/* eslint-env qunit */ import window from 'global/window'; import EventTarget from '../../../src/js/event-target.js'; import TrackBaseline from './track-baseline'; import TechFaker from '../tech/tech-faker'; import TextTrack from '../../../src/js/tracks/text-track.js'; import TestHelpers from '../test-helpers.js'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import log from '../../../src/js/utils/log.js'; import XHR from '@videojs/xhr'; QUnit.module('Text Track', { beforeEach() { this.tech = new TechFaker(); this.oldXMLHttpRequest = XHR.XMLHttpRequest; this.oldXDomainRequest = XHR.XDomainRequest; this.xhr = sinon.useFakeXMLHttpRequest(); XHR.XMLHttpRequest = this.xhr; XHR.XDomainRequest = this.xhr; }, afterEach() { this.tech.dispose(); this.tech = null; XHR.XMLHttpRequest = this.oldXMLHttpRequest; XHR.XDomainRequest = this.oldXDomainRequest; this.xhr.restore(); } }); // do baseline track testing TrackBaseline(TextTrack, { id: '1', kind: 'subtitles', mode: 'disabled', label: 'English', language: 'en' // tech is added in baseline // tech: new TechFaker() }); QUnit.test('requires a tech', function(assert) { const error = new Error('A tech was not provided.'); assert.throws(() => new TextTrack({}), error, 'a tech is required'); assert.throws(() => new TextTrack({tech: null}), error, 'a tech is required'); }); QUnit.test('can create a TextTrack with a mode property', function(assert) { const mode = 'disabled'; const tt = new TextTrack({ mode, tech: this.tech }); assert.equal(tt.mode, mode, 'we have a mode'); }); QUnit.test('defaults when items not provided', function(assert) { const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech }); assert.equal(tt.kind, 'subtitles', 'kind defaulted to subtitles'); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'mode defaulted to disabled'); assert.equal(tt.label, '', 'label defaults to empty string'); assert.equal(tt.language, '', 'language defaults to empty string'); }); QUnit.test('kind can only be one of several options, defaults to subtitles', function(assert) { let tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, kind: 'foo' }); assert.equal(tt.kind, 'subtitles', 'the kind is set to subtitles, not foo'); assert.notEqual(tt.kind, 'foo', 'the kind is set to subtitles, not foo'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, kind: 'subtitles' }); assert.equal(tt.kind, 'subtitles', 'the kind is set to subtitles'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, kind: 'captions' }); assert.equal(tt.kind, 'captions', 'the kind is set to captions'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, kind: 'descriptions' }); assert.equal(tt.kind, 'descriptions', 'the kind is set to descriptions'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, kind: 'chapters' }); assert.equal(tt.kind, 'chapters', 'the kind is set to chapters'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, kind: 'metadata' }); assert.equal(tt.kind, 'metadata', 'the kind is set to metadata'); }); QUnit.test('mode can only be one of several options, defaults to disabled', function(assert) { let tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, mode: 'foo' }); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'the mode is set to disabled, not foo'); assert.notEqual(tt.mode, 'foo', 'the mode is set to disabld, not foo'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, mode: 'disabled' }); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'the mode is set to disabled'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, mode: 'hidden' }); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'hidden', 'the mode is set to hidden'); tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, mode: 'showing' }); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'showing', 'the mode is set to showing'); }); QUnit.test('cue and activeCues are read only', function(assert) { const mode = 'disabled'; const tt = new TextTrack({ mode, tech: this.tech }); tt.cues = 'foo'; tt.activeCues = 'bar'; assert.notEqual(tt.cues, 'foo', 'cues is still original value'); assert.notEqual(tt.activeCues, 'bar', 'activeCues is still original value'); }); QUnit.test('mode can only be set to a few options', function(assert) { const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech }); tt.mode = 'foo'; assert.notEqual(tt.mode, 'foo', 'the mode is still the old value, disabled'); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'disabled', 'still on the default mode, disabled'); tt.mode = 'hidden'; assert.equal(tt.mode, 'hidden', 'mode set to hidden'); tt.mode = 'bar'; assert.notEqual(tt.mode, 'bar', 'the mode is still the old value, hidden'); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'hidden', 'still on the previous mode, hidden'); tt.mode = 'showing'; assert.equal(tt.mode, 'showing', 'mode set to showing'); tt.mode = 'baz'; assert.notEqual(tt.mode, 'baz', 'the mode is still the old value, showing'); assert.equal(tt.mode, 'showing', 'still on the previous mode, showing'); }); QUnit.test('cues and activeCues return a TextTrackCueList', function(assert) { const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech }); assert.ok(tt.cues.getCueById, 'cues are a TextTrackCueList'); assert.ok(tt.activeCues.getCueById, 'activeCues are a TextTrackCueList'); }); QUnit.test('cues can be added and removed from a TextTrack', function(assert) { const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech }); const cues = tt.cues; assert.equal(cues.length, 0, 'start with zero cues'); tt.addCue({id: '1'}); assert.equal(cues.length, 1, 'we have one cue'); tt.removeCue(cues.getCueById('1')); assert.equal(cues.length, 0, 'we have removed our one cue'); tt.addCue({id: '1'}); tt.addCue({id: '2'}); tt.addCue({id: '3'}); assert.equal(cues.length, 3, 'we now have 3 cues'); }); QUnit.test('original cue can be used to remove cue from cues list', function(assert) { const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech }); const Cue = window.VTTCue || window.vttjs && window.vttjs.VTTCue || window.TextTrackCue; const cue1 = new Cue(0, 1, 'some-cue'); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 0, 'start with zero cues'); tt.addCue(cue1); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 1, 'we have one cue'); tt.removeCue(cue1); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 0, 'we have removed cue1'); }); QUnit.test('non-VTTCue can be used to remove cue from cues list', function(assert) { const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech }); const cue1 = { id: 1, text: 'test' }; assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 0, 'start with zero cues'); tt.addCue(cue1); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 1, 'we have one cue'); tt.removeCue(cue1); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 0, 'we have removed cue1'); }); QUnit.test('can only remove one cue at a time', function(assert) { const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech }); const Cue = window.VTTCue || window.vttjs && window.vttjs.VTTCue || window.TextTrackCue; const cue1 = new Cue(0, 1, 'some-cue'); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 0, 'start with zero cues'); tt.addCue(cue1); tt.addCue(cue1); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 2, 'we have two cues'); tt.removeCue(cue1); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 1, 'we have removed one instance of cue1'); tt.removeCue(cue1); assert.equal(tt.cues.length, 0, 'we have removed the other instance of cue1'); }); QUnit.test('does not include past cues in activeCues', function(assert) { // Testing for the absence of a previous behaviour, which considered cues with equal // start and end times as active 0.5s after ending const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: player.tech_, mode: 'showing' }); const expectedCue = { id: '2', startTime: 2.555, endTime: 3 }; player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return 2.556; }; tt.addCue({ id: '1', startTime: 1, endTime: 2.555 }); tt.addCue({ id: '2', startTime: 2.555, endTime: 2.555 }); // start 2.55 tt.addCue(expectedCue); player.tech_.trigger('playing'); assert.equal(tt.activeCues_.length, 1, 'only one cue is present'); assert.equal(tt.activeCues_[0].originalCue_, expectedCue, 'correct active cue is present'); }); QUnit.test('does not fire cuechange before Tech is ready', function(assert) { const done = assert.async(); const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({techfaker: {autoReady: false}}); let changes = 0; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: player.tech_, mode: 'showing' }); const cuechangeHandler = function() { changes++; }; tt.addCue({ id: '1', startTime: 0, endTime: 5 }); tt.oncuechange = cuechangeHandler; tt.addEventListener('cuechange', cuechangeHandler); player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return 0; }; // `playing` would trigger rvfc or raf, `timeupdate` for fallback player.tech_.trigger('playing'); player.tech_.trigger('timeupdate'); assert.equal(changes, 0, 'a cuechange event is not triggered'); player.tech_.on('ready', function() { player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return 0.2; }; player.tech_.trigger('playing'); clock.tick(1); assert.equal(changes, 2, 'a cuechange event trigger addEventListener and oncuechange'); player.tech_.trigger('timeupdate'); clock.tick(1); assert.equal(changes, 2, 'a cuechange event trigger not duplicated by timeupdate'); tt.off(); player.dispose(); clock.restore(); done(); }); player.tech_.triggerReady(); clock.tick(1); }); QUnit.test('fires cuechange when cues become active and inactive', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); let changes = 0; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: player.tech_, mode: 'showing' }); const cuechangeHandler = function() { changes++; }; let fakeCurrentTime = 0; player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return fakeCurrentTime; }; tt.addCue({ id: '1', startTime: 1, endTime: 5 }); tt.addCue({ id: '2', startTime: 11, endTime: 14 }); tt.oncuechange = cuechangeHandler; tt.addEventListener('cuechange', cuechangeHandler); fakeCurrentTime = 2; player.tech_.trigger('playing'); assert.equal(changes, 2, 'a cuechange event trigger addEventListener and oncuechange (rvfc/raf)'); fakeCurrentTime = 7; player.tech_.trigger('playing'); assert.equal(changes, 4, 'a cuechange event trigger addEventListener and oncuechange (rvfc/raf)'); fakeCurrentTime = 12; player.tech_.trigger('timeupdate'); assert.equal(changes, 6, 'a cuechange event trigger addEventListener and oncuechange (timeupdate)'); fakeCurrentTime = 17; player.tech_.trigger('timeupdate'); assert.equal(changes, 8, 'a cuechange event trigger addEventListener and oncuechange (timeupdate)'); tt.off(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('enabled and disabled cuechange handler when changing mode to hidden', function(assert) { const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); let changes = 0; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: player.tech_ }); const cuechangeHandler = function() { changes++; }; tt.mode = 'hidden'; tt.addCue({ id: '1', startTime: 1, endTime: 5 }); tt.addEventListener('cuechange', cuechangeHandler); player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return 2; }; player.tech_.trigger('playing'); player.tech_.trigger('timeupdate'); assert.equal(changes, 1, 'a cuechange event trigger'); changes = 0; // debugger; tt.mode = 'disabled'; player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return 7; }; player.tech_.trigger('playing'); player.tech_.trigger('timeupdate'); assert.equal(changes, 0, 'NO cuechange event trigger'); tt.off(); player.dispose(); }); QUnit.test('enabled and disabled cuechange handler when changing mode to showing', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const player = TestHelpers.makePlayer(); let changes = 0; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: player.tech_ }); const cuechangeHandler = function() { changes++; }; tt.mode = 'showing'; tt.addCue({ id: '1', startTime: 1, endTime: 5 }); tt.addEventListener('cuechange', cuechangeHandler); player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return 2; }; player.tech_.trigger('playing'); clock.tick(10); assert.equal(changes, 1, 'a cuechange event trigger'); changes = 0; tt.mode = 'disabled'; player.tech_.currentTime = function() { return 7; }; player.tech_.trigger('playing'); assert.equal(changes, 0, 'NO cuechange event trigger'); tt.off(); player.dispose(); clock.restore(); }); QUnit.test('if preloadTextTracks is false, default tracks are not parsed until mode is showing', function(assert) { this.tech.preloadTextTracks = false; const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const oldVTT = window.WebVTT; let parserCreated = false; const reqs = []; this.xhr.onCreate = function(req) { reqs.push(req); }; window.WebVTT = () => {}; window.WebVTT.StringDecoder = () => {}; // This needs to be function expression rather than arrow function so it is constructable window.WebVTT.Parser = function() { parserCreated = true; return { oncue() {}, onparsingerror() {}, onflush() {}, parse() {}, flush() {} }; }; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, src: 'http://example.com', default: true }); assert.notOk(reqs.length, 'Default track is not requested'); assert.notOk(parserCreated, 'Parser is not created'); tt.mode = 'showing'; const req = reqs.pop(); req.respond(200, null, 'WEBVTT\n'); assert.ok(parserCreated, 'Parser is created after track is showing'); clock.restore(); tt.off(); window.WebVTT = oldVTT; }); QUnit.test('tracks are parsed if vttjs is loaded', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const oldVTT = window.WebVTT; let parserCreated = false; const reqs = []; this.xhr.onCreate = function(req) { reqs.push(req); }; window.WebVTT = () => {}; window.WebVTT.StringDecoder = () => {}; // This needs to be function expression rather than arrow function so it is constructable window.WebVTT.Parser = function() { parserCreated = true; return { oncue() {}, onparsingerror() {}, onflush() {}, parse() {}, flush() {} }; }; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, src: 'http://example.com' }); const req = reqs.pop(); req.respond(200, null, 'WEBVTT\n'); assert.ok(parserCreated, 'WebVTT is loaded, so we can just parse'); assert.notOk(req.withCredentials, 'the request defaults not to send credentials'); clock.restore(); tt.off(); window.WebVTT = oldVTT; }); QUnit.test('tracks are loaded withCredentials is crossorigin is set to use-credentials', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const oldVTT = window.WebVTT; const reqs = []; this.xhr.onCreate = function(req) { reqs.push(req); }; window.WebVTT = () => {}; window.WebVTT.StringDecoder = () => {}; // This needs to be function expression rather than arrow function so it is constructable window.WebVTT.Parser = function() { return { oncue() {}, onparsingerror() {}, onflush() {}, parse() {}, flush() {} }; }; this.tech.crossOrigin = () => 'use-credentials'; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, src: 'http://example.com' }); const req = reqs.pop(); assert.ok(req.withCredentials, 'the request was made withCredentials'); this.tech.crossOrigin = () => 'anonymous'; const tt2 = new TextTrack({ tech: this.tech, src: 'http://example.com' }); const req2 = reqs.pop(); assert.notOk(req2.withCredentials, 'the request was not made withCredentials'); req.abort(); req2.abort(); clock.restore(); tt.off(); tt2.off(); window.WebVTT = oldVTT; }); QUnit.test('tracks are parsed once vttjs is loaded', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const oldVTT = window.WebVTT; let parserCreated = false; const reqs = []; this.xhr.onCreate = function(req) { reqs.push(req); }; window.WebVTT = true; const testTech = new EventTarget(); testTech.textTracks = () => {}; testTech.currentTime = () => {}; testTech.crossOrigin = () => null; const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: testTech, src: 'http://example.com' }); reqs.pop().respond(200, null, 'WEBVTT\n'); assert.ok(!parserCreated, 'WebVTT is not loaded, do not try to parse yet'); clock.tick(100); assert.ok(!parserCreated, 'WebVTT still not loaded, do not try to parse yet'); window.WebVTT = () => {}; window.WebVTT.StringDecoder = () => {}; // This needs to be function expression rather than arrow function so it is constructable window.WebVTT.Parser = function() { parserCreated = true; return { oncue() {}, onparsingerror() {}, onflush() {}, parse() {}, flush() {} }; }; testTech.trigger('vttjsloaded'); assert.ok(parserCreated, 'WebVTT is loaded, so we can parse now'); clock.restore(); tt.off(); testTech.off(); window.WebVTT = oldVTT; }); QUnit.test('stops processing if vttjs loading errored out', function(assert) { const clock = sinon.useFakeTimers(); const errorSpy = sinon.spy(); const oldVTT = window.WebVTT; const oldLogError = log.error; const reqs = []; this.xhr.onCreate = function(req) { reqs.push(req); }; log.error = errorSpy; window.WebVTT = true; const testTech = new EventTarget(); testTech.textTracks = () => {}; testTech.currentTime = () => {}; testTech.crossOrigin = () => null; sinon.stub(testTech, 'off'); testTech.off.withArgs('vttjsloaded'); const tt = new TextTrack({ tech: testTech, src: 'http://example.com' }); reqs.pop().respond(200, null, 'WEBVTT\n'); testTech.trigger('vttjserror'); assert.equal(errorSpy.callCount, 1, 'vttjs failed to load, so log.error was called'); testTech.trigger('vttjserror'); // vttjserror not called again assert.equal(errorSpy.callCount, 1, 'vttjserror handler not called again'); clock.restore(); window.WebVTT = oldVTT; tt.off(); testTech.off.restore(); testTech.off(); log.error = oldLogError; });