/* eslint-env qunit */ import TestHelpers from '../../test-helpers.js'; QUnit.module('PlaybackRateMenuButton', { beforeEach(assert) { this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({ playbackRates: [1, 2, 3] }); this.button = this.player.controlBar.playbackRateMenuButton; }, afterEach(assert) { this.player.dispose(); } }); QUnit.test('playback rate default value', function(assert) { const currentRate = this.player.playbackRate(); assert.strictEqual(currentRate, 1, 'Playbackrate begins with value 1"'); }); QUnit.test('is visible when playback rates are configured and the tech supports playback rates', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); assert.notOk(this.button.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'does not have the vjs-hidden class'); }); QUnit.test('is not visible if no playback rates are configured', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); this.player.playbackRates([]); assert.ok(this.button.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'has the vjs-hidden class'); }); QUnit.test('is not visible if the tech does not support playback rates', function(assert) { assert.expect(1); this.player.tech_.featuresPlaybackRate = false; // loadstart is needed to update the hidden state. this.player.trigger('loadstart'); assert.ok(this.button.hasClass('vjs-hidden'), 'has the vjs-hidden class'); }); QUnit.test('label is updated when playback rate changes', function(assert) { assert.expect(4); assert.strictEqual(this.button.labelEl_.textContent, '1x', 'the default label content is "1x"'); this.player.playbackRate(2); assert.strictEqual(this.button.labelEl_.textContent, '2x', 'the label content is now "2x"'); this.player.playbackRate(3); assert.strictEqual(this.button.labelEl_.textContent, '3x', 'the label content is now "3x"'); this.player.playbackRate(4); assert.strictEqual(this.button.labelEl_.textContent, '4x', 'the playback rate (and label content) can change to values that are not in the rates available in the menu'); }); QUnit.test('menu is updated when playback rates configuration changes', function(assert) { assert.expect(2); const getItemLabels = () => this.button.menu.children().map(item => item.label); assert.deepEqual(getItemLabels(), ['3x', '2x', '1x'], 'the initial list of items is as expected'); this.player.playbackRates([1, 1.5, 2, 5]); assert.deepEqual(getItemLabels(), ['5x', '2x', '1.5x', '1x'], 'the list of items was updated'); });