615 lines
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615 lines
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/* eslint-env qunit */
import SpatialNavigation from '../../src/js/spatial-navigation.js';
import SpatialNavigationKeyCodes from '../../src/js/utils/spatial-navigation-key-codes';
import TestHelpers from './test-helpers.js';
import sinon from 'sinon';
import document from 'global/document';
import TextTrackSelect from '../../src/js/tracks/text-track-select';
import * as Dom from '../../src/js/utils/dom.js';
QUnit.module('SpatialNavigation', {
beforeEach() {
this.clock = sinon.useFakeTimers();
// Ensure each test starts with a player that has spatial navigation enabled
this.player = TestHelpers.makePlayer({
controls: true,
bigPlayButton: true,
spatialNavigation: { enabled: true }
// Directly reference the instantiated SpatialNavigation from the player
this.spatialNav = this.player.spatialNavigation;
afterEach() {
if (this.spatialNav && this.spatialNav.isListening_) {
QUnit.test('Initialization sets up initial properties', function(assert) {
assert.ok(this.spatialNav instanceof SpatialNavigation, 'Instance of SpatialNavigation');
assert.deepEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents, [], 'Initial focusableComponents is an empty array');
assert.notOk(this.spatialNav.isListening_, 'isListening_ is initially false');
assert.notOk(this.spatialNav.isPaused_, 'isPaused_ is initially false');
QUnit.test('start method initializes event listeners', function(assert) {
const onSpy = sinon.spy(this.player, 'on');
// Check if event listeners are added
assert.ok(onSpy.calledWith('keydown'), 'keydown event listener added');
assert.ok(onSpy.calledWith('loadedmetadata'), 'loadedmetadata event listener added');
assert.ok(onSpy.calledWith('modalKeydown'), 'modalKeydown event listener added');
assert.ok(onSpy.calledWith('modalclose'), 'modalclose event listener added');
// Additionally, check if isListening_ flag is set
assert.ok(this.spatialNav.isListening_, 'isListening_ flag is set');
QUnit.test('stop method removes event listeners', function(assert) {
const offSpy = sinon.spy(this.player, 'off');
assert.ok(offSpy.calledWith('keydown'), 'keydown event listener removed');
assert.notOk(this.spatialNav.isListening_, 'isListening_ flag is unset');
QUnit.test('onKeyDown_ handles navigation keys', function(assert) {
// Ensure onKeyDown_ is bound correctly.
assert.equal(typeof this.spatialNav.onKeyDown_, 'function', 'onKeyDown_ should be a function');
assert.equal(this.spatialNav.onKeyDown_.hasOwnProperty('prototype'), false, 'onKeyDown_ should be bound to the instance');
// Prepare a spy for the move method to track its calls.
const moveSpy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav, 'move');
// Create and dispatch a mock keydown event.
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
key: 'ArrowRight',
code: 'ArrowRight',
keyCode: 39
// Directly invoke the onKeyDown_ handler to simulate receiving the event.
// Assert that move was called correctly.
assert.ok(moveSpy.calledOnce, 'move method should be called once on keydown event');
assert.ok(moveSpy.calledWith('right'), 'move method should be called with "right" argument');
// Restore the spy to clean up.
QUnit.test('onKeyDown_ handles media keys', function(assert) {
const performMediaActionSpy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav, 'performMediaAction_');
// Create a mock event for the 'play' key, using the hardcoded keyCode 415.
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
keyCode: 415
// Directly call the onKeyDown_ handler.
// Assert that the performMediaAction_ method was called.
assert.ok(performMediaActionSpy.calledOnce, 'performMediaAction_ method should be called once for media play key');
assert.ok(performMediaActionSpy.calledWith('play'), 'performMediaAction_ should be called with "play"');
QUnit.test('onKeyDown_ handles Back key when target is closeable', function(assert) {
// Create a spy for the close method.
const closeSpy = sinon.spy();
// Create a spy for the preventDefault method.
const preventDefaultSpy = sinon.spy();
// Create a mock event target that is closeable.
const closeableTarget = {
close: closeSpy,
closeable: () => true
// Create a mock event for the 'Back' key, including a properly mocked originalEvent.
const event = {
preventDefault: preventDefaultSpy,
target: closeableTarget,
originalEvent: {
keyCode: SpatialNavigationKeyCodes.BACK,
preventDefault: preventDefaultSpy
// Stub the SpatialNavigationKeyCodes.isEventKey to return true when the 'Back' key is pressed.
sinon.stub(SpatialNavigationKeyCodes, 'isEventKey').callsFake((evt, keyName) => keyName === 'Back');
// Call the onKeyDown_ method with the mock event.
// Asserts
assert.ok(SpatialNavigationKeyCodes.isEventKey.calledWith(event.originalEvent, 'Back'), 'isEventKey should be called with Back');
assert.ok(preventDefaultSpy.calledOnce, 'preventDefault should be called once');
assert.ok(closeSpy.calledOnce, 'close method should be called on the target');
// Restore stubs
QUnit.test('performMediaAction_ executes play', function(assert) {
const playSpy = sinon.spy(this.player, 'play');
assert.ok(playSpy.calledOnce, 'play method should be called once for "play" action');
QUnit.test('performMediaAction_ executes pause', function(assert) {
const pauseSpy = sinon.spy(this.player, 'pause');
sinon.stub(this.player, 'paused').returns(false);
assert.ok(pauseSpy.calledOnce, 'pause method should be called once for "pause" action');
QUnit.test('performMediaAction_ executes fast forward', function(assert) {
const userSeekSpy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav, 'userSeek_');
const STEP_SECONDS = 5;
const initialTime = 30;
this.player.currentTime = () => initialTime;
const expectedNewTime = initialTime + STEP_SECONDS;
assert.ok(userSeekSpy.calledOnce, 'userSeek_ method should be called once for "fast forward" action');
assert.ok(userSeekSpy.calledWith(expectedNewTime), `userSeek_ method should be called with correct time offset: expected ${expectedNewTime}, got ${userSeekSpy.firstCall.args[0]}`);
QUnit.test('performMediaAction_ executes rewind', function(assert) {
const userSeekSpy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav, 'userSeek_');
const STEP_SECONDS = 5;
const initialTime = 30;
this.player.currentTime = () => initialTime;
const expectedNewTime = initialTime - STEP_SECONDS;
assert.ok(userSeekSpy.calledOnce, 'userSeek_ method should be called once for "rewind" action');
assert.ok(userSeekSpy.calledWith(expectedNewTime), `userSeek_ method should be called with correct time offset: expected ${expectedNewTime}, got ${userSeekSpy.firstCall.args[0]}`);
QUnit.test('focus method sets focus on a player component', function(assert) {
const component = this.player.getChild('bigPlayButton');
assert.ok(component, 'The target component exists.');
// Mock getIsAvailableToBeFocused to always return true
component.getIsAvailableToBeFocused = () => true;
// Spy on the focus method to check if it's called
const focusSpy = sinon.spy(component, 'focus');
assert.ok(focusSpy.calledOnce, 'focus method called on component');
// Clean up
QUnit.test('refocusComponent method refocuses the last focused component after losing focus', function(assert) {
// Get the bigPlayButton component from the player
const bigPlayButton = this.player.getChild('bigPlayButton');
// Mock getIsAvailableToBeFocused to always return true for testing
bigPlayButton.getIsAvailableToBeFocused = () => true;
// Focus the bigPlayButton and set it as the last focused component
// Simulate losing focus
// Call refocusComponent to attempt to refocus the last focused component
// Check if the bigPlayButton is focused again
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.lastFocusedComponent_, bigPlayButton, 'lastFocusedComponent_ should be set to the blurred component');
QUnit.test('move method changes focus to the right component', function(assert) {
const rightComponent = {
name: () => 'rightComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 300, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, left: 300, bottom: 200, right: 400 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
const currentComponent = {
name: () => 'currentComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, left: 100, bottom: 200, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
this.spatialNav.focusableComponents = [currentComponent, rightComponent];
this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent = () => currentComponent;
assert.ok(rightComponent.focus.calledOnce, 'Focus should move to the right component');
assert.notOk(currentComponent.focus.called, 'Focus should not remain on the current component');
QUnit.test('move method changes focus to the left component', function(assert) {
const leftComponent = {
name: () => 'leftComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 0, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 200, right: 100 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
const currentComponent = {
name: () => 'currentComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 200, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, left: 200, bottom: 200, right: 300 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
this.spatialNav.focusableComponents = [leftComponent, currentComponent];
this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent = () => currentComponent;
assert.ok(leftComponent.focus.calledOnce, 'Focus should move to the left component');
assert.notOk(currentComponent.focus.called, 'Focus should not remain on the current component');
QUnit.test('move method changes focus to the above component', function(assert) {
const aboveComponent = {
name: () => 'aboveComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 0 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 100, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
const currentComponent = {
name: () => 'currentComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 200 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 200, left: 0, bottom: 300, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
this.spatialNav.focusableComponents = [aboveComponent, currentComponent];
this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent = () => currentComponent;
assert.ok(aboveComponent.focus.calledOnce, 'Focus should move to the above component');
assert.notOk(currentComponent.focus.called, 'Focus should not remain on the current component');
QUnit.test('move method changes focus to the below component', function(assert) {
const belowComponent = {
name: () => 'belowComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 300 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 300, left: 0, bottom: 400, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
const currentComponent = {
name: () => 'currentComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 200, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
this.spatialNav.focusableComponents = [belowComponent, currentComponent];
this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent = () => currentComponent;
assert.ok(belowComponent.focus.calledOnce, 'Focus should move to the below component');
assert.notOk(currentComponent.focus.called, 'Focus should not remain on the current component');
QUnit.test('getCurrentComponent method returns the current focused component', function(assert) {
// Get the bigPlayButton component from the player
const bigPlayButton = this.player.getChild('bigPlayButton');
// Mock getIsAvailableToBeFocused to always return true for testing
bigPlayButton.getIsAvailableToBeFocused = () => true;
// Focus the bigPlayButton
// Call getCurrentComponent to get the current focused component
const currentComponent = this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent();
// Check if the currentComponent is the bigPlayButton
assert.strictEqual(currentComponent, bigPlayButton, 'getCurrentComponent should return the focused component');
QUnit.test('add method adds a new focusable component', function(assert) {
// Create a mock component with an 'el_' property and 'el' method
const newComponent = {
name: () => 'newComponent',
el_: document.createElement('div'),
el() {
return this.el_;
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 100, left: 100, bottom: 200, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true,
getIsFocusable: () => true
// Add the new component
// Check if the new component is added to the list of focusable components
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents.includes(newComponent), true, 'New component should be added');
QUnit.test('remove method removes a focusable component', function(assert) {
// Create a mock component
const componentToRemove = {
name: () => 'componentToRemove',
el_: document.createElement('div'),
el() {
return this.el_;
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 100, left: 100, bottom: 200, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true,
getIsFocusable: () => true
// Add the component to be removed
// Remove the component
// Check if the component is removed from the list of focusable components
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents.includes(componentToRemove), false, 'Component should be removed');
QUnit.test('clear method removes all focusable components', function(assert) {
// Create mock components
const component1 = {
name: () => 'component1',
el_: document.createElement('div'),
el() {
return this.el_;
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 100, left: 100, bottom: 200, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true,
getIsFocusable: () => true
const component2 = {
name: () => 'component2',
el_: document.createElement('div'),
el() {
return this.el_;
focus: sinon.spy(),
getPositions: () => ({ center: { x: 100, y: 100 }, boundingClientRect: { top: 100, left: 100, bottom: 200, right: 200 } }),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true,
getIsFocusable: () => true
// Add the components
// Clear all components
// Check if the focusableComponents array is empty after clearing
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents.length, 0, 'All components should be cleared');
QUnit.test('should call `searchForTrackSelect()` if spatial navigation is enabled on click event', function(assert) {
const element = document.createElement('div');
const clickEvent = new MouseEvent('click', { // eslint-disable-line no-undef
view: this.window,
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
currentTarget: element
Object.defineProperty(clickEvent, 'relatedTarget', {writable: false, value: element});
Object.defineProperty(clickEvent, 'currentTarget', {writable: false, value: element});
const trackSelectSpy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav, 'searchForTrackSelect_');
const textTrackSelectComponent = new TextTrackSelect(this.player, {
SelectOptions: ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
legendId: '1',
id: 1,
labelId: '1'
this.spatialNav.updateFocusableComponents = () => [textTrackSelectComponent];
QUnit.test('error on player calls updateFocusableComponents', function(assert) {
const updateFocusableComponentsSpy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav, 'updateFocusableComponents');
this.player.error('Error 1');
assert.ok(updateFocusableComponentsSpy.calledOnce, 'on error event spatial navigation should call "updateFocusableComponents"');
QUnit.test('error on player focus the second focusable element of error modal', function(assert) {
const firstComponent = {
name: () => 'firstComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
const secondComponent = {
name: () => 'secondComponent',
el: () => document.createElement('div'),
focus: sinon.spy(),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true
this.spatialNav.focusableComponents = [firstComponent, secondComponent];
this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent = () => firstComponent;
this.spatialNav.updateFocusableComponents = () => [firstComponent, secondComponent];
code: 1,
dismiss: true
assert.ok(secondComponent.focus.calledOnce, 'Focus should move to the second component');
assert.notOk(firstComponent.focus.called, 'Focus should not remain on the first component');
QUnit.test('on error, modalButtons should get the buttons if those are available', function(assert) {
const buttonContainer = Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'vjs-errors-ok-button-container'});
const testEl1 = Dom.createEl('button', {}, {class: 'c1'});
// Add first element to error modal
const testEl2 = Dom.createEl('button', {}, {class: 'c1'});
// Add second element to error modal
code: 1,
dismiss: true
this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent = () => this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0];
const getPositionsEl1Spy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0], 'getPositions');
const getPositionsEl2Spy = sinon.spy(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[1], 'getPositions');
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents.length, 2, 'button elements are now part of the array of focusableComponents');
assert.ok(getPositionsEl1Spy.calledOnce, 'getPositions method called on button');
assert.ok(getPositionsEl2Spy.calledOnce, 'getPositions method called on button');
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0].name(), 'ModalButton1', 'testEl1 name should be ModalButton1');
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[1].name(), 'ModalButton2', 'testEl2 name should be ModalButton2');
QUnit.test('on error, modalButtons added functions should work properly', function(assert) {
const buttonContainer = Dom.createEl('div', {}, {class: 'vjs-errors-ok-button-container'});
const testEl1 = Dom.createEl('button', {}, {class: 'c1'});
// Add first element to error modal
this.player.error({ code: 1, dismiss: true });
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0].el() instanceof Element, true, 'el function from modal buttons should return a DOM element'); // eslint-disable-line no-undef
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0].getIsFocusable(), true, 'getIsFocusable function from modal buttons is always true');
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0].getIsAvailableToBeFocused(), true, 'getIsAvailableToBeFocused function from modal buttons is always true');
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0].getIsAvailableToBeFocused(), true, 'getIsAvailableToBeFocused function from modal buttons is always true');
assert.strictEqual(typeof this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0].getPositions(), 'object', 'focusableComponents function from modal buttons should return an object');
QUnit.test('If component passes the required functions it should be added to focusableComponents', function(assert) {
const firstComponent = {
name_: 'firstComponent',
name: () => this.name,
el_: document.createElement('div'),
el: () => this.el_,
focus: sinon.spy(),
getIsAvailableToBeFocused: () => true,
getIsFocusable: () => true
this.spatialNav.getCurrentComponent = () => firstComponent;
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents.length, 1, 'focusableComponents array should have 1 component');
assert.strictEqual(this.spatialNav.focusableComponents[0].name_, 'firstComponent', 'the name of the component in focusableComponents array should be "firstComponent"');