diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index c84eda2..9e20b96 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -7,3 +7,8 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fde73bb..238c43d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -36,3 +36,11 @@ Tvar výpisů je tento:
A--3-B--34---- DP: --VV Z-V- -V-V ----
A1---B-------8 DP: VVVZ VZVV ZZZV -VZV
A1---B---45678 DP: ---Z -Z-V Z-Z- -VZV
+## midi
+Funguje to podobně jako na STM32F051, jen to má omezení dané asi především
+tím, že tohle nemá hardwarovou násobičku. Tedy jen 4 generátory. Na hračky
+typu melodický zvonek, piánko atd. to stačí. Výhoda je, že piny vydrží 20mA,
+je možné připojit 30 Ohm sluchátka (do série) plus sériový odpor 100 Ohm mezi
+piny PD0 a PD2 a hraje to s dostatečnou hlasitostí a docela čistě.
diff --git a/ch32v003/pcmdma.cpp b/ch32v003/pcmdma.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..982df9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ch32v003/pcmdma.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#include "system.h"
+#include "pcmdma.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+static PcmDma * pInstance = nullptr;
+extern "C" void DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler( void ) __attribute__((interrupt));
+void DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler( void ) {
+ DMA1_Type::INTFR_DEF state (DMA1.INTFR);
+ DMA1.INTFCR.R = state.R; // clear all
+ if (!pInstance) return;
+ if (state.B.HTIF5 != RESET) pInstance->send(false);
+ else if (state.B.TCIF5 != RESET) pInstance->send(true);
+ * initialize TIM1 for PWM
+ */
+static inline void tim1pwm_init () noexcept {
+ // Enable GPIOD and TIM1
+ RCC.APB2PCENR.modify([] (RCC_Type::APB2PCENR_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ //r.B.IOPCEN = SET;
+ r.B.TIM1EN = SET;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // PD0 is T1CH1N, PD2 is T1CH1, 10MHz Output alt func, push-pull
+ GPIOD.CFGLR.modify([](GPIOA_Type::CFGLR_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.CNF0 = 2u;
+ r.B.MODE0 = 1u;
+ r.B.CNF2 = 2u;
+ r.B.MODE2 = 1u;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ /* Alternative
+ // PC3 is T1CH1N, PC6 is T1CH1, 10MHz Output alt func, push-pull
+ GPIOC.CFGLR.modify([](GPIOA_Type::CFGLR_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.CNF3 = 2u;
+ r.B.MODE3 = 1u;
+ r.B.CNF6 = 2u;
+ r.B.MODE6 = 1u;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ */
+ // Reset TIM1 to init all regs
+ // CTLR1: default is up, events generated, edge align
+ // SMCFGR: default clk input is CK_INT
+ // Prescaler
+ TIM1.PSC.R = 0u;
+ // Auto Reload - sets period
+ TIM1.CCER.modify([](TIM1_Type::CCER_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ // Enable CH1N, CH1 output, positive pol
+ r.B.CC1NE = SET;
+ r.B.CC1E = SET;
+ /*
+ r.B.CC1NP = SET; // active Low
+ r.B.CC1P = SET;
+ */
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // CH1 Mode is output, PWM1 (CC1S = 00, OC1M = 110)
+ TIM1.CHCTLR1_Output.modify([](TIM1_Type::CHCTLR1_Output_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.OC1M = 0x6u;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // Enable TIM1 outputs
+ TIM1.BDTR.modify([](TIM1_Type::BDTR_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.MOE = SET;
+ //r.B.DTG = 48u; // Dead time 1us
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // Reload immediately + Trigger DMA
+ // Enable TIM1
+typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
+static inline void dma1ch5_init (void * ptr) noexcept {
+ // Enable DMA
+ RCC.AHBPCENR.modify([](RCC_Type::AHBPCENR_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.DMA1EN = SET;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // DMA5 can be configured to attach to T1UP
+ // The system can only DMA out at ~2.2MSPS. 2MHz is stable.
+ DMA1.MADDR5.R = reinterpret_cast(ptr);
+ DMA1.PADDR5.R = reinterpret_cast(& TIM1.CH1CVR);
+ NVIC.EnableIRQ (DMA1_Channel5_IRQn);
+ DMA1.CFGR5.modify([](DMA1_Type::CFGR5_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.PL = 3u; // Highest priority.
+ r.B.PSIZE = 1u; // 16-bit peripheral
+ r.B.MSIZE = 1u; // 16-bit memory
+ r.B.MINC = SET; // Increase memory.
+ r.B.CIRC = SET; // Circular mode.
+ r.B.HTIE = SET; // Half-trigger
+ r.B.TCIE = SET; // Whole-trigger
+ // Enable DMA1 ch5
+ r.B.EN = SET;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+PcmDma::PcmDma() noexcept : pL(buffer), pH(buffer + HALF_LEN), src(nullptr) {
+ pInstance = this;
+ tim1pwm_init ();
+ dma1ch5_init (buffer);
diff --git a/common/pcmdma.h b/common/pcmdma.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bbc3d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/pcmdma.h
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#ifndef PCMDMA_H
+#define PCMDMA_H
+#include "oneway.h"
+/* Umožní použít externí parametry. */
+#include "pwmconfig.h"
+static constexpr unsigned HALF_LEN = 0x40u;
+static constexpr unsigned MAXPWM = 2000u;
+static constexpr unsigned FULL_LEN = 2u * HALF_LEN;
+/* Používá TIM1, PWM kanál 1, DMA1 kanál 5, přerušení DMA1_Channel5_IRQHandler */
+class PcmDma {
+ uint16_t * const pL;
+ uint16_t * const pH;
+ uint16_t buffer [FULL_LEN];
+ OneWay * src;
+ public:
+ explicit PcmDma () noexcept;
+ void attach (OneWay & s) { src = & s; }
+ void send (const bool b) {
+ if (!src) return;
+ if (b) src->Send (pH, HALF_LEN);
+ else src->Send (pL, HALF_LEN);
+ }
+#endif // PCMDMA_H
diff --git a/midi/Makefile b/midi/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7d0916
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# ch32v003
+TARGET?= ch32v003
+#TARGET?= stm32f051
+TOOL ?= gcc
+#TOOL ?= clang
+PRJ = example
+VPATH = . ./$(TARGET)
+BLD = ./build/
+DFLAGS = -d
+LFLAGS = -g
+BFLAGS = --strip-unneeded
+CFLAGS = -MMD -Wall -ggdb -fno-exceptions -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections
+CFLAGS+= -I. -I./common -I./$(TARGET) -I/usr/include/newlib -DHAVE_CONFIG=1
+DEL = rm -f
+# zdrojaky
+OBJS = main.o pcmdma.o
+OBJS += tone.o midiplayer.o miditone.o melody.o
+include $(TARGET)/$(TOOL).mk
+BOBJS = $(addprefix $(BLD),$(OBJS))
+all: $(BLD) $(PRJ).elf
+# ... atd.
+-include $(BLD)*.d
+# linker
+$(PRJ).elf: $(BOBJS)
+ -@echo [LD $(TOOL),$(TARGET)] $@
+ @$(LD) $(LFLAGS) -o $(PRJ).elf $(BOBJS) $(LDLIBS)
+ -@echo "size:"
+ @$(SIZE) $(PRJ).elf
+ -@echo "listing:"
+ $(DUMP) $(DFLAGS) $(PRJ).elf > $(PRJ).lst
+ -@echo "OK."
+ $(COPY) $(BFLAGS) -O binary $(PRJ).elf $(PRJ).bin
+# preloz co je potreba
+$(BLD)%.o: %.c
+ -@echo [CC $(TOOL),$(TARGET)] $@
+ @$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+$(BLD)%.o: %.cpp
+ -@echo [CX $(TOOL),$(TARGET)] $@
+ @$(CXX) -std=c++17 -fno-rtti -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
+ mkdir $(BLD)
+flash: $(PRJ).elf
+ minichlink -w $(PRJ).bin flash -b
+miditone.c: ton/gen
+ ton/gen
+ton/gen: ton/gen.cpp
+ g++ -Os ton/gen.cpp -o ton/gen
+melody.c: ton/miditones
+ ton/miditones -d -s2 -t4 mid/
+ton/miditones: ton/miditonesV1.6.c
+ gcc -Os -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-return-type ton/miditonesV1.6.c -o ton/miditones
+# vycisti
+ $(DEL) $(BLD)* *.lst *.bin *.elf *.map *~ miditone.c melody.c
+distclean: clean
+ $(DEL) ton/gen ton/miditones
+.PHONY: all clean distclean flash
diff --git a/midi/audio.h b/midi/audio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..370c524
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/audio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#ifndef AUDIO_H
+#define AUDIO_H
+static constexpr int AudioSampleRate = 24000;
+/// Počet generátorů.
+static constexpr unsigned int maxGens = 4;
+/// Kladné maximum vzorku.
+static constexpr int maxValue = 30000;
+/// Záporné maximum vzorku.
+static constexpr int minValue = -maxValue;
+static constexpr unsigned int maxAmplt = (1U<<27);
+#endif // AUDIO_H
diff --git a/midi/ch32v003 b/midi/ch32v003
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..0bcf9a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/ch32v003
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/midi/common b/midi/common
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..8332399
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/common
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/midi/main.cpp b/midi/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f68daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#include "midiplayer.h"
+#include "pcmdma.h"
+static MidiPlayer player;
+static PcmDma pcm;
+int main (void) {
+ pcm.attach (player);
+ for (;;) {
+ /* BUG:
+ * Do smyčky nejde přidat jakýkoli další kód.
+ * Proč, neumím vysvětlit, ale lze to izolovat.
+ * Je zajímavé, že ADC postavené podobně to nedělá.
+ * */
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/midi/mid/joy.mid b/midi/mid/joy.mid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10d72aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/midi/mid/joy.mid differ
diff --git a/midi/mid/ukoleb.mid b/midi/mid/ukoleb.mid
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d079b
Binary files /dev/null and b/midi/mid/ukoleb.mid differ
diff --git a/midi/midiplayer.cpp b/midi/midiplayer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a364f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/midiplayer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#include "midiplayer.h"
+#include "tone.h"
+#include "audio.h"
+#include "pcmdma.h"
+//#include "filtr.h"
+ * @file
+ * @brief Jednoduchý přehrávač midi souborů.
+ *
+ * Kompletní midi obsahuje zvukové fonty, které jsou obrovské. Tohle je velice zjednodušené,
+ * takže docela dobře přehrává skladby typu ragtime, orchestrální midi jsou skoro nepoužitelné.
+ * Přesto se to pro jednoduché zvuky může hodit, protože je to poměrně nenáročné na systémové
+ * prostředky. Může to fungovat dokonce i na 8-bitovém uP.
+ * */
+// static Filtr iir;
+/// Generátory tónů
+static Tone gens[maxGens];
+/// Generuj vzorek pro všechny tóny @return Vzorek
+static inline short genSample (void) {
+ int res = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i maxValue) res = maxValue;
+ if (res < minValue) res = minValue;
+ return (res);
+/// Počítá další vzorek
+short MidiPlayer::nextSample (void) {
+ if (pause) pause -= 1; // Časování tónu
+ else ToneChange(); // Nový tón - MidiPlayer::ToneChange
+ return genSample ();
+static constexpr unsigned AudioMidiDelay = 24;
+static constexpr int INPUT_BIT_RANGE = 16;
+static constexpr unsigned SIGMA_MASK = (1u << (INPUT_BIT_RANGE + 0)) - 1u;
+static constexpr unsigned SIGNED_OFFEST = (1u << (INPUT_BIT_RANGE - 1));
+ // Předpokládá se na vstupu signed int o šířce INPUT_BIT_RANGE
+ // přičemž 0 na vstupu odpovídá MAXPWM / 2 na výstupu. Vypadá to divně, ale funguje.
+static unsigned pwm_sd (const int input) {
+ static unsigned sigma = 0; // podstatné je, že proměnná je statická
+ const unsigned sample = (input + SIGNED_OFFEST) * MAXPWM;
+ sigma &= SIGMA_MASK; // v podstatě se odečte hodnota PWM
+ sigma += sample; // integrace prostým součtem
+ return sigma >> INPUT_BIT_RANGE;
+/// Konstruktor
+MidiPlayer::MidiPlayer() noexcept : OneWay() /*, but(GpioPortA, 2, GPIO_Mode_IN)*/ {
+ //but.setPuPd(GPIO_PuPd_UP);
+ index = 0;
+ pause = 0;
+ melody = scores[index++];
+ running = true;
+unsigned MidiPlayer::Send (uint16_t * const ptr, const unsigned len) {
+ // if (!but.get()) running = true;
+ if (!running) {
+ for (unsigned n=0; n>= 4;
+ switch (cmd) {
+ case 0x8: // off
+ gens[geno].setMidiOff();
+ break;
+ case 0x9: // on
+ midt = * melody++;
+ gens[geno].setMidiOn (midt);
+ break;
+ default:
+ stop();
+ return; // melodie končí eventem 0xf0
+ }
+ } else { // pause
+ midt = * melody++;
+ // Když to trochu uteče, zase se z toho nestřílí, tak to nechme být.
+ pause = ((unsigned int) cmd << 8) + midt; // v ms
+ pause *= AudioMidiDelay; // ale máme vzorkování cca 24 kHz
+ return;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/midi/midiplayer.h b/midi/midiplayer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60a1efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/midiplayer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#ifndef DACPLAYER_H
+#define DACPLAYER_H
+#include "oneway.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+/// Třída, která hraje čistě na pozadí.
+class MidiPlayer : public OneWay {
+ // Veřejné metody
+ public:
+ /// Konstruktor
+ explicit MidiPlayer () noexcept;
+ unsigned Send (uint16_t * const ptr, const unsigned len) override;
+ //bool send (uint16_t * ptr, const int len) override;
+ void stop ();
+ protected:
+ // Chráněné metody
+ /// Obsluha tónu
+ void ToneChange (void);
+ /// Obsluha vzorku
+ short nextSample (void);
+ private:
+ //GpioClass but;
+ volatile bool running;
+ unsigned char const * melody;
+ unsigned index;
+ volatile int pause;
+extern "C" const unsigned char * const scores[];
+#endif // DACPLAYER_H
diff --git a/midi/pwmconfig.h b/midi/pwmconfig.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef2bb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/pwmconfig.h
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#ifndef CONFIG_H
+#define CONFIG_H
+static constexpr unsigned HALF_LEN = 0x80u;
+static constexpr unsigned MAXPWM = 2000u;
+#endif // CONFIG_H
diff --git a/midi/stm32f051 b/midi/stm32f051
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..1a8b53f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/stm32f051
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/midi/ton/gen.cpp b/midi/ton/gen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cc1961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/ton/gen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#include "../audio.h"
+static constexpr int maxTone = (1L<<23) - 1;
+int limit (double tone) {
+ int k = (int) round (tone);
+ if (k > maxTone) k = 0;
+ return k;
+int normalize (double val, double scale) {
+ return (int) round (val * scale);
+int main (void) {
+ double base, dint;
+ int i,j;
+ base = 8.1757989156; // C5 v Hz (http://www.tonalsoft.com/pub/news/pitch-bend.aspx)
+ base *= (double)(1UL << 24) / double (AudioSampleRate);
+ dint = pow(2.0, 1.0 / 12.0);
+ FILE* out = fopen ("miditone.c","w");
+ // Tabulka inkrementů pro midi tóny
+ fprintf (out, "const unsigned int midiTones[] = {\n");
+ for (i=0,j=0; i<127; i++) {
+ fprintf (out, "%8d, ", limit (base));
+ if (++j >= 12) {
+ j = 0;
+ fprintf (out, "\n");
+ }
+ base *= dint;
+ }
+ fprintf (out, "%8d };\n\n", limit (base));
+ // Vzorky pro jednu periodu tónu včetně barvy
+ double samples [256], max = 0.0, val;
+ base = M_PI / 128.0;
+ for (i=0; i<256; i++) {
+ val = 0.0;
+ val += 1.0 * sin (1.0 * base * (double) i);
+ // Je dobré přidat nějaké harmonické, jinak je tón chudý
+ val += 0.3 * sin (2.0 * base * (double) i);
+ // 7. harmonická je nepříjemná, zkuste si to.
+ // val += 0.5 * sin (7.0 * base * (double) i);
+ if (val > +max) max = +val;
+ if (val < -max) max = -val;
+ samples [i] = val;
+ }
+ max = (double)(0x1FFF) / max; // normála do 14. bitů
+ // mormalizace a výpis
+ fprintf (out, "const short onePeriod[] = {\n");
+ for (i=0,j=0; i<255; i++) {
+ fprintf (out, "%6d, ", normalize (samples[i], max));
+ if (++j >= 8) {
+ j = 0;
+ fprintf (out, "\n");
+ }
+ base *= dint;
+ }
+ fprintf (out, "%6d };\n\n", normalize (samples[i], max));
+ unsigned Attack = maxAmplt;
+ fprintf (out, "const unsigned attackTable[] = {\n");
+ for (i=0,j=0; i<127; i++) {
+ fprintf (out, "0x%08X, ", Attack);
+ if (++j >= 8) {
+ j = 0;
+ fprintf (out, "\n");
+ }
+ Attack -= Attack / 20;
+ }
+ fprintf (out, "0x%08X };\n\n", Attack);
+ fclose (out);
diff --git a/midi/ton/miditonesV1.6.c b/midi/ton/miditonesV1.6.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec09709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/ton/miditonesV1.6.c
@@ -0,0 +1,999 @@
+* Convert a MIDI file into a bytestream of notes
+* (C) Copyright 2011, Len Shustek
+* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+* it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation at http://www.gnu.org/licenses,
+* with Additional Permissions under term 7(b) that the original copyright
+* notice and author attibution must be preserved and under term 7(c) that
+* modified versions be marked as different from the original.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* Change log
+* 19 January 2011, L.Shustek, V1.0
+* -Initial release.
+* 26 February 2011, L. Shustek, V1.1
+* -Expand the documentation generated in the output file.
+* -End the binary output file with an "end of score" command.
+* -Fix bug: Some "stop note" commands were generated too early.
+* 04 March 2011, L. Shustek, V1.2
+* -Minor error message rewording.
+* 13 June 2011, L. Shustek, V1.3
+* -Add -s2 strategy to try to keep each track on its own tone generator
+* for when there are separate speakers. This obviously works only when
+* each track is monophonic. (Suggested by Michal Pustejovsky)
+* 20 November 2011, L. Shustek, V1.4
+* -Add -cn option to mask which channels (tracks) to process
+* -Add -kn option to change key
+* Both of these are in support of music-playing on my Tesla Coil.
+* 05 December 2011, L. Shustek, V1.5
+* -Fix command line parsing error for option -s1
+* -Display the commandline in the C file output
+* -Change to decimal instead of hex for note numbers in the C file output
+* 06 August 2013, L. Shustek, V1.6
+* -Changed to allow compilation and execution in 64-bit environments
+* by using C99 standard intN_t and uintN_t types for MIDI structures,
+* and formatting specifications like "PRId32" instead of "ld".
+#define VERSION "1.6"
+* MIDITONES converts a MIDI music file into a much simplified stream of commands,
+* so that a version of the music can be played on a synthesizer having only
+* tone generators without any volume or tone controls.
+* Volume ("velocity") and instrument specifications in the MIDI files are discarded.
+* All the tracks are prcoessed and merged into a single time-ordered stream of
+* "note on", "note off", and "delay" commands.
+* This was written for the "Playtune" Arduino library, which plays polyphonic music
+* using up to 6 tone generators run by the timers on the processor. See the separate
+* documentation for Playtune. But MIDITONES may prove useful for other tone
+* generating systems.
+* The output can be either a C-language source code fragment that initializes an
+* array with the command bytestream, or a binary file with the bytestream itself.
+* MIDITONES is written in standard ANSI C (plus strlcpy and strlcat functions), and
+* is meant to be executed from the command line. There is no GUI interface.
+* The MIDI file format is complicated, and this has not been tested on a very
+* wide variety of file types. In particular, we have tested only format type "1",
+* which seems to be what most of them are. Let me know if you find MIDI files
+* that it won't digest and I'll see if I can fix it.
+* This has been tested only on a little-endian PC, but I think it should work on
+* big-endian processors too. Note that the MIDI file format is inherently
+* big-endian.
+* ***** The command line *****
+* To convert a MIDI file called "chopin.mid" into a command bytestream, execute
+* miditones chopin
+* It will create a file in the same directory called "chopin.c" which contains
+* the C-language statement to intiialize an array called "score" with the bytestream.
+* The general form for command line execution is this:
+* miditones [-p] [-lg] [-lp] [-s1] [-tn] [-b] [-cn] [-kn]
+* The is the base name, without an extension, for the input and
+* output files. It can contain directory path information, or not.
+* The input file is the base name with the extension ".mid". The output filename(s)
+* are the base name with ".c", ".bin", and/or ".log" extensions.
+* The following command-line options can be specified:
+* -p Only parse the MIDI file; don't generate an output file.
+* Tracks are processed sequentially instead of being merged into chronological order.
+* This is mostly useful when generating a log to debug MIDI file parsing problems.
+* -lp Log input file parsing information to the .log file
+* -lg Log output bytestream generation information to the .log file
+* -sn Use bytestream generation strategy "n".
+* Two strategies are currently implemented:
+* 1: favor track 1 notes instead of all tracks equally
+* 2: try to keep each track to its own tone generator
+* -tn Generate the bytestream so that at most n tone generators are used.
+* The default is 6 tone generators, and the maximum is 16.
+* The program will report how many notes had to be discarded because there
+* weren't enough tone generators. Note that for the Arduino Playtunes
+* library, it's ok to have the bytestream use more tone genreators than
+* exist on your processor because any extra notes will be ignored, although
+* it does make the file bigger than necessary . Of course, too many ignored
+* notes will make the music sound really strange!
+* -b Generate a binary file with the name .bin, instead of a
+* C-language source file with the name .c.
+* -cn Only process the channel numbers whose bits are on in the number "n".
+* For example, -c3 means "only process channels 0 and 1"
+* -kn Change the musical key of the output by n chromatic notes.
+* -k-12 goes one octave down, -k12 goes one octave up, etc.
+* ***** The score bytestream *****
+* The generated bytestream is a series of commands that turn notes on and off, and
+* start delays until the next note change. Here are the details, with numbers
+* shown in hexadecimal.
+* If the high-order bit of the byte is 1, then it is one of the following commands:
+* 9t nn Start playing note nn on tone generator t. Generators are numbered
+* starting with 0. The notes numbers are the MIDI numbers for the chromatic
+* scale, with decimal 60 being Middle C, and decimal 69 being Middle A (440 Hz).
+* 8t Stop playing the note on tone generator t.
+* F0 End of score: stop playing.
+* E0 End of score: start playing again from the beginning.
+* (Shown for completeness; MIDITONES won't generate this.)
+* If the high-order bit of the byte is 0, it is a command to delay for a while until
+* the next note change.. The other 7 bits and the 8 bits of the following byte are
+* interpreted as a 15-bit big-endian integer that is the number of milliseconds to
+* wait before processing the next command. For example,
+* 07 D0
+* would cause a delay of 0x07d0 = 2000 decimal millisconds, or 2 seconds. Any tones
+* that were playing before the delay command will continue to play.
+* Len Shustek, 4 Feb 2011
+/*********** MIDI file header formats *****************/
+struct midi_header {
+ int8_t MThd[4];
+ uint32_t header_size;
+ uint16_t format_type;
+ uint16_t number_of_tracks;
+ uint16_t time_division;
+struct track_header {
+ int8_t MTrk[4];
+ uint32_t track_size;
+/*********** Global variables ******************/
+#define MAX_TONEGENS 16 /* max tone generators: tones we can play simultaneously */
+#define DEFAULT_TONEGENS 6 /* default number of tone generators */
+#define MAX_TRACKS 24 /* max number of MIDI tracks we will process */
+bool loggen, logparse, parseonly, strategy1, strategy2, binaryoutput;
+FILE *infile, *outfile, *logfile;
+uint8_t *buffer, *hdrptr;
+unsigned long buflen;
+int num_tracks;
+int tracks_done = 0;
+int outfile_itemcount = 0;
+int num_tonegens = DEFAULT_TONEGENS;
+int num_tonegens_used = 0;
+unsigned channel_mask = 0xffff; // bit mask of channels to process
+int keyshift = 0; // optional chromatic note shift for output file
+long int outfile_bytecount = 0;
+unsigned int ticks_per_beat = 240;
+unsigned long timenow = 0;
+unsigned long tempo; /* current tempo in usec/qnote */
+unsigned int directory = 0;
+unsigned int file_count = 0;
+struct tonegen_status { /* current status of a tone generator */
+ bool playing; /* is it playing? */
+ int track; /* if so, which track is the note from? */
+ int note; /* what note is playing? */
+tonegen [MAX_TONEGENS] = {
+ 0};
+struct track_status { /* current processing point of a MIDI track */
+ uint8_t *trkptr; /* ptr to the next note change */
+ uint8_t *trkend; /* ptr past the end of the track */
+ unsigned long time; /* what time we're at in the score */
+ unsigned long tempo; /* the tempo last set, in usec/qnote */
+ unsigned int preferred_tonegen; /* for strategy2: try to use this generator */
+ unsigned char cmd; /* CMD_xxxx next to do */
+ unsigned char note; /* for which note */
+ unsigned char last_event; /* the last event, for MIDI's "running status" */
+ bool tonegens[MAX_TONEGENS];/* which tone generators our notes are playing on */
+track[MAX_TRACKS] = {
+ 0};
+/* output bytestream commands, which are also stored in track_status.cmd */
+#define CMD_PLAYNOTE 0x90 /* play a note: low nibble is generator #, note is next byte */
+#define CMD_STOPNOTE 0x80 /* stop a note: low nibble is generator # */
+#define CMD_RESTART 0xe0 /* restart the score from the beginning */
+#define CMD_STOP 0xf0 /* stop playing */
+/* if CMD < 0x80, then the other 7 bits and the next byte are a 15-bit number of msec to delay */
+/* these other commands stored in the track_status.com */
+#define CMD_TEMPO 0xFE /* tempo in usec per quarter note ("beat") */
+#define CMD_TRACKDONE 0xFF /* no more data left in this track */
+/************** command-line processing *******************/
+void SayUsage(char *programName){
+ static char *usage[] = {
+ "Convert MIDI files to an Arduino PLAYTUNE bytestream",
+ "miditones [-p] [-lg] [-lp] [-s1] [-tn] ",
+ " -p parse only, don't generate bytestream",
+ " -lp log input parsing",
+ " -lg log output generation",
+ " -s1 strategy 1: favor track 1",
+ " -s2 strategy 2: try to assign tracks to specific tone generators",
+ " -tn use at most n tone generators (default is 6, max is 16)",
+ " -b binary file output instead of C source text",
+ " -cn mask for which tracks to process, e.g. -c3 for only 0 and 1",
+ " -kn key shift in chromatic notes, positive or negative",
+ "input file: .mid",
+ "output file: .bin or .c",
+ "log file: .log",
+ "" };
+ int i=0;
+ while (usage[i][0] != '\0') fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", usage[i++]);
+int HandleOptions(int argc,char *argv[]) {
+ /* returns the index of the first argument that is not an option; i.e.
+ does not start with a dash or a slash*/
+ int i,firstnonoption=0;
+ /* --- The following skeleton comes from C:\lcc\lib\wizard\textmode.tpl. */
+ for (i=1; i< argc;i++) {
+ if (argv[i][0] == '/' || argv[i][0] == '-') {
+ switch (toupper(argv[i][1])) {
+ case 'H':
+ case '?':
+ SayUsage(argv[0]);
+ exit(1);
+ case 'L':
+ if (toupper(argv[i][2]) == 'G') loggen = true;
+ else if (toupper(argv[i][2]) == 'P') logparse = true;
+ else goto opterror;
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ parseonly = true;
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ binaryoutput = true;
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ directory = true;
+ break;
+ case 'S':
+ if (argv[i][2] == '1') strategy1 = true;
+ else if (argv[i][2] == '2') strategy2 = true;
+ else goto opterror;
+ break;
+ case 'T':
+ if (sscanf(&argv[i][2],"%d",&num_tonegens) != 1 || num_tonegens <1 || num_tonegens > MAX_TONEGENS) goto opterror;
+ printf("Using %d tone generators.\n", num_tonegens);
+ break;
+ case 'C':
+ if (sscanf(&argv[i][2],"%d",&channel_mask) != 1 || channel_mask > 0xffff) goto opterror;
+ printf("Channel (track) mask is %04X.\n", channel_mask);
+ break;
+ case 'K':
+ if (sscanf(&argv[i][2],"%d",&keyshift) != 1 || keyshift < -100 || keyshift > 100) goto opterror;
+ printf("Using keyshift %d.\n", keyshift);
+ break;
+ /* add more option switches here */
+ default:
+ fprintf(stderr,"unknown option: %s\n",argv[i]);
+ SayUsage(argv[0]);
+ exit(4);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ firstnonoption = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return firstnonoption;
+void print_command_line (int argc,char *argv[]) {
+ int i;
+ fprintf(outfile, "// command line: ");
+ for (i=0; i< argc; i++) fprintf(outfile,"%s ",argv[i]);
+ fprintf(outfile, "\n");
+/**************** utility routines **********************/
+/* match a constant character sequence */
+int charcmp (char *buf, char *match) {
+ int len, i;
+ len = strlen (match);
+ for (i=0; i MIDI file error at position %04X (%d): %s\n", (uint16_t)(bufptr-buffer), (uint16_t)(bufptr-buffer), msg);
+ /* print some bytes surrounding the error */
+ ptr = bufptr - 16;
+ if (ptr < buffer) ptr = buffer;
+ for (; ptr <= bufptr+16 && ptr < buffer+buflen; ++ptr) fprintf (stderr, ptr==bufptr ? " [%02X] ":"%02X ", *ptr);
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n");
+ exit(8);
+/* check that we have a specified number of bytes left in the buffer */
+void chk_bufdata(unsigned char *ptr, int len) {
+ if (ptr + len - buffer > buflen) midi_error("data missing", ptr);
+/* fetch big-endian numbers */
+uint16_t rev_short (uint16_t val) {
+ return ((val&0xff)<<8) | ((val>>8)&0xff);
+uint32_t rev_long (uint32_t val){
+ return (((rev_short((uint16_t)val) & 0xffff) << 16) |
+ (rev_short((uint16_t)(val >> 16)) & 0xffff));
+/* account for new items in the non-binary output file
+and generate a newline every so often. */
+void outfile_items (int n) {
+ outfile_bytecount += n;
+ outfile_itemcount += n;
+ if (!binaryoutput && outfile_itemcount > 20) {
+ fprintf (outfile, "\n");
+ outfile_itemcount = 0;
+ }
+/************** process the MIDI file header *****************/
+void process_header (void) {
+ struct midi_header *hdr;
+ unsigned int time_division;
+ chk_bufdata(hdrptr, sizeof(struct midi_header));
+ hdr = (struct midi_header *) hdrptr;
+ if (!charcmp(hdr->MThd,"MThd")) midi_error("Missing 'MThd'", hdrptr);
+ num_tracks = rev_short(hdr->number_of_tracks);
+ time_division = rev_short(hdr->time_division);
+ if (time_division < 0x8000) ticks_per_beat = time_division;
+ else ticks_per_beat = ((time_division >> 8) & 0x7f) /* SMTE frames/sec */ * (time_division & 0xff); /* ticks/SMTE frame */
+ if (logparse) {
+ fprintf (logfile, "Header size %" PRId32 "\n", rev_long(hdr->header_size));
+ fprintf (logfile, "Format type %d\n", rev_short(hdr->format_type));
+ fprintf (logfile, "Number of tracks %d\n", num_tracks);
+ fprintf (logfile, "Time division %04X\n", time_division);
+ fprintf (logfile, "Ticks/beat = %d\n", ticks_per_beat);
+ }
+ hdrptr += rev_long(hdr->header_size) + 8; /* point past header to track header, presumably. */
+ return;
+/**************** Process a MIDI track header *******************/
+void start_track (int tracknum) {
+ struct track_header *hdr;
+ unsigned long tracklen;
+ chk_bufdata(hdrptr, sizeof(struct track_header));
+ hdr = (struct track_header *) hdrptr;
+ if (!charcmp(hdr->MTrk,"MTrk")) midi_error("Missing 'MTrk'", hdrptr);
+ tracklen = rev_long(hdr->track_size);
+ if (logparse) fprintf (logfile, "\nTrack %d length %ld\n", tracknum, tracklen);
+ hdrptr += sizeof (struct track_header); /* point past header */
+ chk_bufdata(hdrptr, tracklen);
+ track[tracknum].trkptr = hdrptr;
+ hdrptr += tracklen; /* point to the start of the next track */
+ track[tracknum].trkend = hdrptr; /* the point past the end of the track */
+/* Get a MIDI-style variable-length integer */
+unsigned long get_varlen (uint8_t **ptr) {
+ /* Get a 1-4 byte variable-length value and adjust the pointer past it.
+ These are a succession of 7-bit values with a MSB bit of zero marking the end */
+ unsigned long val;
+ int i, byte;
+ val = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<4; ++i){
+ byte = *(*ptr)++;
+ val = (val<<7) | (byte&0x7f);
+ if (!(byte&0x80)) return val;
+ }
+ return val;
+/*************** Process the MIDI track data ***************************/
+/* Skip in the track for the next "note on", "note off" or "set tempo" command,
+then record that information in the track status block and return. */
+void find_note (int tracknum) {
+ unsigned long int delta_time;
+ int event, chan;
+ int i;
+ int note, velocity, parm;
+ int meta_cmd, meta_length;
+ unsigned long int sysex_length;
+ struct track_status *t;
+ /* process events */
+ t = &track[tracknum]; /* our track status structure */
+ while (t->trkptr < t->trkend) {
+ delta_time = get_varlen(&t->trkptr);
+ if (logparse) {
+ fprintf (logfile, "trk %d ", tracknum);
+ fprintf (logfile, delta_time ? "delta time %4ld, " : " ", delta_time);
+ }
+ t->time += delta_time;
+ if (*t->trkptr < 0x80) /* "running status" */ event = t->last_event;/* means same event as before */
+ else { /* new "status" (event type) */
+ event = *t->trkptr++;
+ t->last_event = event;
+ }
+ if (event == 0xff) { /* meta-event */
+ meta_cmd = *t->trkptr++;
+ meta_length = *t->trkptr++;
+ switch (meta_cmd) {
+ case 0x2f:
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "end of track\n");
+ break;
+ case 0x00:
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "sequence number %d\n", rev_short(*(unsigned short *)t->trkptr));
+ break;
+ case 0x20:
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "channel prefix %d\n", *t->trkptr);
+ break;
+ case 0x51: /* tempo: 3 byte big-endian integer! */
+ t->cmd = CMD_TEMPO;
+ t->tempo = rev_long(*(unsigned long *)(t->trkptr-1)) & 0xffffffL;
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "set tempo %ld usec/qnote\n", t->tempo);
+ t->trkptr += meta_length;
+ return;
+ case 0x54:
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "SMPTE offset %08" PRIx32 "\n", rev_long(*(unsigned long *)t->trkptr));
+ break;
+ case 0x58:
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "time signature %08" PRIx32 "\n", rev_long(*(unsigned long *)t->trkptr));
+ break;
+ case 0x59:
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "key signature %04X\n", rev_short(*(unsigned short *)t->trkptr));
+ break;
+ default: /* assume it is a string */
+ if (logparse) {
+ fprintf(logfile, "meta cmd %02X, length %d, \"", meta_cmd, meta_length);
+ for (i=0; itrkptr[i];
+ fprintf(logfile, "%c", isprint(ch) ? ch : '?');
+ }
+ fprintf(logfile, "\"\n");
+ }
+ if (tracknum==0 && meta_cmd==0x03 && !parseonly && !binaryoutput) {
+ /* Incredibly, MIDI has no standard for recording the name of the piece!
+ Track 0's "trackname" (meta 0x03) is sometimes used for that, so
+ we output it to the C file as documentation. */
+ fprintf(outfile, "// ");
+ for (i=0; itrkptr[i];
+ fprintf(outfile, "%c", isprint(ch) ? ch : '?');
+ }
+ fprintf(outfile, "\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ t->trkptr += meta_length;
+ }
+ else if (event <0x80) midi_error("Unknown MIDI event type", t->trkptr);
+ else {
+ chan = event & 0xf;
+ switch (event>>4) {
+ case 0x8:
+ t->note = *t->trkptr++;
+ velocity = *t->trkptr++;
+ if (logparse) fprintf (logfile, "note %02X off, chan %d, velocity %d\n", t->note, chan, velocity);
+ if ((1<cmd = CMD_STOPNOTE;
+ return; /* stop processing and return */
+ }
+ break; // else keep looking
+ case 0x9:
+ t->note = *t->trkptr++;
+ velocity = *t->trkptr++;
+ if (velocity == 0) /* some scores use note-on with zero velocity for off! */ goto note_off;
+ if (logparse) fprintf (logfile, "note %02X on, chan %d, velocity %d\n", t->note, chan, velocity);
+ if ((1<cmd = CMD_PLAYNOTE;
+ return; /* stop processing and return */
+ }
+ break; // else keep looking
+ case 0xa:
+ note = *t->trkptr++;
+ velocity = *t->trkptr++;
+ if (logparse) fprintf (logfile, "after-touch %02X, %02X\n", note, velocity);
+ break;
+ case 0xb:
+ note = *t->trkptr++;
+ velocity = *t->trkptr++;
+ if (logparse) fprintf (logfile, "control change %02X, %02X\n", note, velocity);
+ break;
+ case 0xc:
+ note = *t->trkptr++;
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "program patch %02X\n", note);
+ break;
+ case 0xd:
+ chan = *t->trkptr++;
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "channel after-touch %02X\n", chan);
+ break;
+ case 0xe:
+ note = *t->trkptr++;
+ velocity = *t->trkptr++;
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "pitch wheel change %02X, %02X\n", note, velocity);
+ break;
+ case 0xf:
+ sysex_length = get_varlen(&t->trkptr);
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "SysEx event %02X, %ld bytes\n", event, sysex_length);
+ t->trkptr += sysex_length;
+ break;
+ default:
+ midi_error("Unknown MIDI command", t->trkptr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ t->cmd = CMD_TRACKDONE; /* no more notes to process */
+ ++tracks_done;
+#define MAXPATH 120
+int ProcessMidiFile (char* filebasename) {
+ int i;
+ int tracknum = 0;
+ int earliest_tracknum = 0;
+ unsigned long earliest_time = 0;
+ int notes_skipped = 0;
+ char filename[MAXPATH];
+ // set static variables to default
+ outfile_bytecount = 0;
+ outfile_itemcount = 0;
+ tracks_done = 0;
+ num_tonegens_used = 0;
+ timenow = 0;
+ tempo = 0;
+ ticks_per_beat = 240;
+ channel_mask = 0xffff;
+ memset (track, 0, sizeof (track));
+ memset (tonegen, 0, sizeof (tonegen));
+ /* Open the input file */
+ strncpy(filename, filebasename, MAXPATH);
+ strncat(filename, ".mid", MAXPATH);
+ infile = fopen(filename, "rb");
+ if (!infile) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open input file %s", filename);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /* Read the whole input file into memory */
+ fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_END); /* find file size */
+ buflen = ftell(infile);
+ fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (buflen+1);
+ if (!buffer) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate %ld bytes for the file", buflen);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ i = fread(buffer, buflen, 1, infile);
+ fclose(infile);
+ if (logparse) fprintf(logfile, "Processing %s, %ld bytes\n", filename, buflen);
+ /* Create the output file */
+ if (!parseonly) {
+ /*
+ strncpy(filename, filebasename, MAXPATH);
+ if (binaryoutput) {
+ strncat(filename, ".bin", MAXPATH);
+ outfile = fopen(filename, "wb");
+ }
+ else {
+ strncat(filename, ".c", MAXPATH);
+ outfile = fopen(filename, "w");
+ }
+ if (!outfile) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open output file %s", filename);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ */
+ if (!binaryoutput) { /* create header of C file that initializes score data */
+ time_t rawtime;
+ struct tm *ptime;
+ time (&rawtime);
+ fprintf(outfile, "// Playtune bytestream for file \"%s.mid\" ", filebasename);
+ fprintf(outfile, "created by MIDITONES V%s on %s", VERSION, asctime(localtime(&rawtime)));
+// print_command_line(argc,argv);
+ if (channel_mask != 0xffff)
+ fprintf(outfile, "// Only the masked channels were processed: %04X\n", channel_mask);
+ if (keyshift != 0)
+ fprintf(outfile, "// Keyshift was %d chromatic notes\n", keyshift);
+// if (directory) {
+ fprintf(outfile, "const unsigned char score%d [] = {\n", file_count++);
+// } else
+// fprintf(outfile, "const unsigned char score [] = {\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* process the MIDI file header */
+ hdrptr = buffer; /* pointer to file and track headers */
+ process_header ();
+ printf (" Processing %d tracks.\n", num_tracks);
+ if (num_tracks > MAX_TRACKS) midi_error ("Too many tracks", buffer);
+ /* initialize processing of all the tracks */
+ for (tracknum=0; tracknum < num_tracks; ++tracknum) {
+ start_track (tracknum); /* process the track header */
+ find_note (tracknum); /* position to the first note on/off */
+ /* if we are in "parse only" mode, do the whole track,
+ so we do them one at a time instead of time-synchronized. */
+ if (parseonly) while (track[tracknum].cmd != CMD_TRACKDONE) find_note(tracknum);
+ }
+ /* Continue processing all tracks, in an order based on the simulated time.
+ This is not unlike multiway merging used for tape sorting algoritms in the 50's! */
+ tracknum = 0;
+ if (!parseonly) do { /* while there are still track notes to process */
+ struct track_status *trk;
+ struct tonegen_status *tg;
+ int tgnum;
+ int count_tracks;
+ unsigned long delta_time, delta_msec;
+ /* Find the track with the earliest event time,
+ and output a delay command if time has advanced.
+ A potential improvement: If there are multiple tracks with the same time,
+ first do the ones with STOPNOTE as the next command, if any. That would
+ help avoid running out of tone generators. In practice, though, most MIDI
+ files do all the STOPNOTEs first anyway, so it won't have much effect.
+ */
+ earliest_time = 0x7fffffff;
+ /* Usually we start with the track after the one we did last time (tracknum),
+ so that if we run out of tone generators, we have been fair to all the tracks.
+ The alternate "strategy1" says we always start with track 0, which means
+ that we favor early tracks over later ones when there aren't enough tone generators.
+ */
+ count_tracks = num_tracks;
+ if (strategy1) tracknum = num_tracks; /* beyond the end, so we start with track 0 */
+ do {
+ if (++tracknum >= num_tracks) tracknum=0;
+ trk = &track[tracknum];
+ if (trk->cmd != CMD_TRACKDONE && trk->time < earliest_time) {
+ earliest_time = trk->time;
+ earliest_tracknum = tracknum;
+ }
+ }
+ while (--count_tracks);
+ tracknum = earliest_tracknum; /* the track we picked */
+ trk = &track[tracknum];
+ if (loggen) fprintf (logfile, "Earliest time is trk %d, time %ld\n", tracknum, earliest_time);
+ if (earliest_time < timenow) midi_error ("INTERNAL: time went backwards", trk->trkptr);
+ /* If time has advanced, output a "delay" command */
+ delta_time = earliest_time - timenow;
+ if (delta_time) {
+ /* Convert ticks to milliseconds based on the current tempo */
+ delta_msec = ((unsigned long) delta_time * tempo) / ticks_per_beat / 1000;
+ if (loggen) fprintf (logfile, "->Delay %ld msec (%ld ticks)\n", delta_msec, delta_time);
+ if (delta_msec > 0x7fff) {
+ //delta_msec = 0x3FF;
+ midi_error ("INTERNAL: time delta too big", trk->trkptr);
+ }
+ /* output a 15-bit delay in big-endian format */
+ if (binaryoutput) {
+ putc ((unsigned char) (delta_msec >> 8), outfile);
+ putc ((unsigned char) (delta_msec & 0xff), outfile);
+ outfile_bytecount += 2;
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf (outfile, "%ld,%ld, ", delta_msec >> 8, delta_msec & 0xff);
+ outfile_items(2);
+ }
+ }
+ timenow = earliest_time;
+ /* If this track event is "set tempo", just change the global tempo.
+ That affects how we generate "delay" commands. */
+ if (trk->cmd == CMD_TEMPO) {
+ tempo = trk->tempo;
+ if (loggen) fprintf (logfile, "Tempo changed to %ld usec/qnote\n", tempo);
+ find_note (tracknum);
+ }
+ /* If this track event is "stop note", process it and all subsequent "stop notes" for this track
+ that are happening at the same time. Doing so frees up as many tone generators as possible. */
+ else if (trk->cmd == CMD_STOPNOTE) do {
+ // stop a note
+ for (tgnum=0; tgnum < num_tonegens; ++tgnum) { /* find which generator is playing it */
+ tg = &tonegen[tgnum];
+ if (tg->playing && tg->track == tracknum && tg->note == trk->note) {
+ if (loggen) fprintf (logfile, "->Stop note %02X, generator %d, track %d\n", tg->note, tgnum, tracknum);
+ if (binaryoutput) {
+ putc (CMD_STOPNOTE | tgnum, outfile);
+ outfile_bytecount += 1;
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf (outfile, "0x%02X, ", CMD_STOPNOTE | tgnum);
+ outfile_items (1);
+ }
+ tg->playing = false;
+ trk->tonegens[tgnum] = false;
+ }
+ }
+ find_note (tracknum); // use up the note
+ }
+ while (trk->cmd == CMD_STOPNOTE && trk->time == timenow);
+ /* If this track event is "start note", process only it.
+ Don't do more than one, so we allow other tracks their chance at grabbing tone generators. */
+ else if (trk->cmd == CMD_PLAYNOTE) {
+ bool foundgen = false;
+ if (strategy2) { /* try to use the same tone generator this track used last time */
+ tg = &tonegen [trk->preferred_tonegen];
+ if (!tg->playing) {
+ tgnum = trk->preferred_tonegen;
+ foundgen = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!foundgen) for (tgnum=0; tgnum < num_tonegens; ++tgnum) { /* search for a free tone generator */
+ tg = &tonegen[tgnum];
+ if (!tg->playing) {
+ foundgen = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundgen) {
+ int shifted_note;
+ if (tgnum+1 > num_tonegens_used) num_tonegens_used = tgnum+1;
+ tg->playing = true;
+ tg->track = tracknum;
+ tg->note = trk->note;
+ trk->tonegens[tgnum] = true;
+ trk->preferred_tonegen = tgnum;
+ if (loggen) fprintf (logfile, "->Start note %02X, generator %d, track %d\n", trk->note, tgnum, tracknum);
+ shifted_note = trk->note + keyshift;
+ if (shifted_note < 0) shifted_note = 0;
+ if (shifted_note > 127) shifted_note = 127;
+ if (binaryoutput) {
+ putc (CMD_PLAYNOTE | tgnum, outfile);
+ putc (shifted_note, outfile);
+ outfile_bytecount += 2;
+ }
+ else {
+ fprintf (outfile, "0x%02X,%d, ", CMD_PLAYNOTE | tgnum, shifted_note);
+ outfile_items(2);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (loggen) fprintf (logfile, "----> No free generator, skipping note %02X, track %d\n", trk->note, tracknum);
+ ++notes_skipped;
+ }
+ find_note (tracknum); // use up the note
+ }
+ } /* !parseonly do */
+ while (tracks_done < num_tracks);
+ if (!parseonly) {
+ // generate the end-of-score command and some commentary
+ if(binaryoutput) putc(CMD_STOP, outfile);
+ else {
+ fprintf(outfile, "0x%02x};\n// This score contains %ld bytes, and %d tone generator%s used.\n", CMD_STOP, outfile_bytecount, num_tonegens_used, num_tonegens_used == 1 ? " is" : "s are");
+ if (notes_skipped) fprintf(outfile, "// %d notes had to be skipped.\n", notes_skipped);
+ }
+ printf (" %s %d tone generators were used.\n", num_tonegens_used < num_tonegens ? "Only":"All", num_tonegens_used);
+ if (notes_skipped) printf(" %d notes were skipped because there weren't enough tone generators.\n", notes_skipped);
+ printf (" %ld bytes of score data were generated.\n", outfile_bytecount);
+ }
+int CreateFilename (const char * filebasename, char* filename, const char * name) {
+ char buf [MAXPATH];
+ strncpy (buf, name, MAXPATH);
+ char * tmp = strstr (buf, ".mid");
+ if (!tmp) return 0;
+ * tmp = '\0';
+ strncpy (filename, filebasename, MAXPATH);
+ strncat (filename, buf, MAXPATH);
+ return 1;
+void AppendScores (FILE * outfile, int file_count) {
+ fprintf (outfile, "\nconst unsigned char * const scores[] = {\n");
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; id_name);
+ if (!result) continue;
+ printf ("Process: \"%s\"\n", filename);
+ ProcessMidiFile (filename);
+ }
+ fprintf (outfile, "\nconst unsigned char * scores[] = {\n");
+ int i;
+ for (i=0; i> 16) & 0xFF;
+ y = onePeriod [x]; // vzorek vezmeme z tabulky
+ // k je horní půlka amplitudy
+ k = ampl >> 16;
+ y *= k; // vzorek násobíme amplitudou (tedy tím vrškem)
+ y >>= 12; // a vezmeme jen to, co potřebuje DAC
+ k *= fall; // Konstanta fall určuje rychlost poklesu amplitudy,
+ // čím více, tím je rychlejší. Pokud by bylo 1, pokles je 2^16 vzorků, což už je pomalé.
+ base += freq; // časová základna pro další vzorek
+ if (atck) { // přidán attack = náběh amplitudy
+ t = attackTable [atck]; // z tabulky
+ if (t > ampl) ampl = t; // prevence lupání - nemí být skok amplitudy
+ atck -= 1; // dočasovat k nule
+ } else
+ ampl -= k; // exponenciální pokles amplitudy
+ // a je to
+ return y;
diff --git a/midi/tone.h b/midi/tone.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd0545d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/midi/tone.h
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#ifndef TONE_H
+#define TONE_H
+class Tone {
+ public:
+ explicit Tone () noexcept;
+ void setMidiOn (unsigned int m);
+ void setMidiOff (void);
+ void setFreq (unsigned int f);
+ void setAmpl (unsigned int a);
+ void setFall (unsigned int f);
+ int step (void);
+ private:
+ /// Amplituda tónu, interní proměnná
+ unsigned int ampl;
+ /// Exponenciální doběh - čím víc, tím rychlejší (0 = stálý)
+ unsigned int fall;
+ /// Frekvence (normalizovaná)
+ unsigned int freq;
+ /// Přetékající index do tabulky vzorků
+ unsigned int base;
+ /// Attack = index do tabulky attackTable
+ unsigned int atck;
+#endif // TONE_H
diff --git a/stm32f051/pcmdma.cpp b/stm32f051/pcmdma.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e6e38a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stm32f051/pcmdma.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#include "STM32F0x1.h"
+#include "CortexM0.h"
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "pcmdma.h"
+typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
+/* TIMER:
+ * fs = 8000Hz, ft = 3 * fs = 24000Hz
+ * reload = SystemCoreClock / ft = 48000000Hz / 24000Hz = 2000
+ * PINY : +PA9[AF2], -PB0[AF2] => TIM1:CH2
+ * DMA : TIM1_UP = 5
+ */
+static void Dma1Ch5Init (void * addr) {
+ // Configure the peripheral data register address etc
+ DMA1. CPAR5.R = reinterpret_cast (& (TIM1.CCR2));
+ DMA1. CMAR5.R = reinterpret_cast (addr);
+ // Configure increment, size, interrupts and circular mode
+ DMA1.CCR5.modify([](auto & ccr) -> auto {
+ ccr.B.MINC = SET;
+ ccr.B.MSIZE = 1u;
+ ccr.B.PSIZE = 1u;
+ ccr.B.DIR = SET;
+ ccr.B.HTIE = SET; // Po půlce přerušit.
+ ccr.B.TCIE = SET; // Po dokončení přerušit.
+ ccr.B.CIRC = SET;
+ ccr.B.EN = RESET;
+ return ccr.R;
+ });
+static PcmDma * PcmDmaInstance = nullptr;
+PcmDma::PcmDma() noexcept : pL(buffer), pH(buffer + HALF_LEN) {
+ PcmDmaInstance = this;
+ for (unsigned n=0; n> 1;
+ GpioClass pin1p (GpioPortA, 9, GPIO_Mode_AF);
+ GpioClass pin1n (GpioPortB, 0, GPIO_Mode_AF);
+ pin1p.setAF (2);
+ pin1n.setAF (2);
+ // 1. Enable clock peripheral
+ // 2. Timer
+ TIM1.PSC.R = 0u;
+ TIM1.ARR.R = MAXPWM - 1;
+ TIM1.RCR.R = 0u;
+ // OC preload, CC output, Mode 6 = PWM1
+ TIM1.CCMR1_Output.modify([](TIM1_Type::CCMR1_Output_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.OC2PE = SET;
+ r.B.OC2M = 6u;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // povol pin + negaci
+ TIM1.CCER.modify([](TIM1_Type::CCER_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.CC2E = SET;
+ r.B.CC2NE = SET;
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // Set Output, dead time
+ TIM1.BDTR.modify([](TIM1_Type::BDTR_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.DTG = 48u; // dead: 1 us
+ r.B.MOE = SET; // Main output enable
+ //r.B.OSSR = 1u; // Off-state selection for Run mode - TODO
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ // Preload
+ TIM1.CR1.modify([](TIM1_Type::CR1_DEF & r) -> auto {
+ r.B.ARPE = SET; // TIM1_ARR register is buffered
+ r.B.URS = SET; // Only counter overflow/underflow generates an update DMA request
+ return r.R;
+ });
+ /* Update DMA request enable
+ * Spustíme DMA - sice budou dlouhé buffery, ale přerušení jen po 20ms */
+ TIM1.EGR.B.UG = SET; // Reinitialize the counter and generates an update of the registers
+ TIM1.DIER.B.UDE = SET; // Update DMA request enabled
+ Dma1Ch5Init (buffer);
+ // 3. NVIC
+ NVIC_EnableIRQ (DMA1_CH4_5_6_7_DMA2_CH3_4_5_IRQn);
+ TIM1.CR1.R |= 1u; // enable TIM1 (překladač bohužel bere poslední bit jako half, registr to neunese)
+ DMA1.CCR5.R |= 1u; // enable DMA (dtto)
+// Přerušení od DMA
+extern "C" void DMA1_CH4_5_6_7_DMA2_CH3_4_5_IRQHandler (void) {
+ DMA1_Type::ISR_DEF status (DMA1.ISR);
+ DMA1.IFCR.R = status.R; // clear flags
+ if (!PcmDmaInstance) return;
+ if (status.B.HTIF5 != RESET) PcmDmaInstance->send(false);
+ else if (status.B.TCIF5 != RESET) PcmDmaInstance->send(true);