diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 04d524f..a589920 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 # Nginx cluster configurator - ncc
-Manages the local nginx configuration and replicates changes to a backup.
+Quality of life script for nginx and dehydrated.
 ## Features
@@ -18,18 +18,30 @@ Manages the local nginx configuration and replicates changes to a backup.
 * Create a guide how to use it to intrawiki
 * Teach everybody how to use it...
-# Build
-Run `build.sh` on a linux(-ish) machine. The output is a tarball `ncc.tar`.
 # Installation
-* Extract `ncc.tar` to a location on the server
-* Copy configuration `config` to `/etc/ncc` and modify to suit your environment
-* Add `/etc/ncc/ncc-hook.sh` as a hook to your `dehydrated` installation
-* Add `ncc` to your `PATH`
-* Optionally add shell completion:
-    * Bash: `_NCC_COMPLETE=bash_source ncc > /etc/bash_completion.d/ncc && . /etc/bash_completion.d/ncc`
+* Install dependencies: nginx, keepalived (optional i guess), rsync, ssh, python3
+* Install `ncc` through pip (or pipx) from this git repository
+* Create a `ncc.yml` file (see `ncc.yml.sample`)
+* Create a base nginx config (in `conf_dir`):
+  It should look like this:
+  ```
+  conf/
+    nginx.conf
+    sites/
+      ...
+    dehydrated/
+      dehydrated.sh <= you need to download dehydrated from github.com/dehydrated-io/dehydrated
+      config <= you don't have to configure anything, i recommend using AUTO_CLEANUP=yes
+      ...
+  ```
+* Register to CA with dehydrated (`./dehydrated.sh --register --accept-terms`)
+* Optional (for `new` command): Create a `templates` folder inside `conf_dir` and create some templates.
+* Deploy once with a valid configuration (like a default http server that will
+  serve `/var/www/dehydrated`), so that dehydrated will be able to deploy
+  challenges.
+* Done.
 # Usage
@@ -41,16 +53,14 @@ Usage: ncc [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
   MUST BE RAN ON MASTER (will detect automatically)
-  --skip-master-check
-  --help               Show this message and exit.
+  --help  Show this message and exit.
-  autossl  Renew SSL certificates and replicate changes
-  delete   Delete a service
-  edit     Edit a service
-  list     List exsiting services and domain names associated with them
-  new      Create a new service
-  reload   Replicate the local config and reload the nginx cluster
+  edit  Edit a site
+  list  List all sites and the files they are located in
+  new   Create a new site
+  test  Run nginx -t on the configuration
+  up    Deploy the configuration to the cluster
 # Contributions