#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail; source "$HL_LIB"; _assert_vars HL_TIMEZONE; # update and install dependencies _ch_001-install() { sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get install -y docker docker-compose screenfetch vim; } # give myself docker privileges _ch_002-usermod() { sudo usermod -aG docker $USER; # a bit of a hack, mark this checkpoint as completed but exit execution echo "_ch_002-usermod" >> run.checkpoints _err "please relogin" } # create data folder with correct perms _ch_003-datafolder() { sudo mkdir -p /data; sudo chgrp $USER /data; sudo chmod g+w /data; } _ch_004-firewall() { sudo apt-get install -y ufw; sudo ufw allow 22; } _ch_005-set_timezone() { sudo timedatectl set-timezone "$HL_TIMEZONE"; } _run_checkpoints;