/*! FullCalendar Core v6.1.9 Docs & License: https://fullcalendar.io (c) 2023 Adam Shaw */ var FullCalendar = (function (exports) { 'use strict'; const styleTexts = []; const styleEls = new Map(); function injectStyles(styleText) { styleTexts.push(styleText); styleEls.forEach((styleEl) => { appendStylesTo(styleEl, styleText); }); } function ensureElHasStyles(el) { if (el.isConnected) { registerStylesRoot(el.getRootNode()); } } function registerStylesRoot(rootNode) { let styleEl = styleEls.get(rootNode); if (!styleEl || !styleEl.isConnected) { styleEl = rootNode.querySelector('style[data-fullcalendar]'); if (!styleEl) { styleEl = document.createElement('style'); styleEl.setAttribute('data-fullcalendar', ''); const nonce = getNonceValue(); if (nonce) { styleEl.nonce = nonce; } const parentEl = rootNode === document ? document.head : rootNode; const insertBefore = rootNode === document ? parentEl.querySelector('script,link[rel=stylesheet],link[as=style],style') : parentEl.firstChild; parentEl.insertBefore(styleEl, insertBefore); } styleEls.set(rootNode, styleEl); hydrateStylesRoot(styleEl); } } function hydrateStylesRoot(styleEl) { for (const styleText of styleTexts) { appendStylesTo(styleEl, styleText); } } function appendStylesTo(styleEl, styleText) { const { sheet } = styleEl; const ruleCnt = sheet.cssRules.length; styleText.split('}').forEach((styleStr, i) => { styleStr = styleStr.trim(); if (styleStr) { sheet.insertRule(styleStr + '}', ruleCnt + i); } }); } // nonce // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let queriedNonceValue; function getNonceValue() { if (queriedNonceValue === undefined) { queriedNonceValue = queryNonceValue(); } return queriedNonceValue; } /* TODO: discourage meta tag and instead put nonce attribute on placeholder