# Homelab setup scripts

Everything is homebaked, because it's at my house!

## Dependencies

 - python 3, bash, and coreutils

## Creating & running scripts

Every script has a directory inside `scripts/`. They must be ran through the `run.sh` script.

Usually scripts are checkpointed. Each checkpoint is a function beginning with `_ch_`. It is then
collected and run by calling `_run_checkpoints`. They will be run in alphabetical order and if
one fails, the script will stop execution. You can then make changes, or fix the issue externally,
and then run the script again. It will skip all successfully completed checkpoints.

`_lib.sh` should always be imported at the start of the script. It contains all the helper functions.

See `scripts/template` for an example.

## Unattended?

Not really, but most steps should be automatic

## Fully rerun a script

Remove run.checkpoints from the script root directory. This will reset the script's idempotency check.
It is just a text file with names of checkpoints that have successfully completed. You can edit it to
skip certain parts, or replay them.