2023-11-23 12:12:13 +01:00

2668 lines
108 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/// © 2015 Nathan Rugg <> | MIT
/// See LICENSE for more details.
/* jshint noarg:true, boss:true, unused:strict, strict:true, undef:true, noarg: true, forin:true, evil:true, newcap:false, -W041, -W021, worker:true, browser:true, node:true */
/* global setImmediate, setTimeout, window, onmessage */
/** xs */
///NOTE: This is the master file that is used to generate lzma-c.js and lzma-d.js.
/// Comments are used to determine which parts are to be removed.
/// cs-ce (compression start-end)
/// ds-de (decompression start-end)
/// xs-xe (only in this file start-end)
/// co (compression only)
/// do (decompression only)
/** xe */
var LZMA = (function () {
"use strict";
var /** cs */
action_compress = 1,
/** ce */
/** ds */
action_decompress = 2,
/** de */
action_progress = 3,
wait = typeof setImmediate == "function" ? setImmediate : setTimeout,
__4294967296 = 4294967296,
N1_longLit = [4294967295, -__4294967296],
/** cs */
MIN_VALUE = [0, -9223372036854775808],
/** ce */
P0_longLit = [0, 0],
P1_longLit = [1, 0];
function update_progress(percent, cbn) {
action: action_progress,
cbn: cbn,
result: percent
function initDim(len) {
///NOTE: This is MUCH faster than "new Array(len)" in newer versions of v8 (starting with Node.js 0.11.15, which uses v8 3.28.73).
var a = [];
a[len - 1] = undefined;
return a;
function add(a, b) {
return create(a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]);
/** cs */
function and(a, b) {
return makeFromBits(~~Math.max(Math.min(a[1] / __4294967296, 2147483647), -2147483648) & ~~Math.max(Math.min(b[1] / __4294967296, 2147483647), -2147483648), lowBits_0(a) & lowBits_0(b));
/** ce */
function compare(a, b) {
var nega, negb;
if (a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1]) {
return 0;
nega = a[1] < 0;
negb = b[1] < 0;
if (nega && !negb) {
return -1;
if (!nega && negb) {
return 1;
if (sub(a, b)[1] < 0) {
return -1;
return 1;
function create(valueLow, valueHigh) {
var diffHigh, diffLow;
valueHigh %= 1.8446744073709552E19;
valueLow %= 1.8446744073709552E19;
diffHigh = valueHigh % __4294967296;
diffLow = Math.floor(valueLow / __4294967296) * __4294967296;
valueHigh = valueHigh - diffHigh + diffLow;
valueLow = valueLow - diffLow + diffHigh;
while (valueLow < 0) {
valueLow += __4294967296;
valueHigh -= __4294967296;
while (valueLow > 4294967295) {
valueLow -= __4294967296;
valueHigh += __4294967296;
valueHigh = valueHigh % 1.8446744073709552E19;
while (valueHigh > 9223372032559808512) {
valueHigh -= 1.8446744073709552E19;
while (valueHigh < -9223372036854775808) {
valueHigh += 1.8446744073709552E19;
return [valueLow, valueHigh];
/** cs */
function eq(a, b) {
return a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1];
/** ce */
function fromInt(value) {
if (value >= 0) {
return [value, 0];
} else {
return [value + __4294967296, -__4294967296];
function lowBits_0(a) {
if (a[0] >= 2147483648) {
return ~~Math.max(Math.min(a[0] - __4294967296, 2147483647), -2147483648);
} else {
return ~~Math.max(Math.min(a[0], 2147483647), -2147483648);
/** cs */
function makeFromBits(highBits, lowBits) {
var high, low;
high = highBits * __4294967296;
low = lowBits;
if (lowBits < 0) {
low += __4294967296;
return [low, high];
function pwrAsDouble(n) {
if (n <= 30) {
return 1 << n;
} else {
return pwrAsDouble(30) * pwrAsDouble(n - 30);
function shl(a, n) {
var diff, newHigh, newLow, twoToN;
n &= 63;
if (eq(a, MIN_VALUE)) {
if (!n) {
return a;
return P0_longLit;
if (a[1] < 0) {
throw new Error("Neg");
twoToN = pwrAsDouble(n);
newHigh = a[1] * twoToN % 1.8446744073709552E19;
newLow = a[0] * twoToN;
diff = newLow - newLow % __4294967296;
newHigh += diff;
newLow -= diff;
if (newHigh >= 9223372036854775807) {
newHigh -= 1.8446744073709552E19;
return [newLow, newHigh];
function shr(a, n) {
var shiftFact;
n &= 63;
shiftFact = pwrAsDouble(n);
return create(Math.floor(a[0] / shiftFact), a[1] / shiftFact);
function shru(a, n) {
var sr;
n &= 63;
sr = shr(a, n);
if (a[1] < 0) {
sr = add(sr, shl([2, 0], 63 - n));
return sr;
/** ce */
function sub(a, b) {
return create(a[0] - b[0], a[1] - b[1]);
function $ByteArrayInputStream(this$static, buf) {
this$static.buf = buf;
this$static.pos = 0;
this$static.count = buf.length;
return this$static;
/** ds */
function $read(this$static) {
if (this$static.pos >= this$static.count)
return -1;
return this$static.buf[this$static.pos++] & 255;
/** de */
/** cs */
function $read_0(this$static, buf, off, len) {
if (this$static.pos >= this$static.count)
return -1;
len = Math.min(len, this$static.count - this$static.pos);
arraycopy(this$static.buf, this$static.pos, buf, off, len);
this$static.pos += len;
return len;
/** ce */
function $ByteArrayOutputStream(this$static) {
this$static.buf = initDim(32);
this$static.count = 0;
return this$static;
function $toByteArray(this$static) {
var data = this$static.buf;
data.length = this$static.count;
return data;
/** cs */
function $write(this$static, b) {
this$static.buf[this$static.count++] = b << 24 >> 24;
/** ce */
function $write_0(this$static, buf, off, len) {
arraycopy(buf, off, this$static.buf, this$static.count, len);
this$static.count += len;
/** cs */
function $getChars(this$static, srcBegin, srcEnd, dst, dstBegin) {
var srcIdx;
for (srcIdx = srcBegin; srcIdx < srcEnd; ++srcIdx) {
dst[dstBegin++] = this$static.charCodeAt(srcIdx);
/** ce */
function arraycopy(src, srcOfs, dest, destOfs, len) {
for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
dest[destOfs + i] = src[srcOfs + i];
/** cs */
function $configure(this$static, encoder) {
$SetDictionarySize_0(encoder, 1 << this$static.s);
encoder._numFastBytes = this$static.f;
$SetMatchFinder(encoder, this$static.m);
/// lc is always 3
/// lp is always 0
/// pb is always 2
encoder._numLiteralPosStateBits = 0;
encoder._numLiteralContextBits = 3;
encoder._posStateBits = 2;
///this$static._posStateMask = (1 << pb) - 1;
encoder._posStateMask = 3;
function $init(this$static, input, output, length_0, mode) {
var encoder, i;
if (compare(length_0, N1_longLit) < 0)
throw new Error("invalid length " + length_0);
this$static.length_0 = length_0;
encoder = $Encoder({});
$configure(mode, encoder);
encoder._writeEndMark = typeof LZMA.disableEndMark == "undefined";
$WriteCoderProperties(encoder, output);
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8)
$write(output, lowBits_0(shr(length_0, i)) & 255);
this$static.chunker = (encoder._needReleaseMFStream = 0 , (encoder._inStream = input , encoder._finished = 0 , $Create_2(encoder) , encoder._rangeEncoder.Stream = output , $Init_4(encoder) , $FillDistancesPrices(encoder) , $FillAlignPrices(encoder) , encoder._lenEncoder._tableSize = encoder._numFastBytes + 1 - 2 , $UpdateTables(encoder._lenEncoder, 1 << encoder._posStateBits) , encoder._repMatchLenEncoder._tableSize = encoder._numFastBytes + 1 - 2 , $UpdateTables(encoder._repMatchLenEncoder, 1 << encoder._posStateBits) , encoder.nowPos64 = P0_longLit , undefined) , $Chunker_0({}, encoder));
function $LZMAByteArrayCompressor(this$static, data, mode) {
this$static.output = $ByteArrayOutputStream({});
$init(this$static, $ByteArrayInputStream({}, data), this$static.output, fromInt(data.length), mode);
return this$static;
/** ce */
/** ds */
function $init_0(this$static, input, output) {
var decoder,
hex_length = "",
properties = [],
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
r = $read(input);
if (r == -1)
throw new Error("truncated input");
properties[i] = r << 24 >> 24;
decoder = $Decoder({});
if (!$SetDecoderProperties(decoder, properties)) {
throw new Error("corrupted input");
for (i = 0; i < 64; i += 8) {
r = $read(input);
if (r == -1)
throw new Error("truncated input");
r = r.toString(16);
if (r.length == 1) r = "0" + r;
hex_length = r + "" + hex_length;
/// Was the length set in the header (if it was compressed from a stream, the length is all f"s).
if (/^0+$|^f+$/i.test(hex_length)) {
/// The length is unknown, so set to -1.
this$static.length_0 = N1_longLit;
} else {
///NOTE: If there is a problem with the decoder because of the length, you can always set the length to -1 (N1_longLit) which means unknown.
tmp_length = parseInt(hex_length, 16);
/// If the length is too long to handle, just set it to unknown.
if (tmp_length > 4294967295) {
this$static.length_0 = N1_longLit;
} else {
this$static.length_0 = fromInt(tmp_length);
this$static.chunker = $CodeInChunks(decoder, input, output, this$static.length_0);
function $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor(this$static, data) {
this$static.output = $ByteArrayOutputStream({});
$init_0(this$static, $ByteArrayInputStream({}, data), this$static.output);
return this$static;
/** de */
/** cs */
function $Create_4(this$static, keepSizeBefore, keepSizeAfter, keepSizeReserv) {
var blockSize;
this$static._keepSizeBefore = keepSizeBefore;
this$static._keepSizeAfter = keepSizeAfter;
blockSize = keepSizeBefore + keepSizeAfter + keepSizeReserv;
if (this$static._bufferBase == null || this$static._blockSize != blockSize) {
this$static._bufferBase = null;
this$static._blockSize = blockSize;
this$static._bufferBase = initDim(this$static._blockSize);
this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition = this$static._blockSize - keepSizeAfter;
function $GetIndexByte(this$static, index) {
return this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos + index];
function $GetMatchLen(this$static, index, distance, limit) {
var i, pby;
if (this$static._streamEndWasReached) {
if (this$static._pos + index + limit > this$static._streamPos) {
limit = this$static._streamPos - (this$static._pos + index);
pby = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos + index;
for (i = 0; i < limit && this$static._bufferBase[pby + i] == this$static._bufferBase[pby + i - distance]; ++i) {
return i;
function $GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static) {
return this$static._streamPos - this$static._pos;
function $MoveBlock(this$static) {
var i, numBytes, offset;
offset = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos - this$static._keepSizeBefore;
if (offset > 0) {
numBytes = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._streamPos - offset;
for (i = 0; i < numBytes; ++i) {
this$static._bufferBase[i] = this$static._bufferBase[offset + i];
this$static._bufferOffset -= offset;
function $MovePos_1(this$static) {
var pointerToPostion;
if (this$static._pos > this$static._posLimit) {
pointerToPostion = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos;
if (pointerToPostion > this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition) {
function $ReadBlock(this$static) {
var numReadBytes, pointerToPostion, size;
if (this$static._streamEndWasReached)
while (1) {
size = -this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._blockSize - this$static._streamPos;
if (!size)
numReadBytes = $read_0(this$static._stream, this$static._bufferBase, this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._streamPos, size);
if (numReadBytes == -1) {
this$static._posLimit = this$static._streamPos;
pointerToPostion = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._posLimit;
if (pointerToPostion > this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition) {
this$static._posLimit = this$static._pointerToLastSafePosition - this$static._bufferOffset;
this$static._streamEndWasReached = 1;
this$static._streamPos += numReadBytes;
if (this$static._streamPos >= this$static._pos + this$static._keepSizeAfter) {
this$static._posLimit = this$static._streamPos - this$static._keepSizeAfter;
function $ReduceOffsets(this$static, subValue) {
this$static._bufferOffset += subValue;
this$static._posLimit -= subValue;
this$static._pos -= subValue;
this$static._streamPos -= subValue;
var CrcTable = (function () {
var i, j, r, CrcTable = [];
for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
r = i;
for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j)
if ((r & 1) != 0) {
r = r >>> 1 ^ -306674912;
} else {
r >>>= 1;
CrcTable[i] = r;
return CrcTable;
function $Create_3(this$static, historySize, keepAddBufferBefore, matchMaxLen, keepAddBufferAfter) {
var cyclicBufferSize, hs, windowReservSize;
if (historySize < 1073741567) {
this$static._cutValue = 16 + (matchMaxLen >> 1);
windowReservSize = ~~((historySize + keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter) / 2) + 256;
$Create_4(this$static, historySize + keepAddBufferBefore, matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter, windowReservSize);
this$static._matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen;
cyclicBufferSize = historySize + 1;
if (this$static._cyclicBufferSize != cyclicBufferSize) {
this$static._son = initDim((this$static._cyclicBufferSize = cyclicBufferSize) * 2);
hs = 65536;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
hs = historySize - 1;
hs |= hs >> 1;
hs |= hs >> 2;
hs |= hs >> 4;
hs |= hs >> 8;
hs >>= 1;
hs |= 65535;
if (hs > 16777216)
hs >>= 1;
this$static._hashMask = hs;
hs += this$static.kFixHashSize;
if (hs != this$static._hashSizeSum) {
this$static._hash = initDim(this$static._hashSizeSum = hs);
function $GetMatches(this$static, distances) {
var count, cur, curMatch, curMatch2, curMatch3, cyclicPos, delta, hash2Value, hash3Value, hashValue, len, len0, len1, lenLimit, matchMinPos, maxLen, offset, pby1, ptr0, ptr1, temp;
if (this$static._pos + this$static._matchMaxLen <= this$static._streamPos) {
lenLimit = this$static._matchMaxLen;
} else {
lenLimit = this$static._streamPos - this$static._pos;
if (lenLimit < this$static.kMinMatchCheck) {
return 0;
offset = 0;
matchMinPos = this$static._pos > this$static._cyclicBufferSize?this$static._pos - this$static._cyclicBufferSize:0;
cur = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos;
maxLen = 1;
hash2Value = 0;
hash3Value = 0;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
temp = CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255] ^ this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255;
hash2Value = temp & 1023;
temp ^= (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 2] & 255) << 8;
hash3Value = temp & 65535;
hashValue = (temp ^ CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur + 3] & 255] << 5) & this$static._hashMask;
} else {
hashValue = this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255 ^ (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255) << 8;
curMatch = this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue] || 0;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
curMatch2 = this$static._hash[hash2Value] || 0;
curMatch3 = this$static._hash[1024 + hash3Value] || 0;
this$static._hash[hash2Value] = this$static._pos;
this$static._hash[1024 + hash3Value] = this$static._pos;
if (curMatch2 > matchMinPos) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch2] == this$static._bufferBase[cur]) {
distances[offset++] = maxLen = 2;
distances[offset++] = this$static._pos - curMatch2 - 1;
if (curMatch3 > matchMinPos) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch3] == this$static._bufferBase[cur]) {
if (curMatch3 == curMatch2) {
offset -= 2;
distances[offset++] = maxLen = 3;
distances[offset++] = this$static._pos - curMatch3 - 1;
curMatch2 = curMatch3;
if (offset != 0 && curMatch2 == curMatch) {
offset -= 2;
maxLen = 1;
this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue] = this$static._pos;
ptr0 = (this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1;
ptr1 = this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1;
len0 = len1 = this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes;
if (this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes != 0) {
if (curMatch > matchMinPos) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch + this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes] != this$static._bufferBase[cur + this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes]) {
distances[offset++] = maxLen = this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes;
distances[offset++] = this$static._pos - curMatch - 1;
count = this$static._cutValue;
while (1) {
if (curMatch <= matchMinPos || count-- == 0) {
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[ptr1] = 0;
delta = this$static._pos - curMatch;
cyclicPos = (delta <= this$static._cyclicBufferPos?this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta:this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta + this$static._cyclicBufferSize) << 1;
pby1 = this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch;
len = len0 < len1?len0:len1;
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] == this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
while (++len != lenLimit) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] != this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
if (maxLen < len) {
distances[offset++] = maxLen = len;
distances[offset++] = delta - 1;
if (len == lenLimit) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = this$static._son[cyclicPos];
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[cyclicPos + 1];
if ((this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] & 255) < (this$static._bufferBase[cur + len] & 255)) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = curMatch;
ptr1 = cyclicPos + 1;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr1];
len1 = len;
} else {
this$static._son[ptr0] = curMatch;
ptr0 = cyclicPos;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr0];
len0 = len;
return offset;
function $Init_5(this$static) {
this$static._bufferOffset = 0;
this$static._pos = 0;
this$static._streamPos = 0;
this$static._streamEndWasReached = 0;
this$static._cyclicBufferPos = 0;
$ReduceOffsets(this$static, -1);
function $MovePos_0(this$static) {
var subValue;
if (++this$static._cyclicBufferPos >= this$static._cyclicBufferSize) {
this$static._cyclicBufferPos = 0;
if (this$static._pos == 1073741823) {
subValue = this$static._pos - this$static._cyclicBufferSize;
$NormalizeLinks(this$static._son, this$static._cyclicBufferSize * 2, subValue);
$NormalizeLinks(this$static._hash, this$static._hashSizeSum, subValue);
$ReduceOffsets(this$static, subValue);
///NOTE: This is only called after reading one whole gigabyte.
function $NormalizeLinks(items, numItems, subValue) {
var i, value;
for (i = 0; i < numItems; ++i) {
value = items[i] || 0;
if (value <= subValue) {
value = 0;
} else {
value -= subValue;
items[i] = value;
function $SetType(this$static, numHashBytes) {
this$static.HASH_ARRAY = numHashBytes > 2;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes = 0;
this$static.kMinMatchCheck = 4;
this$static.kFixHashSize = 66560;
} else {
this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes = 2;
this$static.kMinMatchCheck = 3;
this$static.kFixHashSize = 0;
function $Skip(this$static, num) {
var count, cur, curMatch, cyclicPos, delta, hash2Value, hash3Value, hashValue, len, len0, len1, lenLimit, matchMinPos, pby1, ptr0, ptr1, temp;
do {
if (this$static._pos + this$static._matchMaxLen <= this$static._streamPos) {
lenLimit = this$static._matchMaxLen;
} else {
lenLimit = this$static._streamPos - this$static._pos;
if (lenLimit < this$static.kMinMatchCheck) {
matchMinPos = this$static._pos > this$static._cyclicBufferSize?this$static._pos - this$static._cyclicBufferSize:0;
cur = this$static._bufferOffset + this$static._pos;
if (this$static.HASH_ARRAY) {
temp = CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255] ^ this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255;
hash2Value = temp & 1023;
this$static._hash[hash2Value] = this$static._pos;
temp ^= (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 2] & 255) << 8;
hash3Value = temp & 65535;
this$static._hash[1024 + hash3Value] = this$static._pos;
hashValue = (temp ^ CrcTable[this$static._bufferBase[cur + 3] & 255] << 5) & this$static._hashMask;
} else {
hashValue = this$static._bufferBase[cur] & 255 ^ (this$static._bufferBase[cur + 1] & 255) << 8;
curMatch = this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue];
this$static._hash[this$static.kFixHashSize + hashValue] = this$static._pos;
ptr0 = (this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1;
ptr1 = this$static._cyclicBufferPos << 1;
len0 = len1 = this$static.kNumHashDirectBytes;
count = this$static._cutValue;
while (1) {
if (curMatch <= matchMinPos || count-- == 0) {
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[ptr1] = 0;
delta = this$static._pos - curMatch;
cyclicPos = (delta <= this$static._cyclicBufferPos?this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta:this$static._cyclicBufferPos - delta + this$static._cyclicBufferSize) << 1;
pby1 = this$static._bufferOffset + curMatch;
len = len0 < len1?len0:len1;
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] == this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
while (++len != lenLimit) {
if (this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] != this$static._bufferBase[cur + len]) {
if (len == lenLimit) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = this$static._son[cyclicPos];
this$static._son[ptr0] = this$static._son[cyclicPos + 1];
if ((this$static._bufferBase[pby1 + len] & 255) < (this$static._bufferBase[cur + len] & 255)) {
this$static._son[ptr1] = curMatch;
ptr1 = cyclicPos + 1;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr1];
len1 = len;
} else {
this$static._son[ptr0] = curMatch;
ptr0 = cyclicPos;
curMatch = this$static._son[ptr0];
len0 = len;
while (--num != 0);
/** ce */
/** ds */
function $CopyBlock(this$static, distance, len) {
var pos = this$static._pos - distance - 1;
if (pos < 0) {
pos += this$static._windowSize;
for (; len != 0; --len) {
if (pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
pos = 0;
this$static._buffer[this$static._pos++] = this$static._buffer[pos++];
if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
function $Create_5(this$static, windowSize) {
if (this$static._buffer == null || this$static._windowSize != windowSize) {
this$static._buffer = initDim(windowSize);
this$static._windowSize = windowSize;
this$static._pos = 0;
this$static._streamPos = 0;
function $Flush_0(this$static) {
var size = this$static._pos - this$static._streamPos;
if (!size) {
$write_0(this$static._stream, this$static._buffer, this$static._streamPos, size);
if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
this$static._pos = 0;
this$static._streamPos = this$static._pos;
function $GetByte(this$static, distance) {
var pos = this$static._pos - distance - 1;
if (pos < 0) {
pos += this$static._windowSize;
return this$static._buffer[pos];
function $PutByte(this$static, b) {
this$static._buffer[this$static._pos++] = b;
if (this$static._pos >= this$static._windowSize) {
function $ReleaseStream(this$static) {
this$static._stream = null;
/** de */
function GetLenToPosState(len) {
len -= 2;
if (len < 4) {
return len;
return 3;
function StateUpdateChar(index) {
if (index < 4) {
return 0;
if (index < 10) {
return index - 3;
return index - 6;
/** cs */
function $Chunker_0(this$static, encoder) {
this$static.encoder = encoder;
this$static.decoder = null;
this$static.alive = 1;
return this$static;
/** ce */
/** ds */
function $Chunker(this$static, decoder) {
this$static.decoder = decoder;
this$static.encoder = null;
this$static.alive = 1;
return this$static;
/** de */
function $processChunk(this$static) {
if (!this$static.alive) {
throw new Error("bad state");
if (this$static.encoder) {
/// do:throw new Error("No encoding");
/** cs */
/** ce */
} else {
/// co:throw new Error("No decoding");
/** ds */
/** de */
return this$static.alive;
/** ds */
function $processDecoderChunk(this$static) {
var result = $CodeOneChunk(this$static.decoder);
if (result == -1) {
throw new Error("corrupted input");
this$static.inBytesProcessed = N1_longLit;
this$static.outBytesProcessed = this$static.decoder.nowPos64;
if (result || compare(this$static.decoder.outSize, P0_longLit) >= 0 && compare(this$static.decoder.nowPos64, this$static.decoder.outSize) >= 0) {
this$static.decoder.m_RangeDecoder.Stream = null;
this$static.alive = 0;
/** de */
/** cs */
function $processEncoderChunk(this$static) {
$CodeOneBlock(this$static.encoder, this$static.encoder.processedInSize, this$static.encoder.processedOutSize, this$static.encoder.finished);
this$static.inBytesProcessed = this$static.encoder.processedInSize[0];
if (this$static.encoder.finished[0]) {
this$static.alive = 0;
/** ce */
/** ds */
function $CodeInChunks(this$static, inStream, outStream, outSize) {
this$static.m_RangeDecoder.Stream = inStream;
this$static.m_OutWindow._stream = outStream;
this$static.state = 0;
this$static.rep0 = 0;
this$static.rep1 = 0;
this$static.rep2 = 0;
this$static.rep3 = 0;
this$static.outSize = outSize;
this$static.nowPos64 = P0_longLit;
this$static.prevByte = 0;
return $Chunker({}, this$static);
function $CodeOneChunk(this$static) {
var decoder2, distance, len, numDirectBits, posSlot, posState;
posState = lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64) & this$static.m_PosStateMask;
if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsMatchDecoders, (this$static.state << 4) + posState)) {
decoder2 = $GetDecoder(this$static.m_LiteralDecoder, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64), this$static.prevByte);
if (this$static.state < 7) {
this$static.prevByte = $DecodeNormal(decoder2, this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
} else {
this$static.prevByte = $DecodeWithMatchByte(decoder2, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, $GetByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.rep0));
$PutByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.prevByte);
this$static.state = StateUpdateChar(this$static.state);
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, P1_longLit);
} else {
if ($DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepDecoders, this$static.state)) {
len = 0;
if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG0Decoders, this$static.state)) {
if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRep0LongDecoders, (this$static.state << 4) + posState)) {
this$static.state = this$static.state < 7?9:11;
len = 1;
} else {
if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG1Decoders, this$static.state)) {
distance = this$static.rep1;
} else {
if (!$DecodeBit(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, this$static.m_IsRepG2Decoders, this$static.state)) {
distance = this$static.rep2;
} else {
distance = this$static.rep3;
this$static.rep3 = this$static.rep2;
this$static.rep2 = this$static.rep1;
this$static.rep1 = this$static.rep0;
this$static.rep0 = distance;
if (!len) {
len = $Decode(this$static.m_RepLenDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, posState) + 2;
this$static.state = this$static.state < 7?8:11;
} else {
this$static.rep3 = this$static.rep2;
this$static.rep2 = this$static.rep1;
this$static.rep1 = this$static.rep0;
len = 2 + $Decode(this$static.m_LenDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, posState);
this$static.state = this$static.state < 7?7:10;
posSlot = $Decode_0(this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder[GetLenToPosState(len)], this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
if (posSlot >= 4) {
numDirectBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1;
this$static.rep0 = (2 | posSlot & 1) << numDirectBits;
if (posSlot < 14) {
this$static.rep0 += ReverseDecode(this$static.m_PosDecoders, this$static.rep0 - posSlot - 1, this$static.m_RangeDecoder, numDirectBits);
} else {
this$static.rep0 += $DecodeDirectBits(this$static.m_RangeDecoder, numDirectBits - 4) << 4;
this$static.rep0 += $ReverseDecode(this$static.m_PosAlignDecoder, this$static.m_RangeDecoder);
if (this$static.rep0 < 0) {
if (this$static.rep0 == -1) {
return 1;
return -1;
} else
this$static.rep0 = posSlot;
if (compare(fromInt(this$static.rep0), this$static.nowPos64) >= 0 || this$static.rep0 >= this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck) {
return -1;
$CopyBlock(this$static.m_OutWindow, this$static.rep0, len);
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, fromInt(len));
this$static.prevByte = $GetByte(this$static.m_OutWindow, 0);
return 0;
function $Decoder(this$static) {
this$static.m_OutWindow = {};
this$static.m_RangeDecoder = {};
this$static.m_IsMatchDecoders = initDim(192);
this$static.m_IsRepDecoders = initDim(12);
this$static.m_IsRepG0Decoders = initDim(12);
this$static.m_IsRepG1Decoders = initDim(12);
this$static.m_IsRepG2Decoders = initDim(12);
this$static.m_IsRep0LongDecoders = initDim(192);
this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder = initDim(4);
this$static.m_PosDecoders = initDim(114);
this$static.m_PosAlignDecoder = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 4);
this$static.m_LenDecoder = $Decoder$LenDecoder({});
this$static.m_RepLenDecoder = $Decoder$LenDecoder({});
this$static.m_LiteralDecoder = {};
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static.m_PosSlotDecoder[i] = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 6);
return this$static;
function $Init_1(this$static) {
this$static.m_OutWindow._streamPos = 0;
this$static.m_OutWindow._pos = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
function $SetDecoderProperties(this$static, properties) {
var dictionarySize, i, lc, lp, pb, remainder, val;
if (properties.length < 5)
return 0;
val = properties[0] & 255;
lc = val % 9;
remainder = ~~(val / 9);
lp = remainder % 5;
pb = ~~(remainder / 5);
dictionarySize = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
dictionarySize += (properties[1 + i] & 255) << i * 8;
///NOTE: If the input is bad, it might call for an insanely large dictionary size, which would crash the script.
if (dictionarySize > 99999999 || !$SetLcLpPb(this$static, lc, lp, pb)) {
return 0;
return $SetDictionarySize(this$static, dictionarySize);
function $SetDictionarySize(this$static, dictionarySize) {
if (dictionarySize < 0) {
return 0;
if (this$static.m_DictionarySize != dictionarySize) {
this$static.m_DictionarySize = dictionarySize;
this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck = Math.max(this$static.m_DictionarySize, 1);
$Create_5(this$static.m_OutWindow, Math.max(this$static.m_DictionarySizeCheck, 4096));
return 1;
function $SetLcLpPb(this$static, lc, lp, pb) {
if (lc > 8 || lp > 4 || pb > 4) {
return 0;
$Create_0(this$static.m_LiteralDecoder, lp, lc);
var numPosStates = 1 << pb;
$Create(this$static.m_LenDecoder, numPosStates);
$Create(this$static.m_RepLenDecoder, numPosStates);
this$static.m_PosStateMask = numPosStates - 1;
return 1;
function $Create(this$static, numPosStates) {
for (; this$static.m_NumPosStates < numPosStates; ++this$static.m_NumPosStates) {
this$static.m_LowCoder[this$static.m_NumPosStates] = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 3);
this$static.m_MidCoder[this$static.m_NumPosStates] = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 3);
function $Decode(this$static, rangeDecoder, posState) {
if (!$DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Choice, 0)) {
return $Decode_0(this$static.m_LowCoder[posState], rangeDecoder);
var symbol = 8;
if (!$DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Choice, 1)) {
symbol += $Decode_0(this$static.m_MidCoder[posState], rangeDecoder);
} else {
symbol += 8 + $Decode_0(this$static.m_HighCoder, rangeDecoder);
return symbol;
function $Decoder$LenDecoder(this$static) {
this$static.m_Choice = initDim(2);
this$static.m_LowCoder = initDim(16);
this$static.m_MidCoder = initDim(16);
this$static.m_HighCoder = $BitTreeDecoder({}, 8);
this$static.m_NumPosStates = 0;
return this$static;
function $Init(this$static) {
for (var posState = 0; posState < this$static.m_NumPosStates; ++posState) {
function $Create_0(this$static, numPosBits, numPrevBits) {
var i, numStates;
if (this$static.m_Coders != null && this$static.m_NumPrevBits == numPrevBits && this$static.m_NumPosBits == numPosBits)
this$static.m_NumPosBits = numPosBits;
this$static.m_PosMask = (1 << numPosBits) - 1;
this$static.m_NumPrevBits = numPrevBits;
numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
this$static.m_Coders = initDim(numStates);
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i)
this$static.m_Coders[i] = $Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2({});
function $GetDecoder(this$static, pos, prevByte) {
return this$static.m_Coders[((pos & this$static.m_PosMask) << this$static.m_NumPrevBits) + ((prevByte & 255) >>> 8 - this$static.m_NumPrevBits)];
function $Init_0(this$static) {
var i, numStates;
numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i) {
function $DecodeNormal(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
var symbol = 1;
do {
symbol = symbol << 1 | $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, symbol);
} while (symbol < 256);
return symbol << 24 >> 24;
function $DecodeWithMatchByte(this$static, rangeDecoder, matchByte) {
var bit, matchBit, symbol = 1;
do {
matchBit = matchByte >> 7 & 1;
matchByte <<= 1;
bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, (1 + matchBit << 8) + symbol);
symbol = symbol << 1 | bit;
if (matchBit != bit) {
while (symbol < 256) {
symbol = symbol << 1 | $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.m_Decoders, symbol);
} while (symbol < 256);
return symbol << 24 >> 24;
function $Decoder$LiteralDecoder$Decoder2(this$static) {
this$static.m_Decoders = initDim(768);
return this$static;
/** de */
/** cs */
var g_FastPos = (function () {
var j, k, slotFast, c = 2, g_FastPos = [0, 1];
for (slotFast = 2; slotFast < 22; ++slotFast) {
k = 1 << (slotFast >> 1) - 1;
for (j = 0; j < k; ++j , ++c)
g_FastPos[c] = slotFast << 24 >> 24;
return g_FastPos;
function $Backward(this$static, cur) {
var backCur, backMem, posMem, posPrev;
this$static._optimumEndIndex = cur;
posMem = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev;
backMem = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev;
do {
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev1IsChar) {
this$static._optimum[posMem].PosPrev = posMem - 1;
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev2) {
this$static._optimum[posMem - 1].Prev1IsChar = 0;
this$static._optimum[posMem - 1].PosPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev2;
this$static._optimum[posMem - 1].BackPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev2;
posPrev = posMem;
backCur = backMem;
backMem = this$static._optimum[posPrev].BackPrev;
posMem = this$static._optimum[posPrev].PosPrev;
this$static._optimum[posPrev].BackPrev = backCur;
this$static._optimum[posPrev].PosPrev = cur;
cur = posPrev;
} while (cur > 0);
this$static.backRes = this$static._optimum[0].BackPrev;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = this$static._optimum[0].PosPrev;
return this$static._optimumCurrentIndex;
function $BaseInit(this$static) {
this$static._state = 0;
this$static._previousByte = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static._repDistances[i] = 0;
function $CodeOneBlock(this$static, inSize, outSize, finished) {
var baseVal, complexState, curByte, distance, footerBits, i, len, lenToPosState, matchByte, pos, posReduced, posSlot, posState, progressPosValuePrev, subCoder;
inSize[0] = P0_longLit;
outSize[0] = P0_longLit;
finished[0] = 1;
if (this$static._inStream) {
this$static._matchFinder._stream = this$static._inStream;
this$static._needReleaseMFStream = 1;
this$static._inStream = null;
if (this$static._finished) {
this$static._finished = 1;
progressPosValuePrev = this$static.nowPos64;
if (eq(this$static.nowPos64, P0_longLit)) {
if (!$GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder)) {
$Flush(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
posState = lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64) & this$static._posStateMask;
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, (this$static._state << 4) + posState, 0);
this$static._state = StateUpdateChar(this$static._state);
curByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._additionalOffset);
$Encode_1($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64), this$static._previousByte), this$static._rangeEncoder, curByte);
this$static._previousByte = curByte;
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, P1_longLit);
if (!$GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder)) {
$Flush(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
while (1) {
len = $GetOptimum(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
pos = this$static.backRes;
posState = lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64) & this$static._posStateMask;
complexState = (this$static._state << 4) + posState;
if (len == 1 && pos == -1) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, complexState, 0);
curByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._additionalOffset);
subCoder = $GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64), this$static._previousByte);
if (this$static._state < 7) {
$Encode_1(subCoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, curByte);
} else {
matchByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._repDistances[0] - 1 - this$static._additionalOffset);
$EncodeMatched(subCoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, matchByte, curByte);
this$static._previousByte = curByte;
this$static._state = StateUpdateChar(this$static._state);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, complexState, 1);
if (pos < 4) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep, this$static._state, 1);
if (!pos) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG0, this$static._state, 0);
if (len == 1) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep0Long, complexState, 0);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep0Long, complexState, 1);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG0, this$static._state, 1);
if (pos == 1) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG1, this$static._state, 0);
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG1, this$static._state, 1);
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRepG2, this$static._state, pos - 2);
if (len == 1) {
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?9:11;
} else {
$Encode_0(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, len - 2, posState);
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?8:11;
distance = this$static._repDistances[pos];
if (pos != 0) {
for (i = pos; i >= 1; --i) {
this$static._repDistances[i] = this$static._repDistances[i - 1];
this$static._repDistances[0] = distance;
} else {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep, this$static._state, 0);
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?7:10;
$Encode_0(this$static._lenEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, len - 2, posState);
pos -= 4;
posSlot = GetPosSlot(pos);
lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len);
$Encode_2(this$static._posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState], this$static._rangeEncoder, posSlot);
if (posSlot >= 4) {
footerBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1;
baseVal = (2 | posSlot & 1) << footerBits;
posReduced = pos - baseVal;
if (posSlot < 14) {
ReverseEncode(this$static._posEncoders, baseVal - posSlot - 1, this$static._rangeEncoder, footerBits, posReduced);
} else {
$EncodeDirectBits(this$static._rangeEncoder, posReduced >> 4, footerBits - 4);
$ReverseEncode(this$static._posAlignEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, posReduced & 15);
distance = pos;
for (i = 3; i >= 1; --i) {
this$static._repDistances[i] = this$static._repDistances[i - 1];
this$static._repDistances[0] = distance;
this$static._previousByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, len - 1 - this$static._additionalOffset);
this$static._additionalOffset -= len;
this$static.nowPos64 = add(this$static.nowPos64, fromInt(len));
if (!this$static._additionalOffset) {
if (this$static._matchPriceCount >= 128) {
if (this$static._alignPriceCount >= 16) {
inSize[0] = this$static.nowPos64;
outSize[0] = $GetProcessedSizeAdd(this$static._rangeEncoder);
if (!$GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder)) {
$Flush(this$static, lowBits_0(this$static.nowPos64));
if (compare(sub(this$static.nowPos64, progressPosValuePrev), [4096, 0]) >= 0) {
this$static._finished = 0;
finished[0] = 0;
function $Create_2(this$static) {
var bt, numHashBytes;
if (!this$static._matchFinder) {
bt = {};
numHashBytes = 4;
if (!this$static._matchFinderType) {
numHashBytes = 2;
$SetType(bt, numHashBytes);
this$static._matchFinder = bt;
$Create_1(this$static._literalEncoder, this$static._numLiteralPosStateBits, this$static._numLiteralContextBits);
if (this$static._dictionarySize == this$static._dictionarySizePrev && this$static._numFastBytesPrev == this$static._numFastBytes) {
$Create_3(this$static._matchFinder, this$static._dictionarySize, 4096, this$static._numFastBytes, 274);
this$static._dictionarySizePrev = this$static._dictionarySize;
this$static._numFastBytesPrev = this$static._numFastBytes;
function $Encoder(this$static) {
var i;
this$static._repDistances = initDim(4);
this$static._optimum = [];
this$static._rangeEncoder = {};
this$static._isMatch = initDim(192);
this$static._isRep = initDim(12);
this$static._isRepG0 = initDim(12);
this$static._isRepG1 = initDim(12);
this$static._isRepG2 = initDim(12);
this$static._isRep0Long = initDim(192);
this$static._posSlotEncoder = [];
this$static._posEncoders = initDim(114);
this$static._posAlignEncoder = $BitTreeEncoder({}, 4);
this$static._lenEncoder = $Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder({});
this$static._repMatchLenEncoder = $Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder({});
this$static._literalEncoder = {};
this$static._matchDistances = [];
this$static._posSlotPrices = [];
this$static._distancesPrices = [];
this$static._alignPrices = initDim(16);
this$static.reps = initDim(4);
this$static.repLens = initDim(4);
this$static.processedInSize = [P0_longLit];
this$static.processedOutSize = [P0_longLit];
this$static.finished = [0];
this$ = initDim(5);
this$static.tempPrices = initDim(128);
this$static._longestMatchLength = 0;
this$static._matchFinderType = 1;
this$static._numDistancePairs = 0;
this$static._numFastBytesPrev = -1;
this$static.backRes = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4096; ++i) {
this$static._optimum[i] = {};
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static._posSlotEncoder[i] = $BitTreeEncoder({}, 6);
return this$static;
function $FillAlignPrices(this$static) {
for (var i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
this$static._alignPrices[i] = $ReverseGetPrice(this$static._posAlignEncoder, i);
this$static._alignPriceCount = 0;
function $FillDistancesPrices(this$static) {
var baseVal, encoder, footerBits, i, lenToPosState, posSlot, st, st2;
for (i = 4; i < 128; ++i) {
posSlot = GetPosSlot(i);
footerBits = (posSlot >> 1) - 1;
baseVal = (2 | posSlot & 1) << footerBits;
this$static.tempPrices[i] = ReverseGetPrice(this$static._posEncoders, baseVal - posSlot - 1, footerBits, i - baseVal);
for (lenToPosState = 0; lenToPosState < 4; ++lenToPosState) {
encoder = this$static._posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState];
st = lenToPosState << 6;
for (posSlot = 0; posSlot < this$static._distTableSize; ++posSlot) {
this$static._posSlotPrices[st + posSlot] = $GetPrice_1(encoder, posSlot);
for (posSlot = 14; posSlot < this$static._distTableSize; ++posSlot) {
this$static._posSlotPrices[st + posSlot] += (posSlot >> 1) - 1 - 4 << 6;
st2 = lenToPosState * 128;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static._distancesPrices[st2 + i] = this$static._posSlotPrices[st + i];
for (; i < 128; ++i) {
this$static._distancesPrices[st2 + i] = this$static._posSlotPrices[st + GetPosSlot(i)] + this$static.tempPrices[i];
this$static._matchPriceCount = 0;
function $Flush(this$static, nowPos) {
$WriteEndMarker(this$static, nowPos & this$static._posStateMask);
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
function $GetOptimum(this$static, position) {
var cur, curAnd1Price, curAndLenCharPrice, curAndLenPrice, curBack, curPrice, currentByte, distance, i, len, lenEnd, lenMain, lenRes, lenTest, lenTest2, lenTestTemp, matchByte, matchPrice, newLen, nextIsChar, nextMatchPrice, nextOptimum, nextRepMatchPrice, normalMatchPrice, numAvailableBytes, numAvailableBytesFull, numDistancePairs, offs, offset, opt, optimum, pos, posPrev, posState, posStateNext, price_4, repIndex, repLen, repMatchPrice, repMaxIndex, shortRepPrice, startLen, state, state2, t, price, price_0, price_1, price_2, price_3;
if (this$static._optimumEndIndex != this$static._optimumCurrentIndex) {
lenRes = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimumCurrentIndex].PosPrev - this$static._optimumCurrentIndex;
this$static.backRes = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimumCurrentIndex].BackPrev;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimumCurrentIndex].PosPrev;
return lenRes;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = this$static._optimumEndIndex = 0;
if (this$static._longestMatchWasFound) {
lenMain = this$static._longestMatchLength;
this$static._longestMatchWasFound = 0;
} else {
lenMain = $ReadMatchDistances(this$static);
numDistancePairs = this$static._numDistancePairs;
numAvailableBytes = $GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder) + 1;
if (numAvailableBytes < 2) {
this$static.backRes = -1;
return 1;
if (numAvailableBytes > 273) {
numAvailableBytes = 273;
repMaxIndex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$static.reps[i] = this$static._repDistances[i];
this$static.repLens[i] = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, -1, this$static.reps[i], 273);
if (this$static.repLens[i] > this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex]) {
repMaxIndex = i;
if (this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex] >= this$static._numFastBytes) {
this$static.backRes = repMaxIndex;
lenRes = this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex];
$MovePos(this$static, lenRes - 1);
return lenRes;
if (lenMain >= this$static._numFastBytes) {
this$static.backRes = this$static._matchDistances[numDistancePairs - 1] + 4;
$MovePos(this$static, lenMain - 1);
return lenMain;
currentByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -1);
matchByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static._repDistances[0] - 1 - 1);
if (lenMain < 2 && currentByte != matchByte && this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex] < 2) {
this$static.backRes = -1;
return 1;
this$static._optimum[0].State = this$static._state;
posState = position & this$static._posStateMask;
this$static._optimum[1].Price = ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(this$static._state << 4) + posState] >>> 2] + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position, this$static._previousByte), this$static._state >= 7, matchByte, currentByte);
matchPrice = ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(this$static._state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
repMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[this$static._state] >>> 2];
if (matchByte == currentByte) {
shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + $GetRepLen1Price(this$static, this$static._state, posState);
if (shortRepPrice < this$static._optimum[1].Price) {
this$static._optimum[1].Price = shortRepPrice;
lenEnd = lenMain >= this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex]?lenMain:this$static.repLens[repMaxIndex];
if (lenEnd < 2) {
this$static.backRes = this$static._optimum[1].BackPrev;
return 1;
this$static._optimum[1].PosPrev = 0;
this$static._optimum[0].Backs0 = this$static.reps[0];
this$static._optimum[0].Backs1 = this$static.reps[1];
this$static._optimum[0].Backs2 = this$static.reps[2];
this$static._optimum[0].Backs3 = this$static.reps[3];
len = lenEnd;
do {
this$static._optimum[len--].Price = 268435455;
} while (len >= 2);
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
repLen = this$static.repLens[i];
if (repLen < 2) {
price_4 = repMatchPrice + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, i, this$static._state, posState);
do {
curAndLenPrice = price_4 + $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, repLen - 2, posState);
optimum = this$static._optimum[repLen];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = 0;
optimum.BackPrev = i;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = 0;
} while (--repLen >= 2);
normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep[this$static._state] >>> 2];
len = this$static.repLens[0] >= 2?this$static.repLens[0] + 1:2;
if (len <= lenMain) {
offs = 0;
while (len > this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
offs += 2;
for (;; ++len) {
distance = this$static._matchDistances[offs + 1];
curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + $GetPosLenPrice(this$static, distance, len, posState);
optimum = this$static._optimum[len];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = 0;
optimum.BackPrev = distance + 4;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = 0;
if (len == this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
offs += 2;
if (offs == numDistancePairs) {
cur = 0;
while (1) {
if (cur == lenEnd) {
return $Backward(this$static, cur);
newLen = $ReadMatchDistances(this$static);
numDistancePairs = this$static._numDistancePairs;
if (newLen >= this$static._numFastBytes) {
this$static._longestMatchLength = newLen;
this$static._longestMatchWasFound = 1;
return $Backward(this$static, cur);
posPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev;
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev1IsChar) {
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev2) {
state = this$static._optimum[this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev2].State;
if (this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev2 < 4) {
state = (state < 7) ? 8 : 11;
} else {
state = (state < 7) ? 7 : 10;
} else {
state = this$static._optimum[posPrev].State;
state = StateUpdateChar(state);
} else {
state = this$static._optimum[posPrev].State;
if (posPrev == cur - 1) {
if (!this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev) {
state = state < 7?9:11;
} else {
state = StateUpdateChar(state);
} else {
if (this$static._optimum[cur].Prev1IsChar && this$static._optimum[cur].Prev2) {
posPrev = this$static._optimum[cur].PosPrev2;
pos = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev2;
state = state < 7?8:11;
} else {
pos = this$static._optimum[cur].BackPrev;
if (pos < 4) {
state = state < 7?8:11;
} else {
state = state < 7?7:10;
opt = this$static._optimum[posPrev];
if (pos < 4) {
if (!pos) {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs2;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs3;
} else if (pos == 1) {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs2;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs3;
} else if (pos == 2) {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs2;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs3;
} else {
this$static.reps[0] = opt.Backs3;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs2;
} else {
this$static.reps[0] = pos - 4;
this$static.reps[1] = opt.Backs0;
this$static.reps[2] = opt.Backs1;
this$static.reps[3] = opt.Backs2;
this$static._optimum[cur].State = state;
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs0 = this$static.reps[0];
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs1 = this$static.reps[1];
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs2 = this$static.reps[2];
this$static._optimum[cur].Backs3 = this$static.reps[3];
curPrice = this$static._optimum[cur].Price;
currentByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -1);
matchByte = $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -this$static.reps[0] - 1 - 1);
posState = position & this$static._posStateMask;
curAnd1Price = curPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2] + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, -2)), state >= 7, matchByte, currentByte);
nextOptimum = this$static._optimum[cur + 1];
nextIsChar = 0;
if (curAnd1Price < nextOptimum.Price) {
nextOptimum.Price = curAnd1Price;
nextOptimum.PosPrev = cur;
nextOptimum.BackPrev = -1;
nextOptimum.Prev1IsChar = 0;
nextIsChar = 1;
matchPrice = curPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
repMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state] >>> 2];
if (matchByte == currentByte && !(nextOptimum.PosPrev < cur && !nextOptimum.BackPrev)) {
shortRepPrice = repMatchPrice + (ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2] + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep0Long[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2]);
if (shortRepPrice <= nextOptimum.Price) {
nextOptimum.Price = shortRepPrice;
nextOptimum.PosPrev = cur;
nextOptimum.BackPrev = 0;
nextOptimum.Prev1IsChar = 0;
nextIsChar = 1;
numAvailableBytesFull = $GetNumAvailableBytes(this$static._matchFinder) + 1;
numAvailableBytesFull = 4095 - cur < numAvailableBytesFull?4095 - cur:numAvailableBytesFull;
numAvailableBytes = numAvailableBytesFull;
if (numAvailableBytes < 2) {
if (numAvailableBytes > this$static._numFastBytes) {
numAvailableBytes = this$static._numFastBytes;
if (!nextIsChar && matchByte != currentByte) {
t = Math.min(numAvailableBytesFull - 1, this$static._numFastBytes);
lenTest2 = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, 0, this$static.reps[0], t);
if (lenTest2 >= 2) {
state2 = StateUpdateChar(state);
posStateNext = position + 1 & this$static._posStateMask;
nextRepMatchPrice = curAnd1Price + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2] + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state2] >>> 2];
offset = cur + 1 + lenTest2;
while (lenEnd < offset) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + (price = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest2 - 2, posStateNext) , price + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, 0, state2, posStateNext));
optimum = this$static._optimum[offset];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur + 1;
optimum.BackPrev = 0;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = 1;
optimum.Prev2 = 0;
startLen = 2;
for (repIndex = 0; repIndex < 4; ++repIndex) {
lenTest = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, -1, this$static.reps[repIndex], numAvailableBytes);
if (lenTest < 2) {
lenTestTemp = lenTest;
do {
while (lenEnd < cur + lenTest) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = repMatchPrice + (price_0 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest - 2, posState) , price_0 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, repIndex, state, posState));
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + lenTest];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur;
optimum.BackPrev = repIndex;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = 0;
} while (--lenTest >= 2);
lenTest = lenTestTemp;
if (!repIndex) {
startLen = lenTest + 1;
if (lenTest < numAvailableBytesFull) {
t = Math.min(numAvailableBytesFull - 1 - lenTest, this$static._numFastBytes);
lenTest2 = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest, this$static.reps[repIndex], t);
if (lenTest2 >= 2) {
state2 = state < 7?8:11;
posStateNext = position + lenTest & this$static._posStateMask;
curAndLenCharPrice = repMatchPrice + (price_1 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest - 2, posState) , price_1 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, repIndex, state, posState)) + ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2] + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position + lenTest, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1 - 1)), 1, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1 - (this$static.reps[repIndex] + 1)), $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1));
state2 = StateUpdateChar(state2);
posStateNext = position + lenTest + 1 & this$static._posStateMask;
nextMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2];
nextRepMatchPrice = nextMatchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state2] >>> 2];
offset = lenTest + 1 + lenTest2;
while (lenEnd < cur + offset) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + (price_2 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest2 - 2, posStateNext) , price_2 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, 0, state2, posStateNext));
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + offset];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur + lenTest + 1;
optimum.BackPrev = 0;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = 1;
optimum.Prev2 = 1;
optimum.PosPrev2 = cur;
optimum.BackPrev2 = repIndex;
if (newLen > numAvailableBytes) {
newLen = numAvailableBytes;
for (numDistancePairs = 0; newLen > this$static._matchDistances[numDistancePairs]; numDistancePairs += 2) {}
this$static._matchDistances[numDistancePairs] = newLen;
numDistancePairs += 2;
if (newLen >= startLen) {
normalMatchPrice = matchPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep[state] >>> 2];
while (lenEnd < cur + newLen) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
offs = 0;
while (startLen > this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
offs += 2;
for (lenTest = startLen;; ++lenTest) {
curBack = this$static._matchDistances[offs + 1];
curAndLenPrice = normalMatchPrice + $GetPosLenPrice(this$static, curBack, lenTest, posState);
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + lenTest];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur;
optimum.BackPrev = curBack + 4;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = 0;
if (lenTest == this$static._matchDistances[offs]) {
if (lenTest < numAvailableBytesFull) {
t = Math.min(numAvailableBytesFull - 1 - lenTest, this$static._numFastBytes);
lenTest2 = $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest, curBack, t);
if (lenTest2 >= 2) {
state2 = state < 7?7:10;
posStateNext = position + lenTest & this$static._posStateMask;
curAndLenCharPrice = curAndLenPrice + ProbPrices[this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2] + $GetPrice_0($GetSubCoder(this$static._literalEncoder, position + lenTest, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1 - 1)), 1, $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - (curBack + 1) - 1), $GetIndexByte(this$static._matchFinder, lenTest - 1));
state2 = StateUpdateChar(state2);
posStateNext = position + lenTest + 1 & this$static._posStateMask;
nextMatchPrice = curAndLenCharPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isMatch[(state2 << 4) + posStateNext] >>> 2];
nextRepMatchPrice = nextMatchPrice + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep[state2] >>> 2];
offset = lenTest + 1 + lenTest2;
while (lenEnd < cur + offset) {
this$static._optimum[++lenEnd].Price = 268435455;
curAndLenPrice = nextRepMatchPrice + (price_3 = $GetPrice(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, lenTest2 - 2, posStateNext) , price_3 + $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, 0, state2, posStateNext));
optimum = this$static._optimum[cur + offset];
if (curAndLenPrice < optimum.Price) {
optimum.Price = curAndLenPrice;
optimum.PosPrev = cur + lenTest + 1;
optimum.BackPrev = 0;
optimum.Prev1IsChar = 1;
optimum.Prev2 = 1;
optimum.PosPrev2 = cur;
optimum.BackPrev2 = curBack + 4;
offs += 2;
if (offs == numDistancePairs)
function $GetPosLenPrice(this$static, pos, len, posState) {
var price, lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(len);
if (pos < 128) {
price = this$static._distancesPrices[lenToPosState * 128 + pos];
} else {
price = this$static._posSlotPrices[(lenToPosState << 6) + GetPosSlot2(pos)] + this$static._alignPrices[pos & 15];
return price + $GetPrice(this$static._lenEncoder, len - 2, posState);
function $GetPureRepPrice(this$static, repIndex, state, posState) {
var price;
if (!repIndex) {
price = ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2];
price += ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRep0Long[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
} else {
price = ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2];
if (repIndex == 1) {
price += ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG1[state] >>> 2];
} else {
price += ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._isRepG1[state] >>> 2];
price += GetPrice(this$static._isRepG2[state], repIndex - 2);
return price;
function $GetRepLen1Price(this$static, state, posState) {
return ProbPrices[this$static._isRepG0[state] >>> 2] + ProbPrices[this$static._isRep0Long[(state << 4) + posState] >>> 2];
function $Init_4(this$static) {
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
$Init_2(this$static._lenEncoder, 1 << this$static._posStateBits);
$Init_2(this$static._repMatchLenEncoder, 1 << this$static._posStateBits);
this$static._longestMatchWasFound = 0;
this$static._optimumEndIndex = 0;
this$static._optimumCurrentIndex = 0;
this$static._additionalOffset = 0;
function $MovePos(this$static, num) {
if (num > 0) {
$Skip(this$static._matchFinder, num);
this$static._additionalOffset += num;
function $ReadMatchDistances(this$static) {
var lenRes = 0;
this$static._numDistancePairs = $GetMatches(this$static._matchFinder, this$static._matchDistances);
if (this$static._numDistancePairs > 0) {
lenRes = this$static._matchDistances[this$static._numDistancePairs - 2];
if (lenRes == this$static._numFastBytes)
lenRes += $GetMatchLen(this$static._matchFinder, lenRes - 1, this$static._matchDistances[this$static._numDistancePairs - 1], 273 - lenRes);
return lenRes;
function $ReleaseMFStream(this$static) {
if (this$static._matchFinder && this$static._needReleaseMFStream) {
this$static._matchFinder._stream = null;
this$static._needReleaseMFStream = 0;
function $ReleaseStreams(this$static) {
this$static._rangeEncoder.Stream = null;
function $SetDictionarySize_0(this$static, dictionarySize) {
this$static._dictionarySize = dictionarySize;
for (var dicLogSize = 0; dictionarySize > 1 << dicLogSize; ++dicLogSize) {}
this$static._distTableSize = dicLogSize * 2;
function $SetMatchFinder(this$static, matchFinderIndex) {
var matchFinderIndexPrev = this$static._matchFinderType;
this$static._matchFinderType = matchFinderIndex;
if (this$static._matchFinder && matchFinderIndexPrev != this$static._matchFinderType) {
this$static._dictionarySizePrev = -1;
this$static._matchFinder = null;
function $WriteCoderProperties(this$static, outStream) {
this$[0] = (this$static._posStateBits * 5 + this$static._numLiteralPosStateBits) * 9 + this$static._numLiteralContextBits << 24 >> 24;
for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
this$[1 + i] = this$static._dictionarySize >> 8 * i << 24 >> 24;
$write_0(outStream, this$, 0, 5);
function $WriteEndMarker(this$static, posState) {
if (!this$static._writeEndMark) {
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isMatch, (this$static._state << 4) + posState, 1);
$Encode_3(this$static._rangeEncoder, this$static._isRep, this$static._state, 0);
this$static._state = this$static._state < 7?7:10;
$Encode_0(this$static._lenEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, 0, posState);
var lenToPosState = GetLenToPosState(2);
$Encode_2(this$static._posSlotEncoder[lenToPosState], this$static._rangeEncoder, 63);
$EncodeDirectBits(this$static._rangeEncoder, 67108863, 26);
$ReverseEncode(this$static._posAlignEncoder, this$static._rangeEncoder, 15);
function GetPosSlot(pos) {
if (pos < 2048) {
return g_FastPos[pos];
if (pos < 2097152) {
return g_FastPos[pos >> 10] + 20;
return g_FastPos[pos >> 20] + 40;
function GetPosSlot2(pos) {
if (pos < 131072) {
return g_FastPos[pos >> 6] + 12;
if (pos < 134217728) {
return g_FastPos[pos >> 16] + 32;
return g_FastPos[pos >> 26] + 52;
function $Encode(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol, posState) {
if (symbol < 8) {
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 0, 0);
$Encode_2(this$static._lowCoder[posState], rangeEncoder, symbol);
} else {
symbol -= 8;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 0, 1);
if (symbol < 8) {
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 1, 0);
$Encode_2(this$static._midCoder[posState], rangeEncoder, symbol);
} else {
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static._choice, 1, 1);
$Encode_2(this$static._highCoder, rangeEncoder, symbol - 8);
function $Encoder$LenEncoder(this$static) {
this$static._choice = initDim(2);
this$static._lowCoder = initDim(16);
this$static._midCoder = initDim(16);
this$static._highCoder = $BitTreeEncoder({}, 8);
for (var posState = 0; posState < 16; ++posState) {
this$static._lowCoder[posState] = $BitTreeEncoder({}, 3);
this$static._midCoder[posState] = $BitTreeEncoder({}, 3);
return this$static;
function $Init_2(this$static, numPosStates) {
for (var posState = 0; posState < numPosStates; ++posState) {
function $SetPrices(this$static, posState, numSymbols, prices, st) {
var a0, a1, b0, b1, i;
a0 = ProbPrices[this$static._choice[0] >>> 2];
a1 = ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._choice[0] >>> 2];
b0 = a1 + ProbPrices[this$static._choice[1] >>> 2];
b1 = a1 + ProbPrices[2048 - this$static._choice[1] >>> 2];
i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
if (i >= numSymbols)
prices[st + i] = a0 + $GetPrice_1(this$static._lowCoder[posState], i);
for (; i < 16; ++i) {
if (i >= numSymbols)
prices[st + i] = b0 + $GetPrice_1(this$static._midCoder[posState], i - 8);
for (; i < numSymbols; ++i) {
prices[st + i] = b1 + $GetPrice_1(this$static._highCoder, i - 8 - 8);
function $Encode_0(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol, posState) {
$Encode(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol, posState);
if (--this$static._counters[posState] == 0) {
$SetPrices(this$static, posState, this$static._tableSize, this$static._prices, posState * 272);
this$static._counters[posState] = this$static._tableSize;
function $Encoder$LenPriceTableEncoder(this$static) {
this$static._prices = [];
this$static._counters = [];
return this$static;
function $GetPrice(this$static, symbol, posState) {
return this$static._prices[posState * 272 + symbol];
function $UpdateTables(this$static, numPosStates) {
for (var posState = 0; posState < numPosStates; ++posState) {
$SetPrices(this$static, posState, this$static._tableSize, this$static._prices, posState * 272);
this$static._counters[posState] = this$static._tableSize;
function $Create_1(this$static, numPosBits, numPrevBits) {
var i, numStates;
if (this$static.m_Coders != null && this$static.m_NumPrevBits == numPrevBits && this$static.m_NumPosBits == numPosBits) {
this$static.m_NumPosBits = numPosBits;
this$static.m_PosMask = (1 << numPosBits) - 1;
this$static.m_NumPrevBits = numPrevBits;
numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
this$static.m_Coders = initDim(numStates);
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i) {
this$static.m_Coders[i] = $Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2({});
function $GetSubCoder(this$static, pos, prevByte) {
return this$static.m_Coders[((pos & this$static.m_PosMask) << this$static.m_NumPrevBits) + ((prevByte & 255) >>> 8 - this$static.m_NumPrevBits)];
function $Init_3(this$static) {
var i, numStates = 1 << this$static.m_NumPrevBits + this$static.m_NumPosBits;
for (i = 0; i < numStates; ++i) {
function $Encode_1(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol) {
var bit, i, context = 1;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.m_Encoders, context, bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
function $EncodeMatched(this$static, rangeEncoder, matchByte, symbol) {
var bit, i, matchBit, state, same = 1, context = 1;
for (i = 7; i >= 0; --i) {
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
state = context;
if (same) {
matchBit = matchByte >> i & 1;
state += 1 + matchBit << 8;
same = matchBit == bit;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.m_Encoders, state, bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
function $Encoder$LiteralEncoder$Encoder2(this$static) {
this$static.m_Encoders = initDim(768);
return this$static;
function $GetPrice_0(this$static, matchMode, matchByte, symbol) {
var bit, context = 1, i = 7, matchBit, price = 0;
if (matchMode) {
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
matchBit = matchByte >> i & 1;
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.m_Encoders[(1 + matchBit << 8) + context], bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
if (matchBit != bit) {
for (; i >= 0; --i) {
bit = symbol >> i & 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.m_Encoders[context], bit);
context = context << 1 | bit;
return price;
function $MakeAsChar(this$static) {
this$static.BackPrev = -1;
this$static.Prev1IsChar = 0;
function $MakeAsShortRep(this$static) {
this$static.BackPrev = 0;
this$static.Prev1IsChar = 0;
/** ce */
/** ds */
function $BitTreeDecoder(this$static, numBitLevels) {
this$static.NumBitLevels = numBitLevels;
this$static.Models = initDim(1 << numBitLevels);
return this$static;
function $Decode_0(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
var bitIndex, m = 1;
for (bitIndex = this$static.NumBitLevels; bitIndex != 0; --bitIndex) {
m = (m << 1) + $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.Models, m);
return m - (1 << this$static.NumBitLevels);
function $ReverseDecode(this$static, rangeDecoder) {
var bit, bitIndex, m = 1, symbol = 0;
for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < this$static.NumBitLevels; ++bitIndex) {
bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, this$static.Models, m);
m <<= 1;
m += bit;
symbol |= bit << bitIndex;
return symbol;
function ReverseDecode(Models, startIndex, rangeDecoder, NumBitLevels) {
var bit, bitIndex, m = 1, symbol = 0;
for (bitIndex = 0; bitIndex < NumBitLevels; ++bitIndex) {
bit = $DecodeBit(rangeDecoder, Models, startIndex + m);
m <<= 1;
m += bit;
symbol |= bit << bitIndex;
return symbol;
/** de */
/** cs */
function $BitTreeEncoder(this$static, numBitLevels) {
this$static.NumBitLevels = numBitLevels;
this$static.Models = initDim(1 << numBitLevels);
return this$static;
function $Encode_2(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol) {
var bit, bitIndex, m = 1;
for (bitIndex = this$static.NumBitLevels; bitIndex != 0;) {
bit = symbol >>> bitIndex & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.Models, m, bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
function $GetPrice_1(this$static, symbol) {
var bit, bitIndex, m = 1, price = 0;
for (bitIndex = this$static.NumBitLevels; bitIndex != 0;) {
bit = symbol >>> bitIndex & 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.Models[m], bit);
m = (m << 1) + bit;
return price;
function $ReverseEncode(this$static, rangeEncoder, symbol) {
var bit, i, m = 1;
for (i = 0; i < this$static.NumBitLevels; ++i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, this$static.Models, m, bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
symbol >>= 1;
function $ReverseGetPrice(this$static, symbol) {
var bit, i, m = 1, price = 0;
for (i = this$static.NumBitLevels; i != 0; --i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
symbol >>>= 1;
price += GetPrice(this$static.Models[m], bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
return price;
function ReverseEncode(Models, startIndex, rangeEncoder, NumBitLevels, symbol) {
var bit, i, m = 1;
for (i = 0; i < NumBitLevels; ++i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
$Encode_3(rangeEncoder, Models, startIndex + m, bit);
m = m << 1 | bit;
symbol >>= 1;
function ReverseGetPrice(Models, startIndex, NumBitLevels, symbol) {
var bit, i, m = 1, price = 0;
for (i = NumBitLevels; i != 0; --i) {
bit = symbol & 1;
symbol >>>= 1;
price += ProbPrices[((Models[startIndex + m] - bit ^ -bit) & 2047) >>> 2];
m = m << 1 | bit;
return price;
/** ce */
/** ds */
function $DecodeBit(this$static, probs, index) {
var newBound, prob = probs[index];
newBound = (this$static.Range >>> 11) * prob;
if ((this$static.Code ^ -2147483648) < (newBound ^ -2147483648)) {
this$static.Range = newBound;
probs[index] = prob + (2048 - prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
this$static.Range <<= 8;
return 0;
} else {
this$static.Range -= newBound;
this$static.Code -= newBound;
probs[index] = prob - (prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
this$static.Range <<= 8;
return 1;
function $DecodeDirectBits(this$static, numTotalBits) {
var i, t, result = 0;
for (i = numTotalBits; i != 0; --i) {
this$static.Range >>>= 1;
t = this$static.Code - this$static.Range >>> 31;
this$static.Code -= this$static.Range & t - 1;
result = result << 1 | 1 - t;
if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
this$static.Range <<= 8;
return result;
function $Init_8(this$static) {
this$static.Code = 0;
this$static.Range = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
this$static.Code = this$static.Code << 8 | $read(this$static.Stream);
/** de */
function InitBitModels(probs) {
for (var i = probs.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
probs[i] = 1024;
/** cs */
var ProbPrices = (function () {
var end, i, j, start, ProbPrices = [];
for (i = 8; i >= 0; --i) {
start = 1 << 9 - i - 1;
end = 1 << 9 - i;
for (j = start; j < end; ++j) {
ProbPrices[j] = (i << 6) + (end - j << 6 >>> 9 - i - 1);
return ProbPrices;
function $Encode_3(this$static, probs, index, symbol) {
var newBound, prob = probs[index];
newBound = (this$static.Range >>> 11) * prob;
if (!symbol) {
this$static.Range = newBound;
probs[index] = prob + (2048 - prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
} else {
this$static.Low = add(this$static.Low, and(fromInt(newBound), [4294967295, 0]));
this$static.Range -= newBound;
probs[index] = prob - (prob >>> 5) << 16 >> 16;
if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
this$static.Range <<= 8;
function $EncodeDirectBits(this$static, v, numTotalBits) {
for (var i = numTotalBits - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
this$static.Range >>>= 1;
if ((v >>> i & 1) == 1) {
this$static.Low = add(this$static.Low, fromInt(this$static.Range));
if (!(this$static.Range & -16777216)) {
this$static.Range <<= 8;
function $GetProcessedSizeAdd(this$static) {
return add(add(fromInt(this$static._cacheSize), this$static._position), [4, 0]);
function $Init_9(this$static) {
this$static._position = P0_longLit;
this$static.Low = P0_longLit;
this$static.Range = -1;
this$static._cacheSize = 1;
this$static._cache = 0;
function $ShiftLow(this$static) {
var temp, LowHi = lowBits_0(shru(this$static.Low, 32));
if (LowHi != 0 || compare(this$static.Low, [4278190080, 0]) < 0) {
this$static._position = add(this$static._position, fromInt(this$static._cacheSize));
temp = this$static._cache;
do {
$write(this$static.Stream, temp + LowHi);
temp = 255;
} while (--this$static._cacheSize != 0);
this$static._cache = lowBits_0(this$static.Low) >>> 24;
this$static.Low = shl(and(this$static.Low, [16777215, 0]), 8);
function GetPrice(Prob, symbol) {
return ProbPrices[((Prob - symbol ^ -symbol) & 2047) >>> 2];
/** ce */
/** ds */
function decode(utf) {
var i = 0, j = 0, x, y, z, l = utf.length, buf = [], charCodes = [];
for (; i < l; ++i, ++j) {
x = utf[i] & 255;
if (!(x & 128)) {
if (!x) {
/// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
return utf;
charCodes[j] = x;
} else if ((x & 224) == 192) {
if (i + 1 >= l) {
/// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
return utf;
y = utf[++i] & 255;
if ((y & 192) != 128) {
/// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
return utf;
charCodes[j] = ((x & 31) << 6) | (y & 63);
} else if ((x & 240) == 224) {
if (i + 2 >= l) {
/// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
return utf;
y = utf[++i] & 255;
if ((y & 192) != 128) {
/// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
return utf;
z = utf[++i] & 255;
if ((z & 192) != 128) {
/// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
return utf;
charCodes[j] = ((x & 15) << 12) | ((y & 63) << 6) | (z & 63);
} else {
/// It appears that this is binary data, so it cannot be converted to a string, so just send it back.
return utf;
if (j == 16383) {
buf.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, charCodes));
j = -1;
if (j > 0) {
charCodes.length = j;
buf.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, charCodes));
return buf.join("");
/** de */
/** cs */
function encode(s) {
var ch, chars = [], data, elen = 0, i, l = s.length;
/// Be able to handle binary arrays and buffers.
if (typeof s == "object") {
return s;
} else {
$getChars(s, 0, l, chars, 0);
/// Add extra spaces in the array to break up the unicode symbols.
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
ch = chars[i];
if (ch >= 1 && ch <= 127) {
} else if (!ch || ch >= 128 && ch <= 2047) {
elen += 2;
} else {
elen += 3;
data = [];
elen = 0;
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i) {
ch = chars[i];
if (ch >= 1 && ch <= 127) {
data[elen++] = ch << 24 >> 24;
} else if (!ch || ch >= 128 && ch <= 2047) {
data[elen++] = (192 | ch >> 6 & 31) << 24 >> 24;
data[elen++] = (128 | ch & 63) << 24 >> 24;
} else {
data[elen++] = (224 | ch >> 12 & 15) << 24 >> 24;
data[elen++] = (128 | ch >> 6 & 63) << 24 >> 24;
data[elen++] = (128 | ch & 63) << 24 >> 24;
return data;
/** ce */
function toDouble(a) {
return a[1] + a[0];
/** cs */
function compress(str, mode, on_finish, on_progress) {
var this$static = {},
cbn, /// A callback number should be supplied instead of on_finish() if we are using Web Workers.
sync = typeof on_finish == "undefined" && typeof on_progress == "undefined";
if (typeof on_finish != "function") {
cbn = on_finish;
on_finish = on_progress = 0;
on_progress = on_progress || function(percent) {
if (typeof cbn == "undefined")
return update_progress(percent, cbn);
on_finish = on_finish || function(res, err) {
if (typeof cbn == "undefined")
return postMessage({
action: action_compress,
cbn: cbn,
result: res,
error: err
if (sync) {
this$static.c = $LZMAByteArrayCompressor({}, encode(str), get_mode_obj(mode));
while ($processChunk(this$static.c.chunker));
return $toByteArray(this$static.c.output);
try {
this$static.c = $LZMAByteArrayCompressor({}, encode(str), get_mode_obj(mode));
} catch (err) {
return on_finish(null, err);
function do_action() {
try {
var res, start = (new Date()).getTime();
while ($processChunk(this$static.c.chunker)) {
percent = toDouble(this$static.c.chunker.inBytesProcessed) / toDouble(this$static.c.length_0);
/// If about 200 miliseconds have passed, update the progress.
if ((new Date()).getTime() - start > 200) {
wait(do_action, 0);
return 0;
res = $toByteArray(this$static.c.output);
/// delay so we dont catch errors from the on_finish handler
wait(on_finish.bind(null, res), 0);
} catch (err) {
on_finish(null, err);
///NOTE: We need to wait to make sure it is always async.
wait(do_action, 0);
/** ce */
/** ds */
function decompress(byte_arr, on_finish, on_progress) {
var this$static = {},
cbn, /// A callback number should be supplied instead of on_finish() if we are using Web Workers.
sync = typeof on_finish == "undefined" && typeof on_progress == "undefined";
if (typeof on_finish != "function") {
cbn = on_finish;
on_finish = on_progress = 0;
on_progress = on_progress || function(percent) {
if (typeof cbn == "undefined")
return update_progress(has_progress ? percent : -1, cbn);
on_finish = on_finish || function(res, err) {
if (typeof cbn == "undefined")
return postMessage({
action: action_decompress,
cbn: cbn,
result: res,
error: err
if (sync) {
this$static.d = $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor({}, byte_arr);
while ($processChunk(this$static.d.chunker));
return decode($toByteArray(this$static.d.output));
try {
this$static.d = $LZMAByteArrayDecompressor({}, byte_arr);
len = toDouble(this$static.d.length_0);
///NOTE: If the data was created via a stream, it will not have a length value, and therefore we can't calculate the progress.
has_progress = len > -1;
} catch (err) {
return on_finish(null, err);
function do_action() {
try {
var res, i = 0, start = (new Date()).getTime();
while ($processChunk(this$static.d.chunker)) {
if (++i % 1000 == 0 && (new Date()).getTime() - start > 200) {
if (has_progress) {
percent = toDouble(this$static.d.chunker.decoder.nowPos64) / len;
/// If about 200 miliseconds have passed, update the progress.
///NOTE: This allows other code to run, like the browser to update.
wait(do_action, 0);
return 0;
res = decode($toByteArray(this$static.d.output));
/// delay so we dont catch errors from the on_finish handler
wait(on_finish.bind(null, res), 0);
} catch (err) {
on_finish(null, err);
///NOTE: We need to wait to make sure it is always async.
wait(do_action, 0);
/** de */
/** cs */
var get_mode_obj = (function () {
/// s is dictionarySize
/// f is fb
/// m is matchFinder
///NOTE: Because some values are always the same, they have been removed.
/// lc is always 3
/// lp is always 0
/// pb is always 2
var modes = [
{s: 16, f: 64, m: 0},
{s: 20, f: 64, m: 0},
{s: 19, f: 64, m: 1},
{s: 20, f: 64, m: 1},
{s: 21, f: 128, m: 1},
{s: 22, f: 128, m: 1},
{s: 23, f: 128, m: 1},
{s: 24, f: 255, m: 1},
{s: 25, f: 255, m: 1}
return function (mode) {
return modes[mode - 1] || modes[6];
/** ce */
/// If we're in a Web Worker, create the onmessage() communication channel.
///NOTE: This seems to be the most reliable way to detect this.
if (typeof onmessage != "undefined" && (typeof window == "undefined" || typeof window.document == "undefined")) {
(function () {
/* jshint -W020 */
/// Create the global onmessage function.
onmessage = function (e) {
if (e && {
/** xs */
if ( == action_decompress) {
} else if ( == action_compress) {
/** xe */
/// co:if ( == action_compress) {
/// co: LZMA.compress(,,;
/// co:}
/// do:if ( == action_decompress) {
/// do: LZMA.decompress(,;
/// do:}
return {
/** xs */
compress: compress,
decompress: decompress,
/** xe */
/// co:compress: compress
/// do:decompress: decompress
/// This is used by browsers that do not support web workers (and possibly Node.js).
this.LZMA = this.LZMA_WORKER = LZMA;