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< div class = "blog_post_date" > JANUARY 30 | 21:30< / div >
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< div class = "blog_post_content" > The best way to describe Adam Selman would be simply to say that he is the epitome of cool. So it’ s only fitting that his first runway collection was made for the ultimate cool girl.< / div >
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< div class = "blog_post_content" > Our stomachs, legs, and butts, (thanks to Jen Selter) are usually top priority areas when it comes to getting in shape. But when I'm tagged in a photo on Instagram, I quite often find myself wishing for an arm-sculpting filter.< / div >
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< div class = "blog_post_date" > JANUARY 30 | 21:30< / div >
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< div class = "blog_post_content" > The trailer for 'The Fault in Our Stars', the movie based on John Green's tear-jerky YA novel, is finally out, and it's good.< / div >
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< div class = "blog_post_date" > JANUARY 30 | 21:30< / div >
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< div class = "blog_post_content" > Last week I made a promise to the hilarious creators of the cover-your-eyes-with-one-hand, text-your-best-friend-to-watch-it-with-the-other-hand show, 'Broad City'.< / div >
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< div class = "blog_post_content" > On Tuesday, the daughters of Texas state senator Wendy Davis defended their mom against charges that she’ s been smudging her biography< / div >
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< p > I must admit this particular defense set me on edge a little bit, for two reasons. The first is that she’ s being held to a completely different standard than male politicians are held to.< / p >
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