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829 lines
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/* eslint-env qunit */
import document from 'global/document';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import * as Dom from '../../../src/js/utils/dom.js';
import TestHelpers from '../test-helpers.js';
import * as browser from '../../../src/js/utils/browser.js';
QUnit.test('should create an element', function(assert) {
const div = Dom.createEl();
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {
innerHTML: 'fdsa'
}, {
'data-test': 'asdf'
assert.strictEqual(div.nodeName, 'DIV');
assert.strictEqual(span.nodeName, 'SPAN');
assert.strictEqual(span.getAttribute('data-test'), 'asdf');
assert.strictEqual(span.innerHTML, 'fdsa');
QUnit.test('should create an element, supporting textContent', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {textContent: 'howdy'});
if (span.textContent) {
assert.strictEqual(span.textContent, 'howdy', 'works in browsers that support textContent');
} else {
assert.strictEqual(span.innerText, 'howdy', 'works in browsers that DO NOT support textContent');
QUnit.test('should create an element with tabIndex prop', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {tabIndex: '5'});
assert.strictEqual(span.tabIndex, 5);
QUnit.test('should create an element with content', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span');
const div = Dom.createEl('div', undefined, undefined, span);
assert.strictEqual(div.firstChild, span);
QUnit.test('should be able to set standard props as attributes, and vice versa, on a created element', function(assert) {
const span = Dom.createEl('span', {className: 'bar'}, {id: 'foo'});
assert.strictEqual(span.getAttribute('class'), 'bar');
assert.strictEqual(span.id, 'foo');
QUnit.test('should insert an element first in another', function(assert) {
const el1 = document.createElement('div');
const el2 = document.createElement('div');
const parent = document.createElement('div');
Dom.prependTo(el1, parent);
assert.strictEqual(parent.firstChild, el1, 'inserts first into empty parent');
Dom.prependTo(el2, parent);
assert.strictEqual(parent.firstChild, el2, 'inserts first into parent with child');
QUnit.test('addClass()', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
Dom.addClass(el, 'test-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class', 'adds a single class');
Dom.addClass(el, 'test-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class', 'does not duplicate classes');
Dom.addClass(el, 'test2_className');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class test2_className', 'adds second class');
Dom.addClass(el, 'FOO');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class test2_className FOO', 'adds third class');
Dom.addClass(el, 'left-class', 'right-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test-class test2_className FOO left-class right-class', 'adds two classes');
Dom.addClass(el, 'l-class r-class');
'test-class test2_className FOO left-class right-class l-class r-class',
'adds two classes via one string'
QUnit.test('removeClass()', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'test-class test2_className FOO bar';
Dom.removeClass(el, 'test-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'test2_className FOO bar', 'removes one class');
Dom.removeClass(el, 'test2_className');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'FOO bar', 'removes another class');
Dom.removeClass(el, 'FOO');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'bar', 'removes another class');
el.className = 'bar left-class right-class';
Dom.removeClass(el, 'left-class', 'right-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'bar', 'removes two classes');
el.className = 'bar l-class r-class';
Dom.removeClass(el, 'l-class r-class');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'bar', 'removes two classes via one string');
QUnit.test('hasClass()', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.className = 'test-class foo foo test2_className FOO bar';
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'test-class'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'foo'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'test2_className'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'FOO'), true, 'class detected');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.hasClass(el, 'bar'), true, 'class detected');
Dom.hasClass(el, 'test2'),
'valid substring - but not a class - correctly not detected'
Dom.hasClass(el, 'className'),
'valid substring - but not a class - correctly not detected'
assert.throws(function() {
Dom.hasClass(el, 'FOO bar');
}, 'throws when attempting to detect a class with whitespace');
QUnit.test('toggleClass()', function(assert) {
const el = Dom.createEl('div', {className: 'foo bar'});
const predicateToggles = [
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: true,
className: 'foo bar',
message: 'if predicate `true` matches state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'baz',
predicate: false,
className: 'foo bar',
message: 'if predicate `false` matches state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'baz',
predicate: true,
className: 'foo bar baz',
message: 'if predicate `true` differs from state of the element, add the class'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: false,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if predicate `false` differs from state of the element, remove the class'
toggle: 'bar',
predicate: () => true,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `true`, ' +
'matching the state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: () => false,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `false`, matching ' +
'the state of the element, do nothing'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: () => true,
className: 'bar baz foo',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `true`, ' +
'differing from state of the element, add the class'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: () => false,
className: 'bar baz',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `false`, differing ' +
'from state of the element, remove the class'
toggle: 'foo',
predicate: Function.prototype,
className: 'bar baz foo',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `undefined` and ' +
'the element does not have the class, add the class'
toggle: 'bar',
predicate: Function.prototype,
className: 'baz foo',
message: 'if a predicate function returns `undefined` and the ' +
'element has the class, remove the class'
toggle: 'bar',
predicate: () => [],
className: 'baz foo bar',
message: 'if a predicate function returns a defined non-boolean ' +
'value and the element does not have the class, add the class'
toggle: 'baz',
predicate: () => 'this is incorrect',
className: 'foo bar',
message: 'if a predicate function returns a defined non-boolean value ' +
'and the element has the class, remove the class'
assert.expect(4 + predicateToggles.length);
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bar');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo', 'toggles a class off, if present');
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bar');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo bar', 'toggles a class on, if absent');
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bla ok');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo bar bla ok', 'toggles a classes on, if absent');
Dom.toggleClass(el, 'bla ok');
assert.strictEqual(el.className, 'foo bar', 'toggles a classes off, if present');
predicateToggles.forEach(x => {
Dom.toggleClass(el, x.toggle, x.predicate);
assert.strictEqual(el.className, x.className, x.message);
QUnit.test('should set element attributes from object', function(assert) {
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.id = 'el1';
Dom.setAttributes(el, {'controls': true, 'data-test': 'asdf'});
assert.equal(el.getAttribute('id'), 'el1');
assert.equal(el.getAttribute('controls'), '');
assert.equal(el.getAttribute('data-test'), 'asdf');
QUnit.test('should read tag attributes from elements, including HTML5 in all browsers', function(assert) {
// Creating the source/track tags outside of the video tag prevents log errors
const tags = `
<video id="vid1" controls autoplay loop muted preload="none" src="http://google.com" poster="http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png" data-test="asdf" data-empty-string="">
<source id="source" src="http://google.com" type="video/mp4" media="fdsa" title="test" >
<track id="track" default src="http://google.com" kind="captions" srclang="en" label="testlabel" title="test" >
const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
// Have to use innerHTML to append for IE8. AppendChild doesn't work.
// Also it must be added to the page body, not just in memory.
fixture.innerHTML += tags;
const vid1Vals = Dom.getAttributes(fixture.getElementsByTagName('video')[0]);
const sourceVals = Dom.getAttributes(fixture.getElementsByTagName('source')[0]);
const trackVals = Dom.getAttributes(fixture.getElementsByTagName('track')[0]);
// vid1
// was using deepEqual, but ie8 would send all properties as attributes
assert.equal(vid1Vals.autoplay, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals.controls, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals['data-test'], 'asdf');
assert.equal(vid1Vals['data-empty-string'], '');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.id, 'vid1');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.loop, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals.muted, true);
assert.equal(vid1Vals.poster, 'http://www2.videojs.com/img/video-js-html5-video-player.png');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.preload, 'none');
assert.equal(vid1Vals.src, 'http://google.com');
// sourceVals
assert.equal(sourceVals.title, 'test');
assert.equal(sourceVals.media, 'fdsa');
assert.equal(sourceVals.type, 'video/mp4');
assert.equal(sourceVals.src, 'http://google.com');
assert.equal(sourceVals.id, 'source');
// trackVals
assert.equal(trackVals.default, true);
assert.equal(trackVals.id, 'track');
assert.equal(trackVals.kind, 'captions');
assert.equal(trackVals.label, 'testlabel');
assert.equal(trackVals.src, 'http://google.com');
assert.equal(trackVals.srclang, 'en');
assert.equal(trackVals.title, 'test');
QUnit.test('Dom.findPosition should find top and left position', function(assert) {
const d = document.createElement('div');
let position = Dom.findPosition(d);
d.style.width = '100px';
d.style.height = '50px';
d.style.top = '10px';
d.style.left = '20px';
d.style.position = 'absolute';
{left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0},
'If element isn\'t in the DOM, we should get zeros'
position = Dom.findPosition(d);
assert.deepEqual(position.left, 20, 'The position left was not correct');
assert.deepEqual(position.top, 10, 'The position top was not correct');
assert.deepEqual(position.width, 100, 'The dimension width was not correct');
assert.deepEqual(position.height, 50, 'The dimension height was not correct');
d.style.display = 'none';
position = Dom.findPosition(d);
{left: 0, top: 0, width: 0, height: 0},
'If there is no offsetParent, we should get zeros'
QUnit.test('Dom.isEl', function(assert) {
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl(), 'undefined is not an element');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl(true), 'booleans are not elements');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl({}), 'objects are not elements');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl([]), 'arrays are not elements');
assert.notOk(Dom.isEl('<h1></h1>'), 'strings are not elements');
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(document.createElement('div')), 'elements are elements');
assert.ok(Dom.isEl({nodeType: 1}), 'duck typing is imperfect');
QUnit.test('Dom.isTextNode', function(assert) {
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode(), 'undefined is not a text node');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode(true), 'booleans are not text nodes');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode({}), 'objects are not text nodes');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode([]), 'arrays are not text nodes');
assert.notOk(Dom.isTextNode('hola mundo'), 'strings are not text nodes');
Dom.isTextNode(document.createTextNode('hello, world!')),
'text nodes are text nodes'
assert.ok(Dom.isTextNode({nodeType: 3}), 'duck typing is imperfect');
QUnit.test('Dom.emptyEl', function(assert) {
const el = Dom.createEl();
el.appendChild(document.createTextNode('hola mundo'));
assert.notOk(el.firstChild, 'the element was emptied');
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: strings and elements/nodes', function(assert) {
const str = Dom.normalizeContent('hello');
assert.strictEqual(str[0].data, 'hello', 'single string becomes a text node');
const elem = Dom.normalizeContent(Dom.createEl());
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(elem[0]), 'an element is passed through');
const node = Dom.normalizeContent(document.createTextNode('goodbye'));
assert.strictEqual(node[0].data, 'goodbye', 'a text node is passed through');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent(null).length, 0, 'falsy values are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent(false).length, 0, 'falsy values are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent().length, 0, 'falsy values are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent(123).length, 0, 'numbers are ignored');
assert.strictEqual(Dom.normalizeContent({}).length, 0, 'objects are ignored');
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: functions returning strings and elements/nodes', function(assert) {
const str = Dom.normalizeContent(() => 'hello');
'a function can return a string, which becomes a text node'
const elem = Dom.normalizeContent(() => Dom.createEl());
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(elem[0]), 'a function can return an element');
const node = Dom.normalizeContent(() => document.createTextNode('goodbye'));
assert.strictEqual(node[0].data, 'goodbye', 'a function can return a text node');
Dom.normalizeContent(() => null).length,
'a function CANNOT return falsy values'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => false).length,
'a function CANNOT return falsy values'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => undefined).length,
'a function CANNOT return falsy values'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => 123).length,
'a function CANNOT return numbers'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => {}).length,
'a function CANNOT return objects'
Dom.normalizeContent(() => (() => null)).length,
'a function CANNOT return a function'
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: arrays of strings and objects', function(assert) {
const source = [
() => 'it works'
const result = Dom.normalizeContent(source);
'an array can include a string normalized to a text node'
assert.ok(Dom.isEl(result[1]), 'an array can include an element');
assert.strictEqual(result[2].data, 'goodbye', 'an array can include a text node');
'it works',
'an array can include a function, which is invoked'
assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf(source[1]), -1, 'an array CANNOT include an object');
assert.strictEqual(result.indexOf(source[3]), -1, 'an array CANNOT include an array');
'an array CANNOT include falsy values'
QUnit.test('Dom.normalizeContent: functions returning arrays', function(assert) {
const arr = [];
const result = Dom.normalizeContent(() => ['hello', Function.prototype, arr]);
assert.strictEqual(result[0].data, 'hello', 'a function can return an array');
'a function can return an array, but it CANNOT include a function'
'a function can return an array, but it CANNOT include an array'
QUnit.test('Dom.insertContent', function(assert) {
const p = Dom.createEl('p');
const text = document.createTextNode('hello');
const el = Dom.insertContent(Dom.createEl(), [p, text]);
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild, p, 'the paragraph was inserted first');
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild.nextSibling, text, 'the text node was inserted last');
QUnit.test('Dom.appendContent', function(assert) {
const p1 = Dom.createEl('p');
const p2 = Dom.createEl('p');
const el = Dom.insertContent(Dom.createEl(), [p1]);
Dom.appendContent(el, p2);
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild, p1, 'the first paragraph is the first child');
assert.strictEqual(el.firstChild.nextSibling, p2, 'the second paragraph was appended');
QUnit.test('$() and $$()', function(assert) {
const fixture = document.getElementById('qunit-fixture');
const container = document.createElement('div');
const children = [
children.forEach(child => container.appendChild(child));
const totalDivCount = document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;
'can find an element in the document context'
'finds elements in the document context'
Dom.$('div', container),
'can find an element in a DOM element context'
Dom.$$('div', container).length,
'finds elements in a DOM element context'
Dom.$('#qunit-fixture', document.querySelector('unknown')),
'falls back to document given a bad context element'
Dom.$$('div', document.querySelector('unknown')).length,
'falls back to document given a bad context element'
Dom.$('#qunit-fixture', 'body'),
'can find an element in a selector context'
Dom.$$('div', '#qunit-fixture').length,
1 + children.length,
'finds elements in a selector context'
Dom.$('#qunit-fixture', 'unknown'),
'falls back to document given a bad context selector'
Dom.$$('div', 'unknown').length,
'falls back to document given a bad context selector'
assert.strictEqual(Dom.$('div', children[0]), null, 'returns null for missing elements');
Dom.$$('div', children[0]).length,
'returns 0 for missing elements'
QUnit.test('getBoundingClientRect() returns an object for elements that support it', function(assert) {
const mockEl = {
getBoundingClientRect: sinon.spy(() => {
return {
bottom: 3,
height: 10,
left: 4,
right: 2,
top: 1,
width: 20
parentNode: true
const actual = Dom.getBoundingClientRect(mockEl);
// The expected result is what is returned by the mock element.
const expected = mockEl.getBoundingClientRect.firstCall.returnValue;
assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, 'the object returned by the mock element was cloned and not returned directly');
Object.keys(expected).forEach(k => {
assert.strictEqual(actual[k], expected[k], `the "${k}" returned by the Dom util matches what was returned by the mock element`);
QUnit.test('isSingleLeftClick() returns false for mousemove event', function(assert) {
const mouseEvent = TestHelpers.createEvent('mousemove');
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 0;
assert.notOk(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a mousemove event is not a single left click');
QUnit.test('isSingleLeftClick() returns true for mouseup event', function(assert) {
const mouseEvent = TestHelpers.createEvent('mouseup');
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 0;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a mouseup event is a single left click');
QUnit.test('isSingleLeftClick() checks return values for mousedown event', function(assert) {
const mouseEvent = TestHelpers.createEvent('mousedown');
// Left mouse click
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 1;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a left mouse click on browsers that supporting buttons property is a single left click');
// Right mouse click
mouseEvent.button = 2;
mouseEvent.buttons = 2;
assert.notOk(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a right mouse click is not a single left click');
// Touch event on some mobiles
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = undefined;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a touch event on mobiles is a single left click');
// Chrome simulates mobile devices
mouseEvent.button = undefined;
mouseEvent.buttons = undefined;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a touch event on simulated mobiles is a single left click');
// MacOS trackpad "tap to click". Sonoma always does this, previous MacOS did this inconsistently, buttons was usally 1.
mouseEvent.button = 0;
mouseEvent.buttons = 0;
assert.ok(Dom.isSingleLeftClick(mouseEvent), 'a tap-to-click on Mac trackpad is a single left click');
QUnit.test('dom.getPointerPosition should return position with translated', function(assert) {
const wrapper = document.createElement('div');
const width = '100px';
const height = '50px';
wrapper.style.width = width;
wrapper.style.height = height;
wrapper.style.position = 'absolute';
wrapper.style.top = '0';
wrapper.style.left = '0';
let position;
const event = {
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 0,
target: wrapper
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(wrapper, event);
// Default click on element without any transform
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.2, y: 1 });
const origIOS = browser.IS_IOS;
wrapper.style.transform = 'translate(5px)';
const transformedTouch = {
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 0,
target: wrapper,
changedTouches: [
pageX: 20,
pageY: 0
// Ignore translate x/y when not in IOS
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(wrapper, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.2, y: 1 });
// Add calculate with IOS to true
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(wrapper, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.15, y: 1 });
// Create complex template where position of each video is controlled by
// a web component with transform
wrapper.style.transform = '';
const progressStyle = `position: absolute; height: ${height}; width: ${width};`;
wrapper.innerHTML = `
<test-slot-element id="slides" style="position: absolute" data-style="position: relative; transform: translate(5px);">
<div class="video-01">
<div class="progress-01" style="${progressStyle}"></div>
<div class="video-02">
<div class="progress-02" style="${progressStyle}"></div>
const slottedProgressBar = wrapper.querySelector('div.progress-02');
// Handle slot elements pointer position
transformedTouch.target = slottedProgressBar;
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(slottedProgressBar, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.15, y: 1 });
// Non IOS slot element pointer position
position = Dom.getPointerPosition(slottedProgressBar, transformedTouch);
assert.deepEqual(position, { x: 0.20, y: 1 });
QUnit.test('Dom.copyStyleSheetsToWindow() copies all style sheets to a window', function(assert) {
* This test is checking that styles are copied by comparing strings in original stylesheets to those in
* documents.styleSheets in the new (fake) window. This can be problematic on older Safari as documents.styleSheets
* does not always return the original style - a shorthand property like `background: white` may be returned as
* `background-color: white`.
const fakeWindow = document.createElement('div');
const done = assert.async();
fakeWindow.document = {
head: document.createElement('div')
const style1 = document.createElement('style');
style1.textContent = 'body { background-color: white; }';
const style2 = document.createElement('style');
style2.textContent = 'body { margin: 0px; }';
const link = document.createElement('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.media = 'print';
link.href = 'http://asdf.com/styles.css';
const containsRulesFromStyle = (el) => {
return Boolean([...fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('style')].find(s => {
return s.textContent.includes(el.textContent);
link.onload = link.onerror = () => {
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('style, link').length, document.styleSheets.length, 'the fake window has as many <style> or <link> elements as document.styleSheets');
assert.true(containsRulesFromStyle(style1), 'a <style> in the fake window contains content from first <style> element');
assert.true(containsRulesFromStyle(style2), 'a <style> in the fake window contains content from second <style> element');
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('link[rel=stylesheet]').length, 1, 'the fake window has one <link> stylesheet element');
const fakeWindowLink = fakeWindow.document.head.querySelectorAll('link[rel=stylesheet]')[0];
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindowLink.type, link.type, 'the <style> type attribute in the fake window is the one from <link> element');
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindowLink.href, link.href, 'the <style> href attribute in the fake window is the one from <link> element');
assert.strictEqual(fakeWindowLink.media, link.media, 'the <style> media attribute in the fake window is the one from <link> element');