/*! FullCalendar Core v6.1.14 Docs & License: https://fullcalendar.io (c) 2024 Adam Shaw */ (function (index_js) { 'use strict'; var locale = { code: 'ms', week: { dow: 1, doy: 7, // The week that contains Jan 1st is the first week of the year. }, buttonText: { prev: 'Sebelum', next: 'Selepas', today: 'hari ini', year: 'Tahun', month: 'Bulan', week: 'Minggu', day: 'Hari', list: 'Agenda', }, weekText: 'Mg', allDayText: 'Sepanjang hari', moreLinkText(n) { return 'masih ada ' + n + ' acara'; }, noEventsText: 'Tiada peristiwa untuk dipaparkan', }; index_js.globalLocales.push(locale); })(FullCalendar);