827 lines
21 KiB
827 lines
21 KiB
* Micro GDBStub Driver, for implementing a gdbserver.
* Copyright (C) Charles Lohr 2023
* You may freely license this file under the MIT-x11, or the 2- or 3- or New BSD Licenses.
* You may also use this as though it is public domain.
* This project is based off of picorvd. https://github.com/aappleby/PicoRVD/
* Simply:
* 1: define the RV_ Functions
* 2: Call the MicroGDB* functions needed.
* 3: Define MICROGDBSTUB_IMPLEMENTATION at least in one place this is included in your program.
* 4: If you want to let this manage the server as a network device, simply #define MICROGDBSTUB_SOCKETS
* To connect to your GDBStub running, you can:
* gdb-multiarch -ex 'target remote :2000' ./blink.elf
// You must write these for your processor.
void RVNetPoll(void * dev );
int RVSendGDBHaltReason( void * dev );
void RVNetConnect( void * dev );
int RVReadCPURegister( void * dev, int regno, uint32_t * regret );
int RVWriteCPURegister( void * dev, int regno, uint32_t value );
void RVDebugExec( void * dev, int halt_reset_or_resume );
int RVReadMem( void * dev, uint32_t memaddy, uint8_t * payload, int len );
int RVHandleBreakpoint( void * dev, int set, uint32_t address );
int RVWriteRAM(void * dev, uint32_t memaddy, uint32_t length, uint8_t * payload );
void RVCommandResetPart( void * dev, int mode );
void RVHandleDisconnect( void * dev );
void RVHandleGDBBreakRequest( void * dev );
void RVHandleKillRequest( void * dev );
int RVErase( void * dev, uint32_t memaddy, uint32_t length );
int RVWriteFlash( void * dev, uint32_t memaddy, uint32_t length, uint8_t * payload );
int MicroGDBPollServer( void * dev );
int MicroGDBStubStartup( void * dev );
void MicroGDBExitServer( void * dev );
// If you are not a network socket, you can pass in this data.
void MicroGDBStubSendReply( const void * data, int len, int docs );
void MicroGDBStubHandleClientData( void * dev, const uint8_t * rxdata, int len );
// Protocol Stuff
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 )
#include <winsock2.h>
#if !defined( POLLIN )
typedef struct pollfd { SOCKET fd; SHORT events; SHORT revents; };
#define POLLIN 0x0001
#define POLLERR 0x008
#define POLLHUP 0x010
int WSAAPI WSAPoll(struct pollfd * fdArray, ULONG fds, INT timeout );
#define poll WSAPoll
#define socklen_t uint32_t
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0
#define closesocket close
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <poll.h>
#ifdef __linux__
#include <linux/in.h>
char gdbbuffer[65536];
uint8_t gdbchecksum = 0;
int gdbbufferplace = 0;
int gdbbufferstate = 0;
int gdbrunningcsum = 0;
static inline char ToHEXNibble( int i )
i &= 0xf;
return ( i < 10 )?('0' + i):('a' - 10 + i);
static int fromhex( char c )
if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) c = c - '0';
else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) c = c - 'A' + 10;
else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) c = c - 'a' + 10;
else return -1;
return c;
// output must have length of len / 2.
static int DecodeHexToBytes(const char* hexstr, size_t string_len, void* output, size_t out_len) {
// 2 hex chars make up one byte. out buffer needs to have >= slen/2 bytes.
// further, we only want to decode even-length strings
if (out_len < (string_len / 2) || (string_len % 2) != 0)
return -1;
uint8_t* out = (uint8_t*) output;
for(size_t i = 0; i < string_len; i += 2) {
int nibble1, nibble2;
if((nibble1 = fromhex(hexstr[i])) < 0)
return nibble1; // error
if((nibble2 = fromhex(hexstr[i + 1])) < 0)
return nibble2; // error
out[i / 2] = ((uint8_t)nibble1 << 4u) | ((uint8_t)nibble2);
return string_len / 2; // number of output bytes written
// if (numhex < 0)
static int ReadHex( char ** instr, int numhex, uint32_t * outwrite )
if( !instr ) return -1;
char * str = *instr;
// If negative - error.
// If positive - number of bytes read.
*outwrite = 0;
int scanhex = numhex;
if( scanhex < 0 )
scanhex = strlen( str );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < scanhex; i++ )
int v = fromhex( *(str++) );
if( v < 0 )
if( numhex < 0 )
*instr = str;
return i;
*instr = str;
return - i - 1;
(*outwrite) = ((*outwrite) << 4) | v;
*instr = str;
return i;
static int StringMatch( const char * haystack, const char * mat )
int i;
for( i = 0; mat[i] && haystack[i]; i++ )
if( mat[i] != haystack[i] || haystack[i] == 0 ) break;
return mat[i] == 0;
void SendReplyFull( const char * replyMessage )
MicroGDBStubSendReply( replyMessage, -1, '$' );
void MakeGDBPrintText(const char* msg) {
// ASCII to hex conversion doubles size, plus 'O', plus NUL
size_t buf_len = 2 * strlen(msg) + 2;
char* buf = alloca(buf_len);
memset(buf, 0, buf_len);
buf[0] = 'O'; // for "Output"
char* target = buf + 1;
for(size_t i = 0; i < strlen(msg); i++) {
target[2*i] = ToHEXNibble((msg[i] & 0xf0u) >> 4u);
target[2*i + 1] = ToHEXNibble(msg[i] & 0x0fu);
// General Protocol
void HandleGDBPacket( void * dev, char * data, int len )
int i;
char * odata = data;
// Got a packet?
if( data[0] != '$' ) return;
char cmd = *(data++);
switch( cmd )
case 'q':
if( StringMatch( data, "Attached" ) )
SendReplyFull( "1" ); //Attached to an existing process.
else if( StringMatch( data, "Supported" ) )
SendReplyFull( "PacketSize=f000;qXfer:memory-map:read+" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "C") ) // Get Current Thread ID. (Can't be -1 or 0. Those are special)
SendReplyFull( "QC1" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "fThreadInfo" ) ) // Query all active thread IDs (Can't be 0 or 1)
SendReplyFull( "m1" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "sThreadInfo" ) ) // Query all active thread IDs, continued
SendReplyFull( "l" );
// Unimplemented commands.
else if( StringMatch( data, "Offsets" ) ) // Trace-Status
SendReplyFull( "" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "Symbol" ) ) // Trace-Status
SendReplyFull( "" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "TStatus" ) ) // Trace-Status
SendReplyFull( "" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "Rcmd," ) ) // "monitor <command>"
// will e.g. be "Rcmd,7265736574#"
// hex-decode the rest of it back to ASCII
char* cmdHex = data + strlen("Rcmd,");
// check if cmd is empty (no character or only '#' following)
if(strlen(cmdHex) > 1) {
char cmd[128];
memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
if ( DecodeHexToBytes(cmdHex, strlen(cmdHex) - 1, cmd, sizeof(cmd) - 1) < 0 ) {
// decoding failed
SendReplyFull( "" );
printf("Got monitor command: %s\n", cmd);
// Support commands that OpenOCD also does:
// https://openocd.org/doc/html/General-Commands.html
if(StringMatch(cmd, "halt")) {
// only halt
RVCommandResetPart( dev, HALT_MODE_HALT_BUT_NO_RESET);
SendReplyFull( "+" );
else if(StringMatch(cmd, "reset halt")) {
// reset and keep halted after reset
RVCommandResetPart( dev, HALT_MODE_HALT_AND_RESET);
SendReplyFull( "+" );
else if(StringMatch(cmd, "reset run")) {
// reset and run (i.e., reboot)
RVCommandResetPart( dev, HALT_MODE_REBOOT);
SendReplyFull( "+" );
else if(StringMatch(cmd, "reset")) {
// same as reset run per OpenOCD
RVCommandResetPart( dev, HALT_MODE_REBOOT);
SendReplyFull( "+" );
} else if(StringMatch(cmd, "resume")) {
// just resume
RVCommandResetPart( dev, HALT_MODE_RESUME);
SendReplyFull( "+" );
} else if(StringMatch(cmd, "help")) {
static const char helptext[] =
"minichlink GDB monitor help:\n"
"- halt: Halt execution\n"
"- resume: Resume execution\n"
"- reset [halt, run]: Reset and optionally halt or run\n";
SendReplyFull( "+" );
else {
printf("Unknown monitor command '%s', use 'monitor help'.\n", cmd);
MakeGDBPrintText("Unknown monitor command, use 'monitor help'\n");
SendReplyFull( "-" );
} else {
MakeGDBPrintText("No monitor command given, use 'monitor help'\n");
SendReplyFull( "-" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "Xfer:memory-map" ) )
int mslen = strlen( MICROGDBSTUB_MEMORY_MAP ) + 32;
char map[mslen];
struct InternalState * iss = (struct InternalState*)(((struct ProgrammerStructBase*)dev)->internal);
printf("flash=0x%X, ss=%d, ram=0x%X\n", iss->flash_size, iss->sector_size, iss->ram_size);
snprintf( map, mslen, MICROGDBSTUB_MEMORY_MAP, iss->flash_size, iss->sector_size, iss->ram_size );
SendReplyFull( map );
printf( "Unknown command: %s\n", data );
SendReplyFull( "" );
case 'c':
case 'C':
RVDebugExec( dev, (cmd == 's' )?9:(cmd == 'C')?4:2 );
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
case 's':
RVDebugExec( dev, 4 );
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
//RVHandleGDBBreakRequest( dev );
RVSendGDBHaltReason( dev );
case 'D':
// Handle disconnect.
RVHandleDisconnect( dev );
case 'k':
RVHandleKillRequest( dev ); // no reply.
case 'P': // Set register
uint32_t reg, value;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, ® ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ',' ) goto err;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &value ) < 0 ) goto err;
printf( "REG: %02x = %08x\n", reg, value );
RVWriteCPURegister( dev, reg, value );
case 'Z': // set
case 'z': // unset
uint32_t type = 0;
uint32_t addr = 0;
uint32_t time = 0;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &type ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ',' ) goto err;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &addr ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ',' ) goto err;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &time ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( RVHandleBreakpoint( dev, cmd == 'Z', addr ) == 0 )
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
goto err;
case 'm':
// Read memory (Binary)
uint32_t address_to_read = 0;
uint32_t length_to_read = 0;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &address_to_read ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ',' ) goto err;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &length_to_read ) < 0 ) goto err;
uint8_t * pl = alloca( length_to_read * 2 );
if( RVReadMem( dev, address_to_read, pl, length_to_read ) < 0 )
goto err;
char * repl = alloca( length_to_read * 2 );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < length_to_read; i++ )
sprintf( repl + i * 2, "%02x", pl[i] );
SendReplyFull( repl );
case 'M':
uint32_t address_to_write = 0;
uint32_t length_to_write = 0;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &address_to_write ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ',' ) goto err;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &length_to_write ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ':' ) goto err;
uint8_t * meml = alloca( length_to_write );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < length_to_write; i++ )
uint32_t rv;
if( ReadHex( &data, 2, &rv ) < 0 ) goto err;
meml[i] = rv;
if( RVWriteRAM( dev, address_to_write, length_to_write, meml ) < 0 ) goto err;
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
case 'X':
// Write memory, binary.
uint32_t address_to_write = 0;
uint32_t length_to_write = 0;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &address_to_write ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ',' ) goto err;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &length_to_write ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ':' ) goto err;
if( RVWriteRAM( dev, address_to_write, length_to_write, (uint8_t*)data ) < 0 ) goto err;
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
case 'v':
if( StringMatch( data, "Cont" ) ) // vCont?
// Request a list of actions supported by the ‘vCont’ packet.
// We don't support vCont
SendReplyFull( "vCont;s;c;;" ); //no ;t because we don't implement them.
else if( StringMatch( data, "MustReplyEmpty" ) ) //vMustReplyEmpty
SendReplyFull( "" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "FlashDone" ) ) //vFlashDone
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "FlashErase" ) ) //vFlashErase
data += 10; // FlashErase
if( *(data++) != ':' ) goto err;
uint32_t address_to_erase = 0;
uint32_t length_to_erase = 0;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &address_to_erase ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ',' ) goto err;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &length_to_erase ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( RVErase( dev, address_to_erase, length_to_erase ) == 0 )
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
SendReplyFull( "E 93" );
else if( StringMatch( data, "FlashWrite" ) ) //vFlashWrite
data += 10; // FlashWrite
printf( "Write\n" );
if( *(data++) != ':' ) goto err;
uint32_t address_to_write = 0;
if( ReadHex( &data, -1, &address_to_write ) < 0 ) goto err;
if( *(data++) != ':' ) goto err;
int toflash = len - (data - odata) - 1;
printf( "LEN: %08x %d %d %c\n", address_to_write, len, toflash, data[0] );
if( RVWriteFlash( dev, address_to_write, len, (uint8_t*)data ) == 0 )
printf( "Write OK\n" );
SendReplyFull( "OK" );
SendReplyFull( "E 93" );
printf( "Warning: Unknown v command %s\n", data );
SendReplyFull( "E 01" );
case 'g':
// Register Read (All regs)
char cts[17*8+1];
for( i = 0; i < 17; i++ )
uint32_t regret;
if( RVReadCPURegister( dev, i, ®ret ) ) goto err;
sprintf( cts + i * 8, "%08x", (uint32_t)htonl( regret ) );
SendReplyFull( cts );
case 'p':
uint32_t regno;
// Register Read (Specific Reg)
if( ReadHex( &data, 2, ®no ) < 0 )
SendReplyFull( "E 10" );
char cts[9];
uint32_t regret;
if( RVReadCPURegister( dev, regno, ®ret ) ) goto err;
sprintf( cts, "%08x", (uint32_t)htonl( regret ) );
SendReplyFull( cts );
case '?': // Query reason for target halt.
RVSendGDBHaltReason( dev );
case 'H':
// This is for things like selecting threads.
// I am going to leave this stubbed out.
SendReplyFull( "" );
printf( "UNKNOWN PACKET: %d (%s)\n", len, data-1 );
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
printf( "%02x ", data[i] );
printf( "\n" );
goto err;
SendReplyFull( "E 00" );
void MicroGDBStubHandleClientData( void * dev, const uint8_t * rxdata, int len )
int pl = 0;
for( pl = 0; pl < len; pl++ )
int c = rxdata[pl];
if( c == '$' && gdbbufferstate == 0 )
gdbrunningcsum = 0;
gdbbufferplace = 0;
gdbbufferstate = 1;
if( c == 3 && gdbbufferstate == 0 )
RVHandleGDBBreakRequest( dev );
switch( gdbbufferstate )
case 1:
if( c != '#' ) gdbrunningcsum += (uint8_t)c;
if( gdbbufferplace < sizeof( gdbbuffer ) - 2 )
if( c == '}' ) { gdbbufferstate = 9; break; }
gdbbuffer[gdbbufferplace++] = c;
if( c == '#' ) gdbbufferstate = 2;
case 9: // escape
gdbrunningcsum += (uint8_t)c;
if( gdbbufferplace < sizeof( gdbbuffer ) - 2 )
char escaped = c ^ 0x20;
gdbbuffer[gdbbufferplace++] = escaped;
printf( "ESCAPED @ %02x -> %c [%d]\n", gdbbufferplace, escaped, escaped );
gdbbufferstate = 1;
case 2:
case 3:
c = fromhex( c );
if( gdbbufferstate == 2 )
gdbchecksum = c << 4;
if( gdbbufferstate == 3 ) gdbchecksum |= c;
gdbbuffer[gdbbufferplace] = 0;
gdbrunningcsum = (gdbrunningcsum - '$')&0xff;
if( gdbrunningcsum == gdbchecksum )
MicroGDBStubSendReply( "+", -1, 0 );
HandleGDBPacket( dev, (char*)gdbbuffer, gdbbufferplace );
printf( "Checksum Error: Got %02x expected %02x / len: %d\n", gdbrunningcsum, gdbchecksum, gdbbufferplace );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < gdbbufferplace; i++ )
int c = ((uint8_t*)gdbbuffer)[i];
printf( "%02x [%c] ", c, (c>=32 && c < 128)?c:' ');
if( ( i & 0xf ) == 0xf ) printf( "\n" );
printf( "\n" );
MicroGDBStubSendReply( "-", -1, 0 );
gdbbufferplace = 0;
gdbbufferstate = 0;
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int listenMode; // 0 for uninit. 1 for server, 2 for client.
int serverSocket;
// Network layer.
void MicroGDBStubHandleDisconnect( void * dev )
RVHandleDisconnect( dev );
static int GDBListen( void * dev )
struct sockaddr_in sin;
serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
//Make sure the socket worked.
if( serverSocket == -1 )
fprintf( stderr, "Error: Cannot create socket.\n" );
return -1;
//Disable SO_LINGER (Well, enable it but turn it way down)
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 )
struct linger lx;
lx.l_onoff = 1;
lx.l_linger = 0;
setsockopt( serverSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (const char *)&lx, sizeof( lx ) );
int reusevar = 1;
setsockopt(serverSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char*)&reusevar, sizeof(reusevar));
struct linger lx;
lx.l_onoff = 1;
lx.l_linger = 0;
setsockopt( serverSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, &lx, sizeof( lx ) );
int reusevar = 1;
setsockopt(serverSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &reusevar, sizeof(reusevar));
//Setup socket for listening address.
memset( &sin, 0, sizeof( sin ) );
sin.sin_family = AF_INET;
sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
sin.sin_port = htons( MICROGDBSTUB_PORT );
//Actually bind to the socket
if( bind( serverSocket, (struct sockaddr *) &sin, sizeof( sin ) ) == -1 )
fprintf( stderr, "Could not bind to socket: %d\n", MICROGDBSTUB_PORT );
closesocket( serverSocket );
serverSocket = 0;
return -1;
//Finally listen.
if( listen( serverSocket, 5 ) == -1 )
fprintf(stderr, "Could not lieten to socket.");
closesocket( serverSocket );
serverSocket = 0;
return -1;
fprintf( stderr, "gdbserver running on port %d\n", MICROGDBSTUB_PORT );
return 0;
int MicroGDBPollServer( void * dev )
if( !serverSocket ) return -4;
int pollct = 1;
struct pollfd allpolls[1] = { 0 };
allpolls[0].fd = serverSocket;
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 )
allpolls[0].events = 0x00000100; //POLLRDNORM;
allpolls[0].events = POLLIN;
int r = poll( allpolls, pollct, 0 );
if( r < 0 )
printf( "R: %d\n", r );
//If there's faults, bail.
if( allpolls[0].revents & (POLLERR|POLLHUP) )
closesocket( serverSocket );
if( listenMode == 1 )
// Some sort of weird fatal close? Is this even possible?
fprintf( stderr, "Error: serverSocke was forcibly closed\n" );
exit( -4 );
else if( listenMode == 2 )
MicroGDBStubHandleDisconnect( dev );
if( serverSocket ) close( serverSocket );
serverSocket = 0;
listenMode = 1;
GDBListen( dev );
if( allpolls[0].revents & POLLIN )
if( listenMode == 1 )
struct sockaddr_in tin;
socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(tin);
memset( &tin, 0, addrlen );
int tsocket = accept( serverSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&tin, (void*)&addrlen );
closesocket( serverSocket );
serverSocket = tsocket;
listenMode = 2;
gdbbufferstate = 0;
RVNetConnect( dev );
fprintf( stderr, "Connection established to gdbserver backend\n" );
// Established.
else if( listenMode == 2 )
// Got data from a peer.
uint8_t buffer[16384];
ssize_t rx = recv( serverSocket, (char*)buffer, sizeof( buffer ), MSG_NOSIGNAL );
if( rx == 0 )
MicroGDBStubHandleDisconnect( dev );
close( serverSocket );
serverSocket = 0;
listenMode = 1;
GDBListen( dev );
MicroGDBStubHandleClientData( dev, buffer, (int)rx );
if( listenMode == 2 )
RVNetPoll( dev );
return 0;
void MicroGDBExitServer( void * dev )
shutdown( serverSocket, SHUT_RDWR );
if( listenMode == 2 )
MicroGDBStubHandleDisconnect( dev );
void MicroGDBStubSendReply( const void * data, int len, int docs )
if( len < 0 ) len = strlen( data );
if( docs )
uint8_t * localbuffer = alloca( len ) + 5;
localbuffer[0] = '$';
uint8_t checksum = 0;
int i;
for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
uint8_t v = ((const uint8_t*)data)[i];
checksum += v;
localbuffer[i+1] = v;
localbuffer[len+1] = '#';
localbuffer[len+2] = ToHEXNibble( checksum >> 4 );
localbuffer[len+3] = ToHEXNibble( checksum );
localbuffer[len+4] = 0;
data = (void*)localbuffer;
len += 4;
if( listenMode == 2 )
//printf( ">>>>%s<<<<(%d)\n", data );
send( serverSocket, data, len, MSG_NOSIGNAL );
int MicroGDBStubStartup( void * dev )
#if defined( WIN32 ) || defined( _WIN32 )
WORD wVersionRequested;
WSADATA wsaData;
int err;
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD(2, 2);
err = WSAStartup(wVersionRequested, &wsaData);
if (err != 0) {
fprintf( stderr, "WSAStartup failed with error: %d\n", err);
return 1;
listenMode = 1;
return GDBListen( dev );