var BCLSVJS = (function (window, document, docData) { 'use strict'; var title = document.getElementsByTagName('title')[0], // data structures classes = [], // elements main, doc_body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], // functions isDefined, findObjectsInArray, getSubArray, sortArray, createEl, bclslog, addHeaderContent, addIndex, init; /** * Logging function - safe for IE * @param {string} context - description of the data * @param {*} message - the data to be logged by the console * @return {} */ bclslog = function (context, message) { if (window['console'] && console['log']) { console.log(context, message); } return; }; /** * tests for all the ways a variable might be undefined or not have a value * @param {*} x the variable to test * @return {Boolean} true if variable is defined and has a value */ isDefined = function (x) { if (x !== '' && x !== null && x !== undefined && x !== NaN) { return true; } return false; }; /** * find indexes of a set of object in array of objects * based on some property value * generally useful for finding several objects * * @param {array} targetArray - array to search * @param {string} objProperty - object property to search * @param {string|number} value - value of the property to search for * @return {array} array of indexes for matching objects */ findObjectsInArray = function (targetArray, objProperty, value) { var i, totalItems = targetArray.length, newArr = []; for (i = 0; i < totalItems; i++) { if (targetArray[i][objProperty] === value) { newArr.push(i); } } return newArr; }; /** * get a subset of objects in array of objects * based on some property value * * @param {array} targetArray - array to search * @param {string} objProperty - object property to search * @param {string|number} value - value of the property to search for * @return {array} array of objects with matching property value */ getSubArray = function (targetArray, objProperty, value) { var i, totalItems = targetArray.length, idxArr = []; for (i = 0; i < totalItems; i++) { if (targetArray[i][objProperty] === value) { idxArr.push(targetArray[i]); } } return idxArr; }; /** * sort an array of objects based on an object property * @param {array} targetArray - array to sort * @param {string} objProperty - property whose value to sort on * @return {array} the sorted array */ sortArray = function (targetArray, objProperty) { targetArray.sort(function (a, b) { var propA = a[objProperty].toLowerCase(), propB = b[objProperty].toLowerCase(); // sort ascending; reverse propA and propB to sort descending if (propA < propB) { return -1; } else if (propA > propB) { return 1; } return 0; }); return targetArray; }; /** * create an element * @param {string} type - the element type * @param {object} attributes - attributes to add to the element * @return {object} the HTML element */ createEl = function (type, attributes) { var el; if (isDefined(type)) { el = document.createElement(type); if (isDefined(attributes)) { var attr; for (attr in attributes) { el.setAttribute(attr, attributes[attr]); } } return el; } }; /** * add the class header content */ addHeaderContent = function () { var doc_body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0], mainContent = createEl('div', {id: 'main'}), topSection = createEl('section', {id: 'top', class: 'section'}), mainLink = createEl('a', {href: '//', style: 'float:right;font-weight:bold;margin-top:-3em;background-color:#ECEEF1;padding:2px 4px;'}), header = createEl('h1'), text = document.createTextNode('video.js API Documentation Index'), topP, topPtext, topLink, topLinkStrong; // add elements mainLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Documentation Home')); topSection.appendChild(mainLink); header.appendChild(text); topSection.appendChild(header); // add paragraph for videojs function topP = createEl('p'); topPtext = document.createTextNode('If you are new to video.js, look first at '); topP.appendChild(topPtext); topLink = createEl('a', {href: 'video.html'}); topP.appendChild(topLink); topPtext = document.createTextNode('videojs'); topLinkStrong = createEl('strong'); topLink.appendChild(topLinkStrong); topLinkStrong.appendChild(topPtext); topPtext = document.createTextNode(', which Doubles as the main function for users to create a player instance and also the main library object.'); topP.appendChild(topPtext); topSection.appendChild(topP); // add paragraph for the player class topP = createEl('p'); topPtext = document.createTextNode('Next, look at the '); topP.appendChild(topPtext); topLink = createEl('a', {href: 'player.html'}); topP.appendChild(topLink); topPtext = document.createTextNode('player'); topLinkStrong = createEl('strong'); topLink.appendChild(topLinkStrong); topLinkStrong.appendChild(topPtext); topPtext = document.createTextNode(' class. An instance of the Player class is created when any of the Video.js setup methods are used to initialize a video. The methods and events of the player object are the most commonly used for managing the player and playback.'); topP.appendChild(topPtext); topSection.appendChild(topP); // add the top section to the document mainContent.appendChild(topSection); doc_body.appendChild(mainContent); main = document.getElementById('main'); }; /** * add the side nav */ addIndex = function () { var section = createEl('section', {id: 'index', class: 'section'}), sectionHeader = createEl('h2'), classlists = {}, alphaArr = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'], firstLetter, numberAlphaItems = 0, itemsPerColumn, columnDiv, item, indexEls = [], indexListHolder, indexList, indexListHeader, listItem, listLink, listText, text, i, iMax, j, jMax, counter = 0; text = document.createTextNode('Index of classes'); sectionHeader.appendChild(text); // create alpha arrays iMax = classes.length; for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { item = classes[i]; firstLetter =; // create alpha array if non-existent, push item if (isDefined(classlists[firstLetter]) === false) { classlists[firstLetter] = []; numberAlphaItems++; } classlists[firstLetter].push({name:, filename: item.meta.filename}); } itemsPerColumn = Math.ceil(numberAlphaItems / 3); bclslog('classlists', classlists); iMax = alphaArr.length; for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { if (isDefined(classlists[alphaArr[i]])) { indexListHolder = createEl('div'); indexListHeader = createEl('h4', {class: 'indexHeader'}); text = document.createTextNode('~' + alphaArr[i].toUpperCase() + '~'); indexListHeader.appendChild(text); indexListHolder.appendChild(indexListHeader); indexList = createEl('ul'); indexListHolder.appendChild(indexList); jMax = classlists[alphaArr[i]].length; bclslog('jMax', jMax); for (j = 0; j < jMax; j++) { bclslog('classlists[alphaArr[i]', classlists[alphaArr[i]]); listItem = createEl('li'); indexList.appendChild(listItem); listLink = createEl('a', {href: classlists[alphaArr[i]][j].filename.replace('.js', '.html')}); listItem.appendChild(listLink); listText = document.createTextNode(classlists[alphaArr[i]][j].name); listLink.appendChild(listText); } indexEls.push(indexListHolder); } } section.appendChild(sectionHeader); iMax = indexEls.length; for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++) { if (counter > itemsPerColumn) { counter = 0; } if (counter === 0) { columnDiv = createEl('div', {class: 'indexColumn'}); section.appendChild(columnDiv); } columnDiv.appendChild(indexEls[i]); } main.appendChild(section); }; /** * init gets things going */ init = function () { var privateItems = [], videojs = {name: 'videojs', meta: {filename: 'video.js'}}, j; // get the data objects for all classes classes = getSubArray(docData, 'kind', 'class'); // videojs is a special case classes.push(videojs); bclslog('classes', classes); // set the doc title title.innerHTML = 'API Documentation Index'; // remove any private items privateItems = findObjectsInArray(classes, 'access', 'private'); bclslog('privateItems', privateItems); j = privateItems.length; bclslog('j', j); while (j > 0) { j--; classes.splice(privateItems[j], 1); } // sort the array classes = sortArray(classes, 'name'); bclslog('classes', classes); // now we're ready to roll addHeaderContent(); addIndex(); }; init(); return { }; })(window, document, docData);