xy(t);this._lexer=new g1(r),this._options=n,this._tokenCounter=0}parseName(){const t=this.expectToken(C.NAME);return this.node(t,{kind:P.NAME,value:t.value})}parseDocument(){return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:P.DOCUMENT,definitions:this.many(C.SOF,this.parseDefinition,C.EOF)})}parseDefinition(){if(this.peek(C.BRACE_L))return this.parseOperationDefinition();const t=this.peekDescription(),n=t?this._lexer.lookahead():this._lexer.token;if(n.kind===C.NAME){switch(n.value){case"schema":return this.parseSchemaDefinition();case"scalar":return this.parseScalarTypeDefinition();case"type":return this.parseObjectTypeDefinition();case"interface":return this.parseInterfaceTypeDefinition();case"union":return this.parseUnionTypeDefinition();case"enum":return this.parseEnumTypeDefinition();case"input":return this.parseInputObjectTypeDefinition();case"directive":return this.parseDirectiveDefinition()}if(t)throw Ne(this._lexer.source,this._lexer.token.start,"Unexpected description, descriptions are supported only on type definitions.");switch(n.value){case"query":case"mutation":case"subscription":return this.parseOperationDefinition();case"fragment":return this.parseFragmentDefinition();case"extend":return this.parseTypeSystemExtension()}}throw this.unexpected(n)}parseOperationDefinition(){const t=this._lexer.token;if(this.peek(C.BRACE_L))return this.node(t,{kind:P.OPERATION_DEFINITION,operation:kr.QUERY,name:void 0,variableDefinitions:[],directives:[],selectionSet:this.parseSelectionSet()});const n=this.parseOperationType();let r;return this.peek(C.NAME)&&(r=this.parseName()),this.node(t,{kind:P.OPERATION_DEFINITION,operation:n,name:r,variableDefinitions:this.parseVariableDefinitions(),directives:this.parseDirectives(!1),selectionSet:this.parseSelectionSet()})}parseOperationType(){const t=this.expectToken(C.NAME);switch(t.value){case"query":return kr.QUERY;case"mutation":return kr.MUTATION;case"subscription":return kr.SUBSCRIPTION}throw this.unexpected(t)}parseVariableDefinitions(){return this.optionalMany(C.PAREN_L,this.parseVariableDefinition,C.PAREN_R)}parseVariableDefinition(){return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:P.VARIABLE_DEFINITION,variable:this.parseVariable(),type:(this.expectToken(C.COLON),this.parseTypeReference()),defaultValue:this.expectOptionalToken(C.EQUALS)?this.parseConstValueLiteral():void 0,directives:this.parseConstDirectives()})}parseVariable(){const t=this._lexer.token;return this.expectToken(C.DOLLAR),this.node(t,{kind:P.VARIABLE,name:this.parseName()})}parseSelectionSet(){return this.node(this._lexer.token,{kind:P.SELECTION_SET,selections:this.many(C.BRACE_L,this.parseSelection,C.BRACE_R)})}parseSelection(){return this.peek(C.SPREAD)?this.parseFragment():this.parseField()}parseField(){const t=this._lexer.token,n=this.parseName();let r,i;return this.expectOptionalToken(C.COLON)?(r=n,i=this.parseName()):i=n,this.node(t,{kind:P.FIELD,alias:r,name:i,arguments:this.parseArguments(!1),directives:this.parseDirectives(!1),selectionSet:this.peek(C.BRACE_L)?this.parseSelectionSet():void 0})}parseArguments(t){const n=t?this.parseConstArgument:this.parseArgument;return this.optionalMany(C.PAREN_L,n,C.PAREN_R)}parseArgument(t=!1){const n=this._lexer.token,r=this.parseName();return this.expectToken(C.COLON),this.node(n,{kind:P.ARGUMENT,name:r,value:this.parseValueLiteral(t)})}parseConstArgument(){return this.parseArgument(!0)}parseFragment(){const t=this._lexer.token;this.expectToken(C.SPREAD);const n=this.expectOptionalKeyword("on");return!n&&this
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
` )},OperationDefinition:{leave(e){const t=V("(",A(e.variableDefinitions,", "),")"),n=A([e.operation,A([e.name,t]),A(e.directives," ")]," ");return(n==="query"?"":n+" ")+e.selectionSet}},VariableDefinition:{leave:({variable:e,type:t,defaultValue:n,directives:r})=>e+": "+t+V(" = ",n)+V(" ",A(r," "))},SelectionSet:{leave:({selections:e})=>St(e)},Field:{leave({alias:e,name:t,arguments:n,directives:r,selectionSet:i}){const o=V("",e,": ")+t;let a=o+V("(",A(n,", "),")");return a.length>K1&&(a=o+V( ` (
` ,ca(A(n, `
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` )), `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
) ` )),A([a,A(r," "),i]," ")}},Argument:{leave:({name:e,value:t})=>e+": "+t},FragmentSpread:{leave:({name:e,directives:t})=>"..."+e+V(" ",A(t," "))},InlineFragment:{leave:({typeCondition:e,directives:t,selectionSet:n})=>A(["...",V("on ",e),A(t," "),n]," ")},FragmentDefinition:{leave:({name:e,typeCondition:t,variableDefinitions:n,directives:r,selectionSet:i})=> ` fragment $ { e } $ { V ( "(" , A ( n , ", " ) , ")" ) } on $ { t } $ { V ( "" , A ( r , " " ) , " " ) } ` +i},IntValue:{leave:({value:e})=>e},FloatValue:{leave:({value:e})=>e},StringValue:{leave:({value:e,block:t})=>t?m1(e):B1(e)},BooleanValue:{leave:({value:e})=>e?"true":"false"},NullValue:{leave:()=>"null"},EnumValue:{leave:({value:e})=>e},ListValue:{leave:({values:e})=>"["+A(e,", ")+"]"},ObjectValue:{leave:({fields:e})=>"{"+A(e,", ")+"}"},ObjectField:{leave:({name:e,value:t})=>e+": "+t},Directive:{leave:({name:e,arguments:t})=>"@"+e+V("(",A(t,", "),")")},NamedType:{leave:({name:e})=>e},ListType:{leave:({type:e})=>"["+e+"]"},NonNullType:{leave:({type:e})=>e+"!"},SchemaDefinition:{leave:({description:e,directives:t,operationTypes:n})=>V("",e, `
` )+A(["schema",A(t," "),St(n)]," ")},OperationTypeDefinition:{leave:({operation:e,type:t})=>e+": "+t},ScalarTypeDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,directives:n})=>V("",e, `
` )+A(["scalar",t,A(n," ")]," ")},ObjectTypeDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,interfaces:n,directives:r,fields:i})=>V("",e, `
` )+A(["type",t,V("implements ",A(n," & ")),A(r," "),St(i)]," ")},FieldDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,arguments:n,type:r,directives:i})=>V("",e, `
` )+t+(up(n)?V( ` (
` ,ca(A(n, `
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` )), `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
) ` ):V("(",A(n,", "),")"))+": "+r+V(" ",A(i," "))},InputValueDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,type:n,defaultValue:r,directives:i})=>V("",e, `
` )+A([t+": "+n,V("= ",r),A(i," ")]," ")},InterfaceTypeDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,interfaces:n,directives:r,fields:i})=>V("",e, `
` )+A(["interface",t,V("implements ",A(n," & ")),A(r," "),St(i)]," ")},UnionTypeDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,directives:n,types:r})=>V("",e, `
` )+A(["union",t,A(n," "),V("= ",A(r," | "))]," ")},EnumTypeDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,directives:n,values:r})=>V("",e, `
` )+A(["enum",t,A(n," "),St(r)]," ")},EnumValueDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,directives:n})=>V("",e, `
` )+A([t,A(n," ")]," ")},InputObjectTypeDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,directives:n,fields:r})=>V("",e, `
` )+A(["input",t,A(n," "),St(r)]," ")},DirectiveDefinition:{leave:({description:e,name:t,arguments:n,repeatable:r,locations:i})=>V("",e, `
` )+"directive @"+t+(up(n)?V( ` (
` ,ca(A(n, `
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` )), `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
) ` ):V("(",A(n,", "),")"))+(r?" repeatable":"")+" on "+A(i," | ")},SchemaExtension:{leave:({directives:e,operationTypes:t})=>A(["extend schema",A(e," "),St(t)]," ")},ScalarTypeExtension:{leave:({name:e,directives:t})=>A(["extend scalar",e,A(t," ")]," ")},ObjectTypeExtension:{leave:({name:e,interfaces:t,directives:n,fields:r})=>A(["extend type",e,V("implements ",A(t," & ")),A(n," "),St(r)]," ")},InterfaceTypeExtension:{leave:({name:e,interfaces:t,directives:n,fields:r})=>A(["extend interface",e,V("implements ",A(t," & ")),A(n," "),St(r)]," ")},UnionTypeExtension:{leave:({name:e,directives:t,types:n})=>A(["extend union",e,A(t," "),V("= ",A(n," | "))]," ")},EnumTypeExtension:{leave:({name:e,directives:t,values:n})=>A(["extend enum",e,A(t," "),St(n)]," ")},InputObjectTypeExtension:{leave:({name:e,directives:t,fields:n})=>A(["extend input",e,A(t," "),St(n)]," ")}};function A(e,t=""){var n;return(n=e==null?void 0:e.filter(r=>r).join(t))!==null&&n!==void 0?n:""}function St(e){return V( ` {
` ,ca(A(e, `
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
` )), `
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
} ` )}function V(e,t,n=""){return t!=null&&t!==""?e+t+n:""}function ca(e){return V(" ",e.replace(/ \n /g, `
` ))}function up(e){var t;return(t=e==null?void 0:e.some(n=>n.includes( `
` )))!==null&&t!==void 0?t:!1}function lp(e){return e.kind===P.FIELD||e.kind===P.FRAGMENT_SPREAD||e.kind===P.INLINE_FRAGMENT}function mo(e,t){var n=e.directives;return!n||!n.length?!0:G1(n).every(function(r){var i=r.directive,o=r.ifArgument,a=!1;return o.value.kind==="Variable"?(a=t&&t[o.value.name.value],U(a!==void 0,64,i.name.value)):a=o.value.value,i.name.value==="skip"?!a:a})}function to(e,t,n){var r=new Set(e),i=r.size;return Xt(t,{Directive:function(o){if(r.delete(o.name.value)&&(!n||!r.size))return df}}),n?!r.size:r.size<i}function W1(e){return e&&to(["client","export"],e,!0)}function q1(e){var t=e.name.value;return t==="skip"||t==="include"}function G1(e){var t=[];return e&&e.length&&e.forEach(function(n){if(q1(n)){var r=n.arguments,i=n.name.value;U(r&&r.length===1,65,i);var o=r[0];U(o.name&&o.name.value==="if",66,i);var a=o.value;U(a&&(a.kind==="Variable"||a.kind==="BooleanValue"),67,i),t.push({directive:n,ifArgument:o})}}),t}const Y1=()=>Object.create(null),{forEach:X1,slice:J1}=Array.prototype,{hasOwnProperty:Z1}=Object.prototype;class Pn{constructor(t=!0,n=Y1){this.weakness=t,this.makeData=n}lookup(...t){return this.lookupArray(t)}lookupArray(t){let n=this;return X1.call(t,r=>n=n.getChildTrie(r)),Z1.call(n,"data")?n.data:n.data=this.makeData(J1.call(t))}peek(...t){return this.peekArray(t)}peekArray(t){let n=this;for(let r=0,i=t.length;n&&r<i;++r){const o=this.weakness&&cp(t[r])?n.weak:n.strong;n=o&&o.get(t[r])}return n&&n.data}getChildTrie(t){const n=this.weakness&&cp(t)?this.weak||(this.weak=new WeakMap):this.strong||(this.strong=new Map);let r=n.get(t);return r||n.set(t,r=new Pn(this.weakness,this.makeData)),r}}function cp(e){switch(typeof e){case"object":if(e===null)break;case"function":return!0}return!1}var Bt=typeof WeakMap=="function"&&kt(function(){return navigator.product})!=="ReactNative",Zy=typeof WeakSet=="function",pf=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.for=="function",ms=pf&&Symbol.asyncIterator,eS=typeof kt(function(){return window.document.createElement})=="function",tS=kt(function(){return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("jsdom")>=0})||!1,nS=eS&&!tS;function fe(e){return e!==null&&typeof e=="object"}function rS(e,t){var n=t,r=[];e.definitions.forEach(function(o){if(o.kind==="OperationDefinition")throw He(68,o.operation,o.name?" named '".concat(o.name.value,"'"):"");o.kind==="FragmentDefinition"&&r.push(o)}),typeof n>"u"&&(U(r.length===1,69,r.length),n=r[0].name.value);var i=w(w({},e),{definitions:_n([{kind:"OperationDefinition",operation:"query",selectionSet:{kind:"SelectionSet",selections:[{kind:"FragmentSpread",name:{kind:"Name",value:n}}]}}],e.definitions,!0)});return i}function gs(e){e===void 0&&(e=[]);var t={};return e.forEach(function(n){t[n.name.value]=n}),t}function Es(e,t){switch(e.kind){case"InlineFragment":return e;case"FragmentSpread":{var n=e.name.value;if(typeof t=="function")return t(n);var r=t&&t[n];return U(r,70,n),r||null}default:return null}}function Rr(e){return{__ref:String(e)}}function ne(e){return!!(e&&typeof e=="object"&&typeof e.__ref=="string")}function iS(e){return fe(e)&&e.kind==="Document"&&Array.isArray(e.definitions)}function oS(e){return e.kind==="StringValue"}function aS(e){return e.kind==="BooleanValue"}function sS(e){return e.kind==="IntValue"}function uS(e){return e.kind==="FloatValue"}function lS(e){return e.kind==="Variable"}function cS(e){return e.kind==="ObjectValue"}function fS(e){return e.kind==="ListValue"}function dS(e){return e.kind==="EnumValue"}function pS(e){return e.kind==="NullValue"}function Hr(e,t,n,r){if(sS(n)||uS(n))e[t.value]=Number(n.value);else if(aS(n)||oS(n))e[t.value]=n.value;else if(cS(n)){var i={};n.fields.map(function(a){return Hr(i,a.name,a.value,r)}),e[t.value]=i}else if(lS(n)){var o=(r||{})[n.name.value];e[t.value]=o}else if(fS(n))e[t.value]=n.values.map(function(a){var s={};return Hr(s,t,a,r),s[t.value]});else if(dS(n))e[t.value]=n.value;else if(pS(n))e[t.value]=null;else throw He(79,t.value,n.kind)}function hS(e,t){var n=null;e.directives&&(n={},e.directives.forEach(function(i){n[i.name.value]={},i.arguments&&i.arguments.forE
In order to be iterable , non - array objects must have a [ Symbol . iterator ] ( ) method . ` )}function TS(e,t){if(e){if(typeof e=="string")return hp(e,t);var n=Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8,-1);if(n==="Object"&&e.constructor&&(n=e.constructor.name),n==="Map"||n==="Set")return Array.from(e);if(n==="Arguments"||/^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array $ /.test(n))return hp(e,t)}}function hp(e,t){(t==null||t>e.length)&&(t=e.length);for(var n=0,r=new Array(t);n<t;n++)r[n]=e[n];return r}function vp(e,t){for(var n=0;n<t.length;n++){var r=t[n];r.enumerable=r.enumerable||!1,r.configurable=!0,"value"in r&&(r.writable=!0),Object.defineProperty(e,r.key,r)}}function gf(e,t,n){return t&&vp(e.prototype,t),n&&vp(e,n),Object.defineProperty(e,"prototype",{writable:!1}),e}var Ef=function(){return typeof Symbol=="function"},Sf=function(e){return Ef()&&!!Symbol[e]},wf=function(e){return Sf(e)?Symbol[e]:"@@"+e};Ef()&&!Sf("observable")&&(Symbol.observable=Symbol("observable"));var CS=wf("iterator"),Bl=wf("observable"),am=wf("species");function Va(e,t){var n=e[t];if(n!=null){if(typeof n!="function")throw new TypeError(n+" is not a function");return n}}function pi(e){var t=e.constructor;return t!==void 0&&(t=t[am],t===null&&(t=void 0)),t!==void 0?t:se}function xS(e){return e instanceof se}function Wr(e){Wr.log?Wr.log(e):setTimeout(function(){throw e})}function fa(e){Promise.resolve().then(function(){try{e()}catch(t){Wr(t)}})}function sm(e){var t=e._cleanup;if(t!==void 0&&(e._cleanup=void 0,!!t))try{if(typeof t=="function")t();else{var n=Va(t,"unsubscribe");n&&n.call(t)}}catch(r){Wr(r)}}function zl(e){e._observer=void 0,e._queue=void 0,e._state="closed"}function NS(e){var t=e._queue;if(t){e._queue=void 0,e._state="ready";for(var n=0;n<t.length&&(um(e,t[n].type,t[n].value),e._state!=="closed");++n);}}function um(e,t,n){e._state="running";var r=e._observer;try{var i=Va(r,t);switch(t){case"next":i&&i.call(r,n);break;case"error":if(zl(e),i)i.call(r,n);else throw n;break;case"complete":zl(e),i&&i.call(r);break}}catch(o){Wr(o)}e._state==="closed"?sm(e):e._state==="running"&&(e._state="ready")}function Ou(e,t,n){if(e._state!=="closed"){if(e._state==="buffering"){e._queue.push({type:t,value:n});return}if(e._state!=="ready"){e._state="buffering",e._queue=[{type:t,value:n}],fa(function(){return NS(e)});return}um(e,t,n)}}var DS=function(){function e(n,r){this._cleanup=void 0,this._observer=n,this._queue=void 0,this._state="initializing";var i=new IS(this);try{this._cleanup=r.call(void 0,i)}catch(o){i.error(o)}this._state==="initializing"&&(this._state="ready")}var t=e.prototype;return t.unsubscribe=function(){this._state!=="closed"&&(zl(this),sm(this))},gf(e,[{key:"closed",get:function(){return this._state==="closed"}}]),e}(),IS=function(){function e(n){this._subscription=n}var t=e.prototype;return t.next=function(r){Ou(this._subscription,"next",r)},t.error=function(r){Ou(this._subscription,"error",r)},t.complete=function(){Ou(this._subscription,"complete")},gf(e,[{key:"closed",get:function(){return this._subscription._state==="closed"}}]),e}(),se=function(){function e(n){if(!(this instanceof e))throw new TypeError("Observable cannot be called as a function");if(typeof n!="function")throw new TypeError("Observable initializer must be a function");this._subscriber=n}var t=e.prototype;return t.subscribe=function(r){return(typeof r!="object"||r===null)&&(r={next:r,error:arguments[1],complete:arguments[2]}),new DS(r,this._subscriber)},t.forEach=function(r){var i=this;return new Promise(function(o,a){if(typeof r!="function"){a(new TypeError(r+" is not a function"));return}function s(){u.unsubscribe(),o()}var u=i.subscribe({next:function(l){try{r(l,s)}catch(c){a(c),u.unsubscribe()}},error:a,complete:o})})},t.map=function(r){var i=this;if(typeof r!="function")throw new TypeError(r+" is not a function");var o=pi(this);return new o(function(a){return i.subscribe({next:function(s){try{s=r(s)}catch(u){return a.error(u)}a.next(s)},error:function(s){a.error(s)},complete:function(){a.complete()}})})},t.filter=function(r){var i=this;if(typeof r!="function")throw new Ty
` )},ln=function(e){en(t,e);function t(n){var r=n.graphQLErrors,i=n.protocolErrors,o=n.clientErrors,a=n.networkError,s=n.errorMessage,u=n.extraInfo,l=e.call(this,s)||this;return l.name="ApolloError",l.graphQLErrors=r||[],l.protocolErrors=i||[],l.clientErrors=o||[],l.networkError=a||null,l.message=s||tw(l),l.extraInfo=u,l.__proto__=t.prototype,l}return t}(Error),wp=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function nw(e,t){var n;return sn(this,void 0,void 0,function(){var r,i,o,a,s,u,l,c,f,d,v,g,m,S,p,h,y,E,b,_,O,T, $ ;return un(this,function(j){switch(j.label){case 0:if(TextDecoder===void 0)throw new Error("TextDecoder must be defined in the environment: please import a polyfill.");r=new TextDecoder("utf-8"),i=(n=e.headers)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.get("content-type"),o="boundary=",a=i!=null&&i.includes(o)?i==null?void 0:i.substring((i==null?void 0:i.indexOf(o))+o.length).replace(/['"]/g,"").replace(/ \; (.*)/gm,"").trim():"-",s= ` \ r
-- ` .concat(a),u="",l=JS(e),c=!0,j.label=1;case 1:return c?[4,l.next()]:[3,3];case 2:for(f=j.sent(),d=f.value,v=f.done,g=typeof d=="string"?d:r.decode(d),m=u.length-s.length+1,c=!v,u+=g,S=u.indexOf(s,m);S>-1;){if(p=void 0,T=[u.slice(0,S),u.slice(S+s.length)],p=T[0],u=T[1],h=p.indexOf( ` \ r
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
\ r
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
` ),y=rw(p.slice(0,h)),E=y["content-type"],E&&E.toLowerCase().indexOf("application/json")===-1)throw new Error("Unsupported patch content type: application/json is required.");if(b=p.slice(h),b){if(_=dm(e,b),Object.keys(_).length>1||"data"in _||"incremental"in _||"errors"in _||"payload"in _)jS(_)?(O={},"payload"in _&&(O=w({},_.payload)),"errors"in _&&(O=w(w({},O),{extensions:w(w({},"extensions"in O?O.extensions:null),( $ ={}, $ [_f]=_.errors, $ ))})),t(O)):t(_);else if(Object.keys(_).length===1&&"hasNext"in _&&!_.hasNext)return[2]}S=u.indexOf(s)}return[3,1];case 3:return[2]}})})}function rw(e){var t={};return e.split( `
` ).forEach(function(n){var r=n.indexOf(":");if(r>-1){var i=n.slice(0,r).trim().toLowerCase(),o=n.slice(r+1).trim();t[i]=o}}),t}function dm(e,t){if(e.status>=300){var n=function(){try{return JSON.parse(t)}catch{return t}};Ql(e,n(),"Response not successful: Received status code ".concat(e.status))}try{return JSON.parse(t)}catch(i){var r=i;throw r.name="ServerParseError",r.response=e,r.statusCode=e.status,r.bodyText=t,r}}function iw(e,t){e.result&&e.result.errors&&e.result.data&&t.next(e.result),t.error(e)}function ow(e){return function(t){return t.text().then(function(n){return dm(t,n)}).then(function(n){return t.status>=300&&Ql(t,n,"Response not successful: Received status code ".concat(t.status)),!Array.isArray(n)&&!wp.call(n,"data")&&!wp.call(n,"errors")&&Ql(t,n,"Server response was missing for query '".concat(Array.isArray(e)?e.map(function(r){return r.operationName}):e.operationName,"'.")),n})}}var Kl=function(e,t){var n;try{n=JSON.stringify(e)}catch(i){var r=He(37,t,i.message);throw r.parseError=i,r}return n},aw={includeQuery:!0,includeExtensions:!1,preserveHeaderCase:!1},sw={accept:"*/*","content-type":"application/json"},uw={method:"POST"},lw={http:aw,headers:sw,options:uw},cw=function(e,t){return t(e)};function fw(e,t){for(var n=[],r=2;r<arguments.length;r++)n[r-2]=arguments[r];var i={},o={};n.forEach(function(f){i=w(w(w({},i),f.options),{headers:w(w({},i.headers),f.headers)}),f.credentials&&(i.credentials=f.credentials),o=w(w({},o),f.http)}),i.headers&&(i.headers=dw(i.headers,o.preserveHeaderCase));var a=e.operationName,s=e.extensions,u=e.variables,l=e.query,c={operationName:a,variables:u};return o.includeExtensions&&(c.extensions=s),o.includeQuery&&(c.query=t(l,nm)),{options:i,body:c}}function dw(e,t){if(!t){var n=Object.create(null);return Object.keys(Object(e)).forEach(function(o){n[o.toLowerCase()]=e[o]}),n}var r=Object.create(null);Object.keys(Object(e)).forEach(function(o){r[o.toLowerCase()]={originalName:o,value:e[o]}});var i=Object.create(null);return Object.keys(r).forEach(function(o){i[r[o].originalName]=r[o].value}),i}var pw=function(e){if(!e&&typeof fetch>"u")throw He(35)},hw=function(e,t){var n=e.getContext(),r=n.uri;return r||(typeof t=="function"?t(e):t||"/graphql")};function vw(e,t){var n=[],r=function(f,d){n.push("".concat(f,"=").concat(encodeURIComponent(d)))};if("query"in t&&r("query",t.query),t.operationName&&r("operationName",t.operationName),t.variables){var i=void 0;try{i=Kl(t.variables,"Variables map")}catch(f){return{parseError:f}}r("variables",i)}if(t.extensions){var o=void 0;try{o=Kl(t.extensions,"Extensions map")}catch(f){return{parseError:f}}r("extensions",o)}var a="",s=e,u=e.indexOf("#");u!==-1&&(a=e.substr(u),s=e.substr(0,u));var l=s.indexOf("?")===-1?"?":"&",c=s+l+n.join("&")+a;return{newURI:c}}var _p=kt(function(){return fetch}),yw=function(e){e===void 0&&(e={});var t=e.uri,n=t===void 0?"/graphql":t,r=e.fetch,i=e.print,o=i===void 0?cw:i,a=e.includeExtensions,s=e.preserveHeaderCase,u=e.useGETForQueries,l=e.includeUnusedVariables,c=l===void 0?!1:l,f=jt(e,["uri","fetch","print","includeExtensions","preserveHeaderCase","useGETForQueries","includeUnusedVariables"]);globalThis.__DEV__!==!1&&pw(r||_p);var d={http:{includeExtensions:a,preserveHeaderCase:s},options:f.fetchOptions,credentials:f.credentials,headers:f.headers};return new wo(function(v){var g=hw(v,n),m=v.getContext(),S={};if(m.clientAwareness){var p=m.clientAwareness,h=p.name,y=p.version;h&&(S["apollographql-client-name"]=h),y&&(S["apollographql-client-version"]=y)}var E=w(w({},S),m.headers),b={http:m.http,options:m.fetchOptions,credentials:m.credentials,headers:E};if(to(["client"],v.query)){var _=om(v.query);if(!_)return bu(new Error("HttpLink: Trying to send a client-only query to the server. To send to the server, ensure a non-client field is added to the query or set the ` transformOptions . removeClientFields ` option to ` true ` ."));v.query=_}var O=fw(v,o,lw,d,b),T=O.options, $ =O.body; $ .variables&&!c&&( $ .variables= $ S( $ .variables,v.query));var j;!T.signal&&typeof AbortController<"u"&&(j=new AbortController,T.signal=j.signal);va
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
graphql - tag enforces all fragment names across your application to be unique ; read more about
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
this in the docs : http : //dev.apollodata.com/core/fragments.html#unique-names`):a||nc.set(i,a=new Set),a.add(o),t.has(o)||(t.add(o),n.push(r))}else n.push(r)}),qa(qa({},e),{definitions:n})}function c_(e){var t=new Set(e.definitions);t.forEach(function(r){r.loc&&delete r.loc,Object.keys(r).forEach(function(i){var o=r[i];o&&typeof o=="object"&&t.add(o)})});var n=e.loc;return n&&(delete n.startToken,delete n.endToken),e}function f_(e){var t=Bm(e);if(!ya.has(t)){var n=F1(e,{experimentalFragmentVariables:Ga,allowLegacyFragmentVariables:Ga});if(!n||n.kind!=="Document")throw new Error("Not a valid GraphQL document.");ya.set(t,c_(l_(n)))}return ya.get(t)}function Zn(e){for(var t=[],n=1;n<arguments.length;n++)t[n-1]=arguments[n];typeof e=="string"&&(e=[e]);var r=e[0];return t.forEach(function(i,o){i&&i.kind==="Document"?r+=i.loc.source.body:r+=i,r+=e[o+1]}),f_(r)}function d_(){ya.clear(),nc.clear()}function p_(){jm=!1}function h_(){Ga=!0}function v_(){Ga=!1}var yi={gql:Zn,resetCaches:d_,disableFragmentWarnings:p_,enableExperimentalFragmentVariables:h_,disableExperimentalFragmentVariables:v_};(function(e){e.gql=yi.gql,e.resetCaches=yi.resetCaches,e.disableFragmentWarnings=yi.disableFragmentWarnings,e.enableExperimentalFragmentVariables=yi.enableExperimentalFragmentVariables,e.disableExperimentalFragmentVariables=yi.disableExperimentalFragmentVariables})(Zn||(Zn={}));Zn.default=Zn;var Jp=pf?Symbol.for("__APOLLO_CONTEXT__"):"__APOLLO_CONTEXT__";function Nf(){U("createContext"in jr,43);var e=M.createContext[Jp];return e||(Object.defineProperty(M.createContext,Jp,{value:e=M.createContext({}),enumerable:!1,writable:!1,configurable:!0}),e.displayName="ApolloContext"),e}var y_=function(e){var t=e.client,n=e.children,r=Nf(),i=M.useContext(r),o=M.useMemo(function(){return w(w({},i),{client:t||i.client})},[i,t]);return U(o.client,44),M.createElement(r.Provider,{value:o},n)};function m_(e){var t=M.useContext(Nf()),n=e||t.client;return U(!!n,47),n}var Zp=!1,g_="useSyncExternalStore",E_=jr[g_],S_=E_||function(e,t,n){var r=t();globalThis.__DEV__!==!1&&!Zp&&r!==t()&&(Zp=!0,globalThis.__DEV__!==!1&&U.error(56));var i=M.useState({inst:{value:r,getSnapshot:t}}),o=i[0].inst,a=i[1];return nS?M.useLayoutEffect(function(){Object.assign(o,{value:r,getSnapshot:t}),Pu(o)&&a({inst:o})},[e,r,t]):Object.assign(o,{value:r,getSnapshot:t}),M.useEffect(function(){return Pu(o)&&a({inst:o}),e(function(){Pu(o)&&a({inst:o})})},[e]),r};function Pu(e){var t=e.value,n=e.getSnapshot;try{return t!==n()}catch{return!0}}var Kt;(function(e){e[e.Query=0]="Query",e[e.Mutation=1]="Mutation",e[e.Subscription=2]="Subscription"})(Kt||(Kt={}));var eh=new Map;function th(e){var t;switch(e){case Kt.Query:t="Query";break;case Kt.Mutation:t="Mutation";break;case Kt.Subscription:t="Subscription";break}return t}function w_(e){var t=eh.get(e);if(t)return t;var n,r,i;U(!!e&&!!e.kind,57,e);for(var o=[],a=[],s=[],u=[],l=0,c=e.definitions;l<c.length;l++){var f=c[l];if(f.kind==="FragmentDefinition"){o.push(f);continue}if(f.kind==="OperationDefinition")switch(f.operation){case"query":a.push(f);break;case"mutation":s.push(f);break;case"subscription":u.push(f);break}}U(!o.length||a.length||s.length||u.length,58),U(a.length+s.length+u.length<=1,59,e,a.length,u.length,s.length),r=a.length?Kt.Query:Kt.Mutation,!a.length&&!s.length&&(r=Kt.Subscription);var d=a.length?a:s.length?s:u;U(d.length===1,60,e,d.length);var v=d[0];n=v.variableDefinitions||[],v.name&&v.name.kind==="Name"?i=v.name.value:i="data";var g={name:i,type:r,variables:n};return eh.set(e,g),g}function __(e,t){var n=w_(e),r=th(t),i=th(n.type);U(n.type===t,61,r,r,i)}var O_=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;function zm(e,t){return t===void 0&&(t=Object.create(null)),k_(m_(t.client),e).useQuery(t)}function k_(e,t){var n=M.useRef();(!n.current||e!==n.current.client||t!==n.current.query)&&(n.current=new b_(e,t,n.current));var r=n.current;return r.forceUpdateState=M.useReducer(function(i){return i+1},0)[1],r}var b_=function(){function e(t,n,r){var i=this;this.client=t,this.query=n,this.forceUpdate=function(){return i.forceUpdateState()},this.ssr
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
Copyright ( c ) Microsoft Corporation .
Permission to use , copy , modify , and / or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted .
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * / v a r i = f u n c t i o n ( ) { r e t u r n i = O b j e c t . a s s i g n | | f u n c t i o n ( k ) { f o r ( v a r B , r e = 1 , D = a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h ; r e < D ; r e + + ) { B = a r g u m e n t s [ r e ] ; f o r ( v a r I i n B ) O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y . c a l l ( B , I ) & & ( k [ I ] = B [ I ] ) } r e t u r n k } , i . a p p l y ( t h i s , a r g u m e n t s ) } , o = t y p e o f g l o b a l T h i s < " u " ? g l o b a l T h i s : t y p e o f w i n d o w < " u " ? w i n d o w : t y p e o f U e < " u " ? U e : t y p e o f s e l f < " u " ? s e l f : { } ; f u n c t i o n a ( N ) { r e t u r n N & & N . _ _ e s M o d u l e & & O b j e c t . p r o t o t y p e . h a s O w n P r o p e r t y . c a l l ( N , " d e f a u l t " ) ? N . d e f a u l t : N } f u n c t i o n s ( N , k ) { r e t u r n k = { e x p o r t s : { } } , N ( k , k . e x p o r t s ) , k . e x p o r t s } v a r u = s ( f u n c t i o n ( N , k ) { O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( k , " _ _ e s M o d u l e " , { v a l u e : ! 0 } ) , k . B L O C K S = v o i d 0 , f u n c t i o n ( B ) { B . D O C U M E N T = " d o c u m e n t " , B . P A R A G R A P H = " p a r a g r a p h " , B . H E A D I N G _ 1 = " h e a d i n g - 1 " , B . H E A D I N G _ 2 = " h e a d i n g - 2 " , B . H E A D I N G _ 3 = " h e a d i n g - 3 " , B . H E A D I N G _ 4 = " h e a d i n g - 4 " , B . H E A D I N G _ 5 = " h e a d i n g - 5 " , B . H E A D I N G _ 6 = " h e a d i n g - 6 " , B . O L _ L I S T = " o r d e r e d - l i s t " , B . U L _ L I S T = " u n o r d e r e d - l i s t " , B . L I S T _ I T E M = " l i s t - i t e m " , B . H R = " h r " , B . Q U O T E = " b l o c k q u o t e " , B . E M B E D D E D _ E N T R Y = " e m b e d d e d - e n t r y - b l o c k " , B . E M B E D D E D _ A S S E T = " e m b e d d e d - a s s e t - b l o c k " , B . E M B E D D E D _ R E S O U R C E = " e m b e d d e d - r e s o u r c e - b l o c k " , B . T A B L E = " t a b l e " , B . T A B L E _ R O W = " t a b l e - r o w " , B . T A B L E _ C E L L = " t a b l e - c e l l " , B . T A B L E _ H E A D E R _ C E L L = " t a b l e - h e a d e r - c e l l " } ( k . B L O C K S | | ( k . B L O C K S = { } ) ) } ) ; a ( u ) , u . B L O C K S ; v a r l = s ( f u n c t i o n ( N , k ) { O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( k , " _ _ e s M o d u l e " , { v a l u e : ! 0 } ) , k . I N L I N E S = v o i d 0 , f u n c t i o n ( B ) { B . H Y P E R L I N K = " h y p e r l i n k " , B . E N T R Y _ H Y P E R L I N K = " e n t r y - h y p e r l i n k " , B . A S S E T _ H Y P E R L I N K = " a s s e t - h y p e r l i n k " , B . E M B E D D E D _ E N T R Y = " e m b e d d e d - e n t r y - i n l i n e " } ( k . I N L I N E S | | ( k . I N L I N E S = { } ) ) } ) ; a ( l ) , l . I N L I N E S ; v a r c = s ( f u n c t i o n ( N , k ) { O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( k , " _ _ e s M o d u l e " , { v a l u e : ! 0 } ) ; v a r B ; ( f u n c t i o n ( r e ) { r e . B O L D = " b o l d " , r e . I T A L I C = " i t a l i c " , r e . U N D E R L I N E = " u n d e r l i n e " , r e . C O D E = " c o d e " , r e . S U P E R S C R I P T = " s u p e r s c r i p t " , r e . S U B S C R I P T = " s u b s c r i p t " } ) ( B | | ( B = { } ) ) , k . d e f a u l t = B } ) ; a ( c ) ; v a r f = s ( f u n c t i o n ( N , k ) { v a r B = o & & o . _ _ s p r e a d A r r a y | | f u n c t i o n ( F , Q , z ) { i f ( z | | a r g u m e n t s . l e n g t h = = = 2 ) f o r ( v a r H = 0 , Z = Q . l e n g t h , L e ; H < Z ; H + + ) ( L e | | ! ( H i n Q ) ) & & ( L e | | ( L e = A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e . s l i c e . c a l l ( Q , 0 , H ) ) , L e [ H ] = Q [ H ] ) ; r e t u r n F . c o n c a t ( L e | | A r r a y . p r o t o t y p e . s l i c e . c a l l ( Q ) ) } , r e = o & & o . _ _ i m p o r t D e f a u l t | | f u n c t i o n ( F ) { r e t u r n F & & F . _ _ e s M o d u l e ? F : { d e f a u l t : F } } , D ; O b j e c t . d e f i n e P r o p e r t y ( k , " _ _ e s M o d u l e " , { v a l u e : ! 0 } ) , k . V 1 _ M A R K S = k . V 1 _ N O D E _ T Y P E S = k . T E X T _ C O N T A I N E R S = k . H E A D I N G S = k . C O N T A I N E R S = k . V O I D _ B L O C K S = k . T A B L E _ B L O C K S = k . L I S T _ I T E M _ B L O C K S = k . T O P _ L E V E L _ B L O C K S = v o i d 0 ; v a r I = r e ( c ) ; k . T O P _ L E V E L _ B L O C K S = [ u . B L O C K S . P A R A G R A P H , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 1 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 2 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 3 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 4 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 5 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 6 , u . B L O C K S . O L _ L I S T , u . B L O C K S . U L _ L I S T , u . B L O C K S . H R , u . B L O C K S . Q U O T E , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ E N T R Y , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ A S S E T , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ R E S O U R C E , u . B L O C K S . T A B L E ] , k . L I S T _ I T E M _ B L O C K S = [ u . B L O C K S . P A R A G R A P H , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 1 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 2 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 3 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 4 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 5 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 6 , u . B L O C K S . O L _ L I S T , u . B L O C K S . U L _ L I S T , u . B L O C K S . H R , u . B L O C K S . Q U O T E , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ E N T R Y , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ A S S E T , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ R E S O U R C E ] , k . T A B L E _ B L O C K S = [ u . B L O C K S . T A B L E , u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ R O W , u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ C E L L , u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ H E A D E R _ C E L L ] , k . V O I D _ B L O C K S = [ u . B L O C K S . H R , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ E N T R Y , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ A S S E T , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ R E S O U R C E ] , k . C O N T A I N E R S = ( D = { } , D [ u . B L O C K S . O L _ L I S T ] = [ u . B L O C K S . L I S T _ I T E M ] , D [ u . B L O C K S . U L _ L I S T ] = [ u . B L O C K S . L I S T _ I T E M ] , D [ u . B L O C K S . L I S T _ I T E M ] = k . L I S T _ I T E M _ B L O C K S , D [ u . B L O C K S . Q U O T E ] = [ u . B L O C K S . P A R A G R A P H ] , D [ u . B L O C K S . T A B L E ] = [ u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ R O W ] , D [ u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ R O W ] = [ u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ C E L L , u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ H E A D E R _ C E L L ] , D [ u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ C E L L ] = [ u . B L O C K S . P A R A G R A P H ] , D [ u . B L O C K S . T A B L E _ H E A D E R _ C E L L ] = [ u . B L O C K S . P A R A G R A P H ] , D ) , k . H E A D I N G S = [ u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 1 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 2 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 3 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 4 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 5 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 6 ] , k . T E X T _ C O N T A I N E R S = B ( [ u . B L O C K S . P A R A G R A P H ] , k . H E A D I N G S , ! 0 ) , k . V 1 _ N O D E _ T Y P E S = [ u . B L O C K S . D O C U M E N T , u . B L O C K S . P A R A G R A P H , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 1 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 2 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 3 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 4 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 5 , u . B L O C K S . H E A D I N G _ 6 , u . B L O C K S . O L _ L I S T , u . B L O C K S . U L _ L I S T , u . B L O C K S . L I S T _ I T E M , u . B L O C K S . H R , u . B L O C K S . Q U O T E , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ E N T R Y , u . B L O C K S . E M B E D D E D _ A S S E T , l . I N L I N E S . H Y P E R L I N K , l . I N L I N E S . E N T R Y _ H Y P E R L I N K , l . I N L I N E S . A S S E T _ H Y P E R L I N K , l . I N L I N E S . E M B E D D E D _ E N T R Y , " t e x t " ] , k . V 1 _ M A R K S = [ I . d e f a u l t . B O L D , I
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* @ remix - run / router v1 . 6.3
* Copyright ( c ) Remix Software Inc .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE . md file in the root directory of this source tree .
* @ license MIT
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* /function ao(){return ao=Object.assign?Object.assign.bind():function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t];for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(e[r]=n[r])}return e},ao.apply(this,arguments)}var $n;(function(e){e.Pop="POP",e.Push="PUSH",e.Replace="REPLACE"})($n||($n={}));const rh="popstate";function P_(e){e===void 0&&(e={});function t(r,i){let{pathname:o,search:a,hash:s}=r.location;return oc("",{pathname:o,search:a,hash:s},i.state&&i.state.usr||null,i.state&&i.state.key||"default")}function n(r,i){return typeof i=="string"?i:Ya(i)}return M_(t,n,null,e)}function Ct(e,t){if(e===!1||e===null||typeof e>"u")throw new Error(t)}function A_(){return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2,8)}function ih(e,t){return{usr:e.state,key:e.key,idx:t}}function oc(e,t,n,r){return n===void 0&&(n=null),ao({pathname:typeof e=="string"?e:e.pathname,search:"",hash:""},typeof t=="string"?Ts(t):t,{state:n,key:t&&t.key||r||A_()})}function Ya(e){let{pathname:t="/ ",search:n=" ",hash:r=" "}=e;return n&&n!==" ? "&&(t+=n.charAt(0)===" ? "?n:" ? "+n),r&&r!==" # "&&(t+=r.charAt(0)===" # "?r:" # "+r),t}function Ts(e){let t={};if(e){let n=e.indexOf(" # ");n>=0&&(t.hash=e.substr(n),e=e.substr(0,n));let r=e.indexOf(" ? ");r>=0&&(t.search=e.substr(r),e=e.substr(0,r)),e&&(t.pathname=e)}return t}function M_(e,t,n,r){r===void 0&&(r={});let{window:i=document.defaultView,v5Compat:o=!1}=r,a=i.history,s=$n.Pop,u=null,l=c();l==null&&(l=0,a.replaceState(ao({},a.state,{idx:l})," "));function c(){return(a.state||{idx:null}).idx}function f(){s=$n.Pop;let S=c(),p=S==null?null:S-l;l=S,u&&u({action:s,location:m.location,delta:p})}function d(S,p){s=$n.Push;let h=oc(m.location,S,p);n&&n(h,S),l=c()+1;let y=ih(h,l),E=m.createHref(h);try{a.pushState(y," ",E)}catch(b){if(b instanceof DOMException&&b.name===" DataCloneError ")throw b;i.location.assign(E)}o&&u&&u({action:s,location:m.location,delta:1})}function v(S,p){s=$n.Replace;let h=oc(m.location,S,p);n&&n(h,S),l=c();let y=ih(h,l),E=m.createHref(h);a.replaceState(y," ",E),o&&u&&u({action:s,location:m.location,delta:0})}function g(S){let p=i.location.origin!==" null "?i.location.origin:i.location.href,h=typeof S==" string "?S:Ya(S);return Ct(p," No window . location . ( origin | href ) available to create URL for href : "+h),new URL(h,p)}let m={get action(){return s},get location(){return e(i,a)},listen(S){if(u)throw new Error(" A history only accepts one active listener ");return i.addEventListener(rh,f),u=S,()=>{i.removeEventListener(rh,f),u=null}},createHref(S){return t(i,S)},createURL:g,encodeLocation(S){let p=g(S);return{pathname:p.pathname,search:p.search,hash:p.hash}},push:d,replace:v,go(S){return a.go(S)}};return m}var oh;(function(e){e.data=" data ",e.deferred=" deferred ",e.redirect=" redirect ",e.error=" error "})(oh||(oh={}));function Hm(e,t){if(t===" / ")return e;if(!e.toLowerCase().startsWith(t.toLowerCase()))return null;let n=t.endsWith(" / ")?t.length-1:t.length,r=e.charAt(n);return r&&r!==" / "?null:e.slice(n)||" / "}function F_(e,t){t===void 0&&(t=" / ");let{pathname:n,search:r=" ",hash:i=" "}=typeof e==" string "?Ts(e):e;return{pathname:n?n.startsWith(" / ")?n:j_(n,t):t,search:B_(r),hash:z_(i)}}function j_(e,t){let n=t.replace(/\/+$/," ").split(" / ");return e.split(" / ").forEach(i=>{i===" . . "?n.length>1&&n.pop():i!==" . "&&n.push(i)}),n.length>1?n.join(" / "):" / "}function Au(e,t,n,r){return" Cannot include a '"+e+"' character in a manually specified "+(" ` to."+t+" ` field [ "+JSON.stringify(r)+" ] . Please separate it out to the ")+(" ` to."+n+" ` field . Alternatively you may provide the full path as ")+'a string in <Link to=" ... "> and the router will parse it for you.'}function Wm(e){return e.filter((t,n)=>n===0||t.route.path&&t.route.path.length>0)}function qm(e,t,n,r){r===void 0&&(r=!1);let i;typeof e==" string "?i=Ts(e):(i=ao({},e),Ct(!i.pathname||!i.pathname.includes(" ? "),Au(" ? "," pathname "," search ",i)),Ct(!i.pathname||!i.pathname.includes(" # "),Au(" # "," pathname "," hash ",i)),Ct(!i.search||!i.search.includes(" # "),Au(" # "," search "," hash ",i)));let o=e===" "||i.pathname===" ",a=o?" / ":i.pathname,s;if(r||a==null)s=n;else{let f=t.length-1;if(a.startsWith("
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* React Router v6 . 12.1
* Copyright ( c ) Remix Software Inc .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE . md file in the root directory of this source tree .
* @ license MIT
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* /function ac(){return ac=Object.assign?Object.assign.bind():function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t];for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(e[r]=n[r])}return e},ac.apply(this,arguments)}const Xm=M.createContext(null),Oo=M.createContext(null),If=M.createContext(null),Cs=M.createContext({outlet:null,matches:[],isDataRoute:!1});function $_(e,t){let{relative:n}=t===void 0?{}:t;xs()||Ct(!1);let{basename:r,navigator:i}=M.useContext(Oo),{hash:o,pathname:a,search:s}=Zm(e,{relative:n}),u=a;return r!=="/ "&&(u=a===" / "?r:Gm([r,a])),i.createHref({pathname:u,search:s,hash:o})}function xs(){return M.useContext(If)!=null}function Ns(){return xs()||Ct(!1),M.useContext(If).location}function Jm(e){M.useContext(Oo).static||M.useLayoutEffect(e)}function Q_(){let{isDataRoute:e}=M.useContext(Cs);return e?q_():V_()}function V_(){xs()||Ct(!1);let e=M.useContext(Xm),{basename:t,navigator:n}=M.useContext(Oo),{matches:r}=M.useContext(Cs),{pathname:i}=Ns(),o=JSON.stringify(Wm(r).map(u=>u.pathnameBase)),a=M.useRef(!1);return Jm(()=>{a.current=!0}),M.useCallback(function(u,l){if(l===void 0&&(l={}),!a.current)return;if(typeof u==" number "){n.go(u);return}let c=qm(u,JSON.parse(o),i,l.relative===" path ");e==null&&t!==" / "&&(c.pathname=c.pathname===" / "?t:Gm([t,c.pathname])),(l.replace?n.replace:n.push)(c,l.state,l)},[t,n,o,i,e])}function Zm(e,t){let{relative:n}=t===void 0?{}:t,{matches:r}=M.useContext(Cs),{pathname:i}=Ns(),o=JSON.stringify(Wm(r).map(a=>a.pathnameBase));return M.useMemo(()=>qm(e,JSON.parse(o),i,n===" path "),[e,o,i,n])}var sc;(function(e){e.UseBlocker=" useBlocker ",e.UseRevalidator=" useRevalidator ",e.UseNavigateStable=" useNavigate "})(sc||(sc={}));var uc;(function(e){e.UseBlocker=" useBlocker ",e.UseLoaderData=" useLoaderData ",e.UseActionData=" useActionData ",e.UseRouteError=" useRouteError ",e.UseNavigation=" useNavigation ",e.UseRouteLoaderData=" useRouteLoaderData ",e.UseMatches=" useMatches ",e.UseRevalidator=" useRevalidator ",e.UseNavigateStable=" useNavigate ",e.UseRouteId=" useRouteId "})(uc||(uc={}));function K_(e){let t=M.useContext(Xm);return t||Ct(!1),t}function H_(e){let t=M.useContext(Cs);return t||Ct(!1),t}function W_(e){let t=H_(),n=t.matches[t.matches.length-1];return n.route.id||Ct(!1),n.route.id}function q_(){let{router:e}=K_(sc.UseNavigateStable),t=W_(uc.UseNavigateStable),n=M.useRef(!1);return Jm(()=>{n.current=!0}),M.useCallback(function(i,o){o===void 0&&(o={}),n.current&&(typeof i==" number "?e.navigate(i):e.navigate(i,ac({fromRouteId:t},o)))},[e,t])}function G_(e){let{basename:t=" / ",children:n=null,location:r,navigationType:i=$n.Pop,navigator:o,static:a=!1}=e;xs()&&Ct(!1);let s=t.replace(/^\/*/," / "),u=M.useMemo(()=>({basename:s,navigator:o,static:a}),[s,o,a]);typeof r==" string "&&(r=Ts(r));let{pathname:l=" / ",search:c=" ",hash:f=" ",state:d=null,key:v=" default "}=r,g=M.useMemo(()=>{let m=Hm(l,s);return m==null?null:{location:{pathname:m,search:c,hash:f,state:d,key:v},navigationType:i}},[s,l,c,f,d,v,i]);return g==null?null:M.createElement(Oo.Provider,{value:u},M.createElement(If.Provider,{children:n,value:g}))}var ah;(function(e){e[e.pending=0]=" pending ",e[e.success=1]=" success ",e[e.error=2]=" error " } ) ( ah || ( ah = { } ) ) ; new Promise ( ( ) => { } ) ; / * *
2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* React Router DOM v6 . 12.1
* Copyright ( c ) Remix Software Inc .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE . md file in the root directory of this source tree .
* @ license MIT
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
* /function lc(){return lc=Object.assign?Object.assign.bind():function(e){for(var t=1;t<arguments.length;t++){var n=arguments[t];for(var r in n)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,r)&&(e[r]=n[r])}return e},lc.apply(this,arguments)}function Y_(e,t){if(e==null)return{};var n={},r=Object.keys(e),i,o;for(o=0;o<r.length;o++)i=r[o],!(t.indexOf(i)>=0)&&(n[i]=e[i]);return n}function X_(e){return!!(e.metaKey||e.altKey||e.ctrlKey||e.shiftKey)}function J_(e,t){return e.button===0&&(!t||t==="_self")&&!X_(e)}const Z_=["onClick","relative","reloadDocument","replace","state","target","to","preventScrollReset"],sh="startTransition";function eO(e){let{basename:t,children:n,window:r}=e,i=M.useRef();i.current==null&&(i.current=P_({window:r,v5Compat:!0}));let o=i.current,[a,s]=M.useState({action:o.action,location:o.location}),u=M.useCallback(l=>{sh in jr?jr[sh](()=>s(l)):s(l)},[s]);return M.useLayoutEffect(()=>o.listen(u),[o,u]),M.createElement(G_,{basename:t,children:n,location:a.location,navigationType:a.action,navigator:o})}const tO=typeof window<"u"&&typeof window.document<"u"&&typeof window.document.createElement<"u",nO=/ ^ ( ? : [ a - z ] [ a - z0 - 9 + . - ] * : | \ / \ / ) / i , e0 = M . forwardRef ( function ( t , n ) { let { onClick : r , relative : i , reloadDocument : o , replace : a , state : s , target : u , to : l , preventScrollReset : c } = t , f = Y _ ( t , Z _ ) , { basename : d } = M . useContext ( Oo ) , v , g = ! 1 ; if ( typeof l == "string" && nO . test ( l ) && ( v = l , tO ) ) try { let h = new URL ( window . location . href ) , y = l . startsWith ( "//" ) ? new URL ( h . protocol + l ) : new URL ( l ) , E = Hm ( y . pathname , d ) ; y . origin === h . origin && E != null ? l = E + y . search + y . hash : g = ! 0 } catch { } let m = $ _ ( l , { relative : i } ) , S = rO ( l , { replace : a , state : s , target : u , preventScrollReset : c , relative : i } ) ; function p ( h ) { r && r ( h ) , h . defaultPrevented || S ( h ) } return M . createElement ( "a" , lc ( { } , f , { href : v || m , onClick : g || o ? r : p , ref : n , target : u } ) ) } ) ; var uh ; ( function ( e ) { e . UseScrollRestoration = "useScrollRestoration" , e . UseSubmitImpl = "useSubmitImpl" , e . UseFetcher = "useFetcher" } ) ( uh || ( uh = { } ) ) ; var lh ; ( function ( e ) { e . UseFetchers = "useFetchers" , e . UseScrollRestoration = "useScrollRestoration" } ) ( lh || ( lh = { } ) ) ; function rO ( e , t ) { let { target : n , replace : r , state : i , preventScrollReset : o , relative : a } = t === void 0 ? { } : t , s = Q _ ( ) , u = Ns ( ) , l = Zm ( e , { relative : a } ) ; return M . useCallback ( c => { if ( J _ ( c , n ) ) { c . preventDefault ( ) ; let f = r !== void 0 ? r : Ya ( u ) === Ya ( l ) ; s ( e , { replace : f , state : i , preventScrollReset : o , relative : a } ) } } , [ u , s , l , r , i , n , e , o , a ] ) } const rn = ( { text : e , link : t , style : n } ) => R . jsx ( "div" , { className : R _ . link , children : R . jsx ( e0 , { style : n , to : t , children : e } ) } ) , t0 = ( { json : e , url : t , images : n , entries : r } ) => { const i = new Map ; if ( n !== void 0 ) for ( const u of n ) i . set ( u . sys . id , u ) ; const o = new Map ; if ( r !== void 0 ) for ( const u of r ) o . set ( u . sys . id , u ) ; const a = t . startsWith ( "tym/" ) , s = t == "tym" ; return Um . documentToReactComponents ( e , { renderText : u => u . split ( `
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2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
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2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
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2024-01-22 13:33:01 +01:00
* react - is . production . min . js
* Copyright ( c ) Facebook , Inc . and its affiliates .
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree .
2024-01-22 13:38:13 +01:00
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