# Philosophy This section is for my philosopical essays and opinions, they are not university level essays but they will be targeted for a common audience I have a high intrest in *neuroscience*, *psychology* so those will be linked with the discussion. **This section will not help you with game knowledge but might help u understand life, people**, my life updates and **about myself** # 2024 ## Oct ### Importance of Strategy "Victorious Warrior **win first** then go to war, while defeated warrior goes to war then **seek to win**" - Sun Tzu This quote also shows the meaning of "Winning", if ur strategy is right and loosing is certain, u dont actually loose because u have already prepared for this moment. Example of it would be, training of an army officer, if in case he got caught by enemy he has already trained mentally and physically to not leak the imformation hence the war keeps going in the favour of his country I personally dont like being in army so for everyday people, its like getting reject by chick when u approach her, since ur strategy is sorted, u know its part of game so u just move on to other chick u nither waste ur time or mental bandwidth about other chick. You already know there are cooler and hotter girl compare to her exists. In game as I have discussed the IG objection, if she insists on IG say that. You get over that objection, but if didn't know what to say for that scenario. U are most likely to say things that is wrong and thing wont go in favour. In the example of getting rejected u know its not a lose because u will fuck some other women that is better than her, so there is winning either way either u fuck her or get rejected. In essence prepare for every move and u will win, regardless of outcomes. "If u know urself and enemy, u need not to fear the outcome of 100 batles, if u know urself every but not ur enemy every battle victorious is also a loss, if u nither know urself nor the enemy, u will succumbed in every battle" It shows the importance of strategy formation and knowing ur strength and weakness. If u know ur strength u can use it to ur full advantages. If u know know ur weakness u can avoid any future pitfalls If there are something unique about u, but its hidden and u dont know, that unique thing can become ur strength or weakness in future. Thats why its important to self reflect with 100% honesty and multiple screens, even other peoples opinions. The uniqueness can be ur hidden pawn for uncertain future outcomes This also show the importance of of relaxing if u have prepared ur strategy on the other hand it shows that u will succumb even in easy battle. Example of would be street fight, if u aren't trained and expereinced in fighting u will be scared too much even if there is a puny opponent on the other hand if u have trained but the enemy has gun but to still fought because of ur over confidence ie not knowing enemy u will loose. On the bright side if enemy is weak and u have trained and u relax and dont panic in that situation as sun tzu said, ur opponent might giveup without fighting. --- ### So basically everything is Fucked in my life! I am unemployed, haven't had sex in 1.5 yrs. I am trying to get laid using daygame, my verbals are good infact everything is good. The thing is I am just wasting my time and life. I just go out with wings niether they approach nor I. I think what happened is that I just enjoy roaming around with a freind, I have gotten so comfortable to that idea, its almost gay if u think about it. I barely hangout with my real freinds one on one, we generally go out in group. But I have hangout one on one with so many wings. Its so fucked, I don't have money niether a pulling place. So no oyo, logistic itself can be very benefitary, for example if u have a pull place in south delhi everything is near urself hot girls, cafe, hangout spots. I live in a suburb of delhi. My house is only free till 1 pm from morning, so here is my plan Get girls number using daygame (which I can only go 2 times a month) then inviting them straight to house then having a time constrained exit, its all sounds immpossible, but I believe myself that I m the MAN and will do whats necessary 91 days left this year, I want atleast 5 lays. I am done postponding myself, I want to get this problem sorted this year I believe myself that this is achievable ---