import { join as joinPaths } from 'path' import { fileURLToPath } from 'url' import { readFile } from 'fs/promises' import handlebars from 'handlebars' import { execCapture } from '@fullcalendar-scripts/standard/utils/exec' /* TODO: don't always display prefix when doing config.log() TODO: don't reinit rollup watcher on ANY change. Slow when not using fdescribe technique. */ const thisPkgDir = joinPaths(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url), '../..') const templatePath = joinPaths(thisPkgDir, 'src/') /* HACK: watch the transpiled directory, so bundling waits until tsc completes */ export function getWatchPaths(config) { const transpileDir = joinPaths(config.pkgDir, 'dist/.tsout') return [transpileDir, templatePath] } export default async function(config) { const srcDir = joinPaths(config.pkgDir, 'src') // mindepth 2 means subdirectories let testPaths = await execCapture( 'find . -mindepth 2 -type f \\( -name \'*.ts\' -or -name \'*.tsx\' \\) -print0 | ' + 'xargs -0 grep -E "(fdescribe|fit)\\("', { cwd: srcDir }, ).then( (stdout) => strToLines(stdout).map((line) => line.trim().split(':')[0]), () => { return [] // TODO: somehow look at stderr string. if empty, simply no testPaths. if populated, real error }, ) // the `find` command reports multiple matches per file. consolidate duplicates testPaths = uniqueStrs(testPaths) if (testPaths.length) { config.log( 'Only test files that have fdescribe/fit:\n' + testPaths.join('\n'), ) } else { // mindepth 2 means subdirectories testPaths = strToLines((await execCapture( 'find . -mindepth 2 -type f \\( -name \'*.ts\' -or -name \'*.tsx\' \\)', { cwd: srcDir }, ))) config.log(`Using all ${testPaths.length} test files`) } const extensionlessTestPaths = => testPath.replace(/\.tsx?$/, '')) const templateText = await readFile(templatePath, 'utf8') const template = handlebars.compile(templateText) const code = template({ extensionlessTestPaths }) return code } function uniqueStrs(strs) { const map = {} for (const str of strs) { map[str] = true } return Object.keys(map) } function strToLines(str) { str = str.trim() return str ? str.split('\n') : [] }