2023-05-22 09:38:43 +02:00
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2023-05-22 09:38:43 +02:00
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2023-05-22 10:19:29 +02:00
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< div >
< h3 > Host static websites with NoLog Pages!< / h3 >
2023-09-17 17:31:55 +02:00
< p > It's quick, easy, free & fast - just put your open source project's homepage, developer blog or web experiment into a Git repository at < a style = "color: inherit; opacity: 0.6" href = "https://code.nolog.cz" > code.nolog.cz< / a > , and we'll do the rest.< / p >
2023-05-22 10:24:29 +02:00
< p > This service is available thanks to awesome developers of < a style = "color: inherit; opacity: 0.6" href = "https://codeberg.org/Codeberg/pages-server" > Pages server< / a > < / p >
2023-05-22 09:38:43 +02:00
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< div class = "col-lg text-center" >
< h4 >
< span class = "codeberg-number-circle" > 1< / span >
Set up your repository
< / h4 >
< p >
Create a public repository named < code class = "code" > pages< / code > to make the site available at the main subdomain.
< / p >
< div class = "codeberg-divider" > < hr > or< hr > < / div >
< p >
Create a branch < code class = "code" > pages< / code > in a public repository:< br >
< code class = "code" > git switch --orphan pages< / code > < br > < code class = "code" > git rm --cached -r .< / code >
< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg text-center" >
< h4 >
< span class = "codeberg-number-circle" > 2< / span >
Upload your files
< / h4 >
< p >
Push your static content, HTML, style, fonts, images or anything else.
< / p >
<!-- <div class="codeberg - divider">or</div>
< p >
Push the source for your page based on any static site generator, and < a href = "" > compile it with Codeberg CI< / a > .
< / p > -->
< / div >
< div class = "col-lg text-center" >
< h4 >
< span class = "codeberg-number-circle" > 3< / span >
You're done!
< / h4 >
< p >
Access your new website using this link:< br >
< code class = "code" > https://USERNAME.nolog.page[/REPOSITORY][/@BRANCH]< / code >
< / p >
< div class = "codeberg-divider" > < hr > or< hr > < / div >
< p >
To use a custom domain, create a file < code class = "code" > .domains< / code > in your repository with the domain name you wish to use.
< br > < br >
Then, add a DNS record for that domain:< br >
< code class = "code" > CNAME [[< i > branch< / i > .]< i > repo< / i > .]< i > user< / i > .nolog.page.< / code >
< br > < br >
Or for apex domains where CNAME doesn't work:< br >
< code class = "code" > ALIAS nolog.page.< / code > < br >
< code class = "code" > TXT [[< i > branch< / i > .]< i > repo< / i > .]< i > user< / i > .nolog.page< / code >
< br > < br >
2024-07-06 21:16:59 +02:00
If ALIAS isn't supported, use A instead: TEST TEST< br >
2023-09-17 15:34:56 +02:00
< code class = "code" > A< / code > < br >
2023-05-22 09:38:43 +02:00
+ < code class = "code" > TXT< / code > as above
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